How to write a cover letter to a resume: examples

The modern education system has led to the emergence of many cadres entering the labor market in search of a worthy position. And often when choosing an employee, companies do not always pay attention to the skills and knowledge of the future employee. It also happens that the workplace gets overly active and sociable, but at the same time an incompetent employee (as a rule, not for long, but still).

Nevertheless, in companies that respect themselves and their time, they are more attentive to personnel who are knowledgeable in their profession and are able to correctly execute documentation. Therefore, in addition to the main resume, a cover letter should be attached to your application for the desired position.

What kind of document is this?

Cover Letter Example

A cover letter is a document that contains a detailed version of the main resume. Its presence allows the employer to become better acquainted with the skills and characteristics of the applicant in order to avoid further risks. It is widely believed that this document is being drawn up so that personnel officers can single out something special from hundreds of identical documents.

Next, you will learn how to create your own example of a cover letter to a resume without experience.

Types of Cover Letters

Additional Cover Letter Example
  • Inquiry. Such a letter is written in a situation where the site of the company in which you want to work does not have a detailed message about free vacancies. The essence of this letter is the request of the applicant to inform him of the list of vacancies for which he could get a job.
  • Thanks. This document is written in order to express gratitude to the employer for the time taken. Most often, this type of letter is written after the interview has been conducted.
  • Renouncement. Another example of a cover letter to a resume. Its essence lies in the fact that you inform the employer about your refusal from the proposed position.
  • The confirmation. The opposite of the previous one. In this letter, your goal is to inform the employer that you agree to work for the position that was proposed by the employer.
  • Application. This letter is written when the employee needs to fully disclose the contents of his resume and attract the attention of the employer. Further in the text examples of the correct cover letters to the resume will be demonstrated.

In what situations is this document written?

There are several global situations that require a mandatory cover letter:

  1. The beginning of labor activity. Students who do not have enough work experience fall into this category. To get the desired position in this situation is quite difficult. The problem is that the bachelor's education system does not provide the required number of years required to obtain a position (often employers require at least 5 years of work experience, while training lasts only 4 years).
Resume Consideration Illustration
  1. Change of field of activity. Employers are rather wary of letters in this category. Therefore, it will not be out of place to indicate the reason for such a global change of activity in the cover letter to the resume. Example: work ceased to be profitable or ceased to suit the whole (the reasons should be described in detail).

The device in a large company of international level. In the event that you are a contender for a major position in a foreign company, a cover letter is strictly required. This rigor is explained by the rather long practice of working with international companies with documents of this type.

Benefits of Adding a Resume

Cover Letter Example

The application of one of the following examples of the cover letter to the resume can significantly increase the chances of the applicant to get the desired position. As mentioned earlier, this document expands information about the applicant, and therefore is able to distinguish a person from the crowd of applicants, to allow the employer to know him better.

The cover letter application can significantly help in obtaining the desired position. Having received this document in addition to the main resume, the potential employer will know that a particular applicant is able to competently work with people. As an example, the preparation of a cover letter to the resume will demonstrate to the employer that you were not too lazy to write a separate document specifically for this position, which means that you showed an individual approach to business.

Additional features

In the cover letter, you can indicate various ideas and plans to improve the quality of the company, thus demonstrating their knowledge and skills in the desired field.

Also in this letter you can demonstrate the ability to formulate your own thoughts and correctly present information.

How to write a cover letter to the resume: examples and features

Drawing cover letter

When writing, the structure of this document must be strictly adhered to. Otherwise, this letter may turn from an official letter into an β€œessay on the topic ...”, which the employer clearly does not like.

Therefore, the cover letter must contain the following items in strict order:

  1. Appeal. This is a mandatory part of this letter, in which you must be as polite as possible. In the event that you know the name of the person to whom the letter is addressed, it is worth contacting directly by name. As an example: β€œGood afternoon, IO! I ask you to consider my candidacy for a "..." position ... "and so on.
  2. Source of job information. This section provides information about where you found an ad for this job. This is a sign of good taste, and also helps employers to understand how successful an ad is placed on a particular site. You can also refer to the person who advised this organization. As an example, in a cover letter to the CV you can write: β€œI was informed about this vacancy (name), which is a partner of your company ...”.
  3. Main part. It indicates the scope of the professional interests of the applicant, as well as the services that he is able to offer to the employer. You can also supplement this paragraph with information that was either briefly or completely absent from the resume. But you should be careful and avoid common and banal phrases and expressions.
  4. Contact details. Thanks to this information, it will be easier for the HR department to contact the applicant.
  5. Thanks. In this paragraph, you should thank the employer for the time taken to read this document.

Sample letter

Filling out a resume form

Here is a short example of a cover letter to a resume.

Good afternoon! My name is "…". I’m interested in your announcement about finding employees for the vacancy "...", posted on the site "...". I would like to propose my candidacy for the competition for this position.

I studied (a) all the requirements for an employee in this position, and made sure that I fully comply with this position. As an experienced specialist, I am ready to offer the following services:

- High level of professionalism.

- Knowledge of English at the media level.

- Confident use of PC and necessary software.

I have extensive experience in this area and will be happy to answer any questions you may have during an interview.

Respectfully "…".

Additional information and requirements for writing a letter

Sending a cover letter

And now a couple of tips on what to adhere to when writing this letter:

The size. The document should not be long. It is advisable not to exceed half of A4 sheet.

Style. It is necessary to strictly follow the official business style, since you are writing a business document. Exceptions occur when the company is based on free communication between employees.

Templates. The use of common phrases, expressions and characteristics is not encouraged.

Repetitions. Exclude excessive explanation of the information presented in the summary in an understandable form.

Literacy. When writing a document, in addition to design, it is necessary to monitor how correctly and clearly the thoughts are stated. It is also worth checking the letter for random typos.

Dispatch. When sending a resume by e-mail, place it in the body of the letter. This will simplify the work of familiarization and save time for employees of the human resources department.

Now you know the basic examples of how to write a cover letter to a resume. Follow them, and you will definitely succeed in getting the job of your dreams. Good luck searching!


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