How to process Victoria in the fall: tips and tricks

Victoria is a beautiful, tasty and fragrant berry. It grows not only in the southern regions, but also in the European part of Russia. Thanks to its amazing taste, Victoria has become one of the most beloved berries in children and adults. The article will discuss how to properly process Victoria so that from year to year it brings a big harvest. They look after her in spring and autumn.

how to handle victoria in the fall

How to process Victoria in the fall

Plant care consists of three stages. This is a mandatory pruning of bushes, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers and preparing Victoria for the winter period. Let us consider in detail each of the stages.


How to handle Victoria in the fall? Where to begin? The most important and necessary in the process of courting garden strawberries is the timely pruning of bushes. As a rule, leaves and mustaches are removed. This procedure is necessary in order to give the plant a rest after active fruiting and growth. This stimulates the preparation of the plant for the next year and rejuvenates it. Such treatment can improve the condition of each bush. Over the summer, pests could have accumulated on the leaves. When pruning, you naturally heal the plant. You can remove leaves and mustaches in September. For this, it is most convenient to use garden shears, a pruner or a sharp knife. Cut the leaves about 10 cm from the ground, being careful not to damage the growth point. After the procedure, weeding should be carried out. The ground between them needs to be loosened and, if necessary, sprinkled with fresh soil to cover the bare roots.

how to handle Victoria correctly

Top dressing

How to process Victoria in the fall after the pruning stage? To improve the formation of a plant in the new season of leaf and fruit buds, it is necessary to top-dress it. During the winter, Victoria will accumulate the right amount of organic and mineral substances. You can lay out fertilizers immediately after the end of the procedure for trimming mustaches and leaves, that is, in September. The best types of plant nutrition are humus, compost, chicken droppings, and barn. Of mineral fertilizers, it is recommended to use potassium salt or superphosphate. You can cook this mixture yourself: 2 large tablespoons of potash fertilizers are mixed with 200 g of wood ash. The resulting powder must be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Pour each bush with this mixture. After watering, mulch the soil.

how to handle victoria in the fall

Cold preparation

How to process Victoria in the fall so that it wintes well? In areas where there is a lot of snow, cold for Victoria is not terrible. But its absence can be detrimental to the plant. Therefore, strawberries are recommended to be covered for the winter. For mulching, straw is suitable. Each bush is carefully covered with it. You can use peat, leaves from trees (fallen) or stalks of corn - all that can be found in your area and garden. Sometimes for Victoria they buy a special coating material - lutrasil or spanbond. Knowing how to correctly process Victoria in the fall, you will protect the plants from severe frosts, and the next year you will get a rich harvest of tasty and large strawberries.


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