Tambukan mud: indications for use, contraindications and reviews

From time immemorial, people have been actively using medicinal raw materials of natural origin. This is not at all surprising, since man is the main link in the world around him, his development is inextricably linked with natural biorhythms. As a result, the direct effect of the plant substrate in the form of mineral waters or mud has a positive effect on all vital processes in the body.

In addition, unlike synthesized medications that provoke a number of undesirable consequences, peloid therapy (namely mud therapy will be discussed in the article) is considered the safest and highly effective against most pathogenic microorganisms. Long-term studies of natural deposits have allowed to identify and study more than 700 healing mud.

tambucan mud indications for use

All of them are different in composition and therapeutic effect. Tambukan mud is endowed with special properties. Indications for use are aimed at combating inflammatory diseases and pathologies of a traumatic nature. Judging by the claims of experts, with the help of plant materials it is possible to cope with neurological diseases of various etiologies.

What is the peculiarity of Tambukan mud: composition and properties

Peloids (mud) are mined from the bottom of a small Tambukan reservoir. An unremarkable lake is located near Pyatigorsk. The water in it is very salty, so it will not work to drown. What is most interesting, all year round, in any season the lake has a dark color. If you look through the thickness of the water, it becomes creepy, at the bottom you can see deposits of healing mud.

tambucan mud indications for use reviews

In fact, this is a mineral, which is a dense, uniform consistency. Its color can vary from brown to ash black. The composition of colloidal formations has been thoroughly studied. The presence of mineral salts, trace elements (lithium, iron, zinc, manganese), as well as organic compounds was recorded.

In the peloids, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane are present. The fact of heat transfer and heat capacity is scientifically substantiated, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of many pathologies. Natural raw materials have a bactericidal effect: it stops staphylococci, mushrooms, Trichomonas, streptococci, suppresses Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The balanced composition of peloids surpasses many other minerals in properties and therapeutic effects.

Clinical use

Many dispensaries use Tambukan formations in their activities, their benefits can hardly be overestimated. Due to the presence of lecithin, this mud is used in the dermatological area as lotions, compresses, applications. The tool promotes the fastest possible cell regeneration, shows healing properties. Peloids have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and absorbable effects on tissues and organs.

the use of therapeutic tambucan mud

The use of therapeutic Tambukan mud is often combined with electrotherapy. This method allows you to normalize the work of the endocrine and nervous systems. To improve metabolic processes, ultrasonic frequencies and mud therapy are used. The procedure is aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration, activating blood circulation.

Tambukan mud: indications for the use of natural raw materials

Mud manipulations have a positive effect on the body as a whole. Peloid therapy has an analgesic, analgesic and antipyretic effect. Using natural raw materials treat numerous diseases. Indispensable dirt in gynecological practice. It is used in the fight against infertility, adhesions, various inflammatory diseases (in the period of complete remission).

what is the peculiarity of tambukan mud

Under the influence of a herbal remedy, the menstrual cycle normalizes, adhesions resolve and the scars soften. The technique is applied in the urological field. It is prescribed for chronic prostatitis, infertility and erectile dysfunction. Dentistry did not stand aside either. It treats periodontitis, gingivitis and other problems of the oral cavity with healing Tambucan mud.

Indications for use are aimed at stimulating bone tissue for injuries and fractures. Mud baths cure rheumatoid diseases, osteochondrosis, relieve pain in the spine. Procedures have a calming effect on the central nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the vascular system, epidermis. The tool is used in otolaryngology and dermatology.

Peloid therapy, its effect on epithelial tissue

Balneo-mud manipulations are widely demanded in the cosmetology industry. This is the first tool to increase skin tone, stabilize salt and energy balance. Peloid masks exhibit anti-aging, antipruritic, antiseptic and tonic effects.

tambucan mud face indications

Practice has proven that procedures improve blood flow, eliminate peeling, and stop the inflammatory process. In addition, the elasticity of the skin increases, smoothes wrinkles and restores the relief of Tambucan dirt. Indications for use for the face:

  • eczema;
  • acne
  • psoriasis;
  • lichen planus;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • hives;
  • increased formation of sebum.

Mud wraps and baths are prescribed for cellulite. The procedures are easy to carry out at home. The plant substance is heated in a water bath to 40 Β° C, then applied to problem areas and wrapped with a film. After half an hour, wash with water. The course consists of 10-15 sessions, which alternate every other day.

When is peloid therapy not carried out?

Tambucan mud has certain limitations to therapy. Indications for use are determined only by a qualified doctor after a full diagnostic and laboratory examination. In addition to individual intolerance, mud procedures are contraindicated during pregnancy, in childhood, as well as with exacerbation of diseases of internal organs (liver, gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, urinary tract). Therapy is not carried out with oncology, pathology of the hematopoietic system, anemia, diabetes, heart disease.

Patient opinions

According to expert observations, it turned out that people who underwent peloid therapy were satisfied with the result. Positive dynamics was noted after the second or third session. Significantly improves the quality of life, restores the functional work of organs healing Tambukan mud. Indications for use (patient reviews enthusiastic) are extensive, so that everyone can undergo treatment without harm to health.

healing mud from Tambukan lake

Natural colloidal formations reduce pain, stop expressed manifestations and improve overall well-being. Pleased that peloids do not provoke allergies and are well tolerated by the body. A unique plant substrate enhances natural beauty and stabilizes health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40963/

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