Long-cucumber: the best varieties, photo with description

A few years ago, long-fruited cucumbers appeared in stores only in the middle of spring. For a long time it was believed that they are seasonal, suitable only for the preparation of salads, as an alternative to ordinary varieties. Today, thanks to the efforts of breeders, gardeners have a huge selection of planting material of unique varieties that have a long growing season, can grow in greenhouses and greenhouses, in open ground. Varieties are perfect for fresh consumption, preparation of vegetable salads, as well as for conservation. Due to the characteristics of such cucumbers, you can get an early and plentiful harvest. Today we will talk about the best varieties of long-fruited cucumbers. Photos and reviews are waiting for you below!

Varieties and Care Requirements

Seeds of cucumbers of this category must be sown in early or mid-March, and in April, seedlings should be transferred to greenhouse soil. Hybrids that breeders brought out are quite resistant to temperature extremes, bacteria and viruses, which are characteristic of seedlings grown in a greenhouse. You can divide varieties according to the method of cultivation into three groups:

  • for protected ground (that is, you can plant such cucumbers in greenhouses and greenhouses);
  • for open ground (this group includes self-pollinated varieties of long-fruited cucumbers, the names and photos of which you will find below);
  • Asian varieties (such can be planted in beds and in greenhouses).

Of course, when choosing planting material, you should carefully study the instructions. Remember: breeding specimens must be selected based on the climatic conditions of your region. Caring for long-fruited cucumbers differs little from caring for ordinary vegetables. They respond well to mineral fertilizing and the introduction of organic fertilizers, require rich chernozem soil, moistening and loosening the soil. Gardeners say: following all the rules of care, you can take fresh fruits until mid-autumn.

variety cucumbers

And right now we offer you a selection of varieties of long cucumbers belonging to different types!

Parthenocarpic (self-pollinated)

Cucumbers of this group can be planted exclusively in greenhouses and hotbeds under film shelter. The plant must be well protected from weather, wind and temperature changes.

The advantages of the group include the fact that such cucumbers produce crops without pollination, that is, even without the participation of insects, in inclement weather. Fruiting is continuous, there are no seeds in the fruits, which significantly improves the structure of the fruits and their taste. The shoots of such cucumbers are quite large, powerful, vegetables are not bitter even with insufficient moisture.

Baby F1

The long-fruited Baby F1 cucumber is highly resistant to common viral diseases such as cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew and cladosporiosis. Among the advantages of the hybrid, gardeners note its high productivity and a rather long growing season. By maturity, cucumbers can be attributed to the early ones; their growth rates are average. The cucumbers themselves are long and smooth, subject to all the peculiarities of care and feeding, vegetables can reach a length of 16-18 centimeters. During long-term storage and long-term transportation Baby F1 retains its excellent commercial qualities and excellent taste.

Emily F1

seeds of long cucumbers

This hybrid variety of long-fruited cucumbers is perfect for growing in both film and glass greenhouses and greenhouses. The growth rate is average, but the yield and resistance to temperature extremes are quite high. Emily feels great even in shaded areas. The length of vegetables can reach 22 centimeters, they are characterized by an almost perfect cylindrical shape and smooth skin structure. The fruits have a dark green hue.

Formula F1

If you plan to plant long-fruited cucumbers in a low-light area or in shaded greenhouses, you should pay attention to this hybrid. Summer residents say: in his group he is one of the best: the hybrid is perfectly stored for a long time, average growth power, long growing season. The skin color of cucumbers Formula F1 is saturated green, the length of the fruit can reach 24 centimeters. Cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic and powdery mildew are not afraid of this hybrid.

Paladinka F1

This hybrid variety of long-fruited cucumbers is characterized by early fruiting. It should be grown in greenhouses, on stakes. The peel of the fruits is very strong, dense and even, the length of vegetables can reach 18-22 centimeters. Paladinka differs from other hybrids of this group in that one ovary can produce three to four fruits. In addition, summer residents say, the hybrid is not afraid of cladosporiosis, powdery mildew and anthracnose.

Superstar F1

green cucumbers for greenhouses

Among the best long-fruited cucumbers, experienced gardeners distinguish the F1 superstar. During the ripening period, vegetables of this variety can reach a length of 30 centimeters. That is why the hybrid is incredibly in demand in greenhouse farms. Vegetable growers and its unsurpassed gustatory qualities, and excellent presentation are noted. The variety is spring-summer, a powerful plant is characterized by a high regeneration rate. The fruits are slightly ribbed, their structure is dense and juicy. In addition to a long growing season, Superstar F1 is resistant to almost all fungal and viral diseases.

Minisprint F1

Gardeners who want to grow cucumbers 15-16 centimeters long on the site should pay attention to this hybrid. It is characterized by such characteristics as a high rate of fruit ripening, early fruiting. Cucumbers are dense and juicy, with a smooth surface, painted in dark green. You can transfer seedlings to the greenhouse at the beginning or middle of March.

