Why is the hair cut off? Fighting the problem

For many girls and women, split ends are a real problem. They get confused quickly, comb hard and look dull and lifeless. How to solve this problem? Hair is cut off because it lacks nutrition and strength to maintain its structure. Proper care - this is what curls need for normal growth. In this article you will find tips on how to restore your curls to their attractiveness and healthy appearance.

hair is cut
Why is the hair cut off?

The main reason for this condition is a lack of nutrition. Try to drink more and eat foods rich in healthy vitamins and minerals. This problem also arises as a result of frequent thermal and chemical exposure. Painting, "chemistry", drying with a hairdryer, styling with an electric hair curler or curling iron - all this causes the separation of hair fibers. In addition, there are also natural factors. These include sea salt, ultraviolet radiation , etc. There is a high probability of damage to the hair structure when using the so-called traumatic combs. Some hairstyles (combing, tight tail) can also have a detrimental effect on your curls. Consider that one of the above can provoke that the hair is cut off, and try to fix the problem in order to restore your health and strength to your curls.

very split hair what to do
Some useful tips

So, your hair is very split. What to do? First you need to visit a hairdresser and shave off the damaged tips. Constantly monitor hydration, drink plenty of water. Remember to use air conditioning after shampooing. It will help restore curls vitality and brilliance. Use shampoo to a minimum. Washing your hair too often deprives your hair of an oil barrier that protects the ends from splitting. Very often, the hair is cut off due to excessive heat exposure. Try to use the hairdryer as little as possible, replacing it with natural drying. Discard pads and tongs. Instead, you can use regular curlers. When visiting the pool or while swimming on the beach, wear a waterproof cap on your head. It will prevent chlorine-containing substances from getting on your hair. For prolonged sun exposure, use a special protective spray. After washing, in no case do not dry your hair with a towel, just blot moisture, but do not rub.

Masks for split ends

split hair masks reviews
Today in any store you can buy a variety of cosmetic products based on oils. At home, it is very useful to make almond, burdock and olive masks for split ends. Reviews of many young ladies indicate that it is these oils that can preserve the structure of healthy curls. They cover the skin and hair with a protective film and thus nourish them. Half an hour before washing your hair, apply olive or almond oil on the curls along the entire length. After thirty minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly. Lightly warmed burdock oil is recommended to be applied exclusively on the tips. After this, you need to cover your hair with a special hat and wrap it for twenty minutes. Then the oil can be washed off. With this problem, kefir mask also perfectly helps. Sour-milk product must be applied to the hair for only 30 minutes, then rinse.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C40978/

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