What to make from gooseberries for the winter?

What to make tasty and quick from gooseberries? There are many answers to this question.

Gooseberries are a very tasty and healthy berry. From it you can make jam, compotes, jams and other sweets. In this article we will tell you about what can be made from gooseberries as quickly and tasty as possible.

what to make from gooseberries

Cooking jam with nuts

Not all housewives know what can be made from gooseberries. Jam from this berry is very tasty and healthy. To cook it at home, we need the following ingredients:

  • gooseberry just collected and peeled - 1.5 kg;
  • cold drinking water - approximately 600 ml;
  • small beet sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • peeled walnuts - apply to your liking (1-1.5 cups);
  • fresh cherry leaves - 15 pcs.

We prepare the ingredients

Before telling you what can be made from gooseberries, you should tell how this berry is processed. After assembly, it is immediately cleaned of its tails, and then laid out in a colander and washed thoroughly in warm water. Then gooseberries are shaken off and dried.

As for walnuts, they are sorted out (from garbage), thoroughly washed, fried in a dry frying pan and crushed with a sharp knife into large crumbs.

Stepping process

What can be done from gooseberries for the winter? Of course, tasty and thick jam. For its preparation, pure berries are mixed with walnuts and fresh cherry leaves, and then poured with cold water. In this form, the products are sent to the refrigerator and kept throughout the night.

what can be made from gooseberry

In the morning, a lot of juice should form in a bowl with gooseberries. It is carefully poured into a separate container, sugar is added and put on fire. After boiling the syrup, it is boiled for about 2 minutes. Then berries are added to it and boiled for another ΒΌ hour.

Final stage

Now you know what you can do with gooseberries for the winter. After the berry jam with walnuts is ready, it is laid out on clean sterilized jars and rolled up with boiled lids.

After surviving a dessert from gooseberries at room temperature until completely cooled, it is sent to a dark and cool place. You can eat such a treat immediately after heat treatment and after prolonged exposure in a refrigerator.

What can be made from gooseberries? Compote recipes

In the preparation of such a drink there is nothing complicated. To do this, prepare the following components:

  • fresh purified gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • beet sugar - 250-300 g (to your taste);
  • fresh red currant - about 500 g (as you wish and taste);
  • drinking water - 2.5-3 liters.

what to make from gooseberries for the winter

Step by step preparation of a berry drink

What can be made from gooseberries? Recipes using this berry can be different. However, we decided to introduce you to the easiest way.

It should be noted that gooseberry compote can be prepared not only from the aforementioned berries, but also with the addition of products such as red currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, cherries and more. We decided to use the first option.

First you need to process the main component. Gooseberries are sorted, cleaned of tails, washed thoroughly in warm water (in a colander) and shaken off strongly. Red currants are also treated separately.

After both berries are peeled and washed, they are gently mixed in a large pan and distributed in pre-sterilized three-liter jars.

To make the compote saturated and bright, the containers must be filled by 1/3.

What to make from gooseberries for the winter? Of course, tasty and healthy compote. After the berries are in the jar, proceed to the preparation of the syrup. To do this, drinking water is boiled, and then granulated sugar is added. After dissolving the sweet spices, the syrup is poured into jars (right up to the neck), covered with lids and left in this state for 30 minutes. During this time, the drink should cool slightly.

After the described actions, the infused syrup is again poured into a pan and brought to a boil. After boiling the sweet liquid in a pleasant red color for about 3 minutes, it is again filled with assorted berries. This time, the compote is rolled up with tin lids (pre-boiled) and turned upside down.

what can be made from gooseberries for the winter

Having wrapped the cans in a blanket, they are kept in this condition for about two days. Over time, the drink is cleaned in the underground, cellar or any other cool place. You can use it after a month.

Making delicious frozen jam for the winter

What to do with gooseberries for the winter, we told above. Jam and compotes are well preserved in the cellar. However, there are also such options for the preparation of berry treats that should not be kept in the pantry or cellar, but in the freezer.

Frozen gooseberry jam is a very tasty, unusual and healthy dessert that does not require heat treatment and retains all the beneficial properties. Some chefs say that after cooking and freezing, such a treat turns out to be very similar to ice cream. You can use it just like that, and with unsweetened tea.

So what to make of gooseberries to please all members of his family? We recommend preparing a delicious and thick frozen jam. To do this, we need only the following components:

  • fine granulated sugar - about 2 kg;
  • gooseberries fresh sweet - about 2.5 kg.

Step cooking method

Thinking about what to make of gooseberries, you should definitely consider all the wishes of your family members. The jam from such a berry turns out to be so tasty and healthy that no household can refuse it.

what can be made from gooseberry recipes

First you need to process the main product. It is sorted out, tails removed and washed thoroughly in warm water. Having dried the gooseberry, after shaking it in a colander, it is laid out in a deep bowl and intensively crushed with a nibbler so that all the berries burst.

After the described actions, fine sugar is added to the gooseberry and mixed thoroughly. Leaving the food at room temperature, wait until the sweet spice has completely dissolved.

As soon as a thick syrup is formed in the saucepan, a submersible blender is lowered into it and whipped at the highest speed until a lush, thick and uniform mass is obtained.

After you receive the jam mousse, it is laid out in plastic containers with a lid and immediately put into the freezer. In this form, a berry treat should be aged for at least 24 hours. Only after that it can be eaten.

Frozen jam has a thick and very delicate texture. It can be used instead of ice cream, and as jam, after having previously applied to a slice of a bun.

It should be noted that such a dessert is stored in the refrigerator for six months. At the same time, it does not change at all in taste and consistency, and also retains absolutely all the useful components.

To summarize

In this article, we told you about what to make from gooseberries. Following all the recommendations of the presented recipes, you will get very tasty jam, rich compote and incredibly gentle frozen jam.

what can be made from gooseberry jam

It should be noted that these are far from all ways of preparing gooseberry treats. Using this berry, you can easily bake various pies, cakes, make mousse, fruit drinks and more.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4098/

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