Vista F1

cucumbers long-fruited photos

Cucumbers of this hybrid variety should be planted in capital greenhouses. Subject to all the features of agricultural technology, the fruit length can reach 40 cm! A distinctive feature of the hybrid gardeners call year-round vegetation, resistance to sudden changes in temperature, lack of lighting. Vista does not require plentiful regular watering, but at the same time gives a good harvest. The peel of cucumbers is dense and even, it has a light green color.

Tribute F1

Another self-pollinated variety of long-fruited cucumbers is characterized by rich and stable crops. The length of one vegetable can be from 30 to 35 centimeters. Tribute is resistant to viral fungal diseases, tolerates a lack of lighting. Due to the dense structure of the fetus and a strong skin, it can be stored fresh for a long time.

Bee pollinated varieties for greenhouses and open beds

Cucumbers that belong to this group can be grown in open ground or in a greenhouse and greenhouse. Varieties are insect-pollinated, which means that in the greenhouse there must be a structure with an open roof or windows. Care for this type of cucumber comes down to regular weeding, fertilizing, watering and garter to trellis. It is important to maintain a certain humidity during active growth and fruit formation. Even short-term drying of the soil can lead to the fact that cucumbers begin to bitter. It will not be possible to eliminate subsequent watering. It is not recommended to use cold water for irrigation - this usually leads to the appearance of gray rot and even slowdown the growth and development of the plant. In order for the cucumbers to retain moisture, they must be mulched. It is advisable to do this with organic materials, for example, you can use mowed grass. So that during prolonged rains the bushes of cucumbers were not affected by gray rot, it is recommended to tie them on trellises.


Lily F1

If you choose seeds of long-fruited cucumbers, which will be highly resistant to temperature changes, resistant to viral diseases that are characteristic of early vegetable crops grown in open ground, pay attention to the Lily F1 hybrid. This is one of the earliest and highest yielding varieties. Experienced gardeners say: seedlings should be planted in open ground in early April. Ripened fruits reach a length of 25-27 cm, they are characterized by a delicate skin of dark green color.

Cheer F1

This hybrid is absolutely not afraid of downy mildew, any damage that is associated with damage to the stems by insects. That is why Chir is used by gardeners when growing in open ground. The variety was bred by American breeders, its main advantages include rapid ripening and stable high yield. The fruits are dense, shiny, smooth, their color is dark green. The average size of cucumbers which can reach 22 cm, but if you add organic fertilizers, the length of the fruit can be about 30 centimeters.

Amanda F1

For a film greenhouse, Amanda F1 is the best fit. Gardeners who have already appreciated the merits of this variety say: the hybrid belongs to the category of early high-yielding. It is characterized by high resistance to disease, excellent growth rates. The fruits have a cylindrical shape, they are dark green. The length of one cucumber can reach 28-30 cm. The peel of vegetables is smooth, dense. Amanda is not afraid of such viral diseases as powdery mildew and downy mildew, as well as cucumber mosaic.

Marquise F1

cucumbers long-fruited varieties self-pollinated

Among the earliest hybrids for open ground and the Marquise F1. These cucumbers are characterized by powerful rapid growth, a long growing season, resistance to shaded places, low light and low temperatures. The length of the fruit is quite small: only 20-22 cm. Cucumbers are smooth, shiny, dark green.

Asian type hybrids

Despite the fact that Chinese greenhouse hybrids of long-fruited cucumbers (pictured) appeared on domestic sites not so long ago, they were already loved by summer residents. The thing is their low cost, stable productivity, disease resistance and low maintenance. However, in order to get a good harvest, you need to ask the seller about the availability of certificates for planting materials and licenses for sale. The fact is that in recent times more and more dishonest sellers have been offering unlicensed goods, which, of course, are inferior in all respects to high-quality Chinese hybrids.

Vanguard F1

cucumbers long fruit varieties photo

Choose fruitful varieties of long-cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground? Summer residents recommend paying attention to the Vanguard F1. This hybrid is characterized by a female type of flowering, the plant is characterized by powerful growth and a long vegetation time. The fruits are cylindrical; they usually have a dark green color. The peel is quite dense, with tubercles and small pimples of white color.

Alligator F1

The advantages of this variety include high resistance to diseases such as powdery mildew and cucumber mosaic. One cannot but note the long term fruiting. Alligator is suitable for fresh consumption, for the preparation of selections. The crop hybrid belongs to the mid-season category, it feels good in greenhouses and in open ground. Fruits are cylindrical in shape, dark green, with large tubercles and a bright glossy surface. The length of one vegetable according to the manufacturer is 35-40 cm, the weight of long-fruited cucumber is 300 grams. However, when applying fertilizing and proper care, gardeners receive copies of a length of 70-80 centimeters. In general, this cucumber is more like zucchini.

In recent years, Asian varieties have replenished with such hybrids as Chinese white, White delicacy, Chinese miracle. All these hybrids have one thing in common: they need some care and watering regimen. That is why, choosing such varieties for your site, you must carefully read all the requirements for caring for them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40958/

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