Fashionable baby haircut for a girl

Our modern society requires each member to meet standards. Cleanliness and presentable appearance - this is exactly what everyone is encouraged to, whether an adult or a child. And well-groomed hair is one of its integral components. Therefore, from infancy, parents begin to care for the hair of children, comb and do neat haircuts, thus instilling a sense of style to their child and indifference to their appearance. Some babies are already born with hair, while others acquire them after a few months. When the hair grows long enough, the question arises before the parents of the girls: to cut or not to cut? And if parents do not want to set records by growing their longest braid for their daughter, we advise you to look at what are the main children's haircuts for girls and photos of some of them.

First hair

The very first hairs on the baby’s head, as a rule, are not long and thick enough, so that there is a need to do something with them. Also, often in newborns, a crust (seborrhea) forms on the delicate scalp, which passes after a few weeks or several months. Washing and combing is all that an infant's head needs in the first months of life. However, by the age of one and a half years, if the parents did not consider it necessary to adhere to the tradition and cut off all the hair, so that later they became thicker and healthier, then the hair already grows of sufficient length. Here comes the time of the first trip to the hairdresser. Usually, a little regrown hair can only be slightly trimmed and a so-called “boy-like” haircut can be done. In this version, the girl is cut straight bangs, and the rest of the length remains short, with aligned ends. This haircut can often be found on girls under two years old.

children's haircut for girls

Short hair

So, the baby’s hair has grown a little more and it's time to think about the upcoming haircut again. Children's short haircuts for girls are not much different. But still a small selection is already possible. A professional hairdresser will help you choose the most suitable hairstyle for your princess. He will take into account the shape of the face of the child, the density of hair and will tell you the best option. We advise, first of all, at an early age, babies still focus on convenience, and not on fashion trends. The girl should be comfortable with a new haircut.

baby haircut


The most popular children's haircut for girls with short hair is a square. Its convenience lies in the fact that there is no need to style hair. It is enough to comb and make a neat parting. A caret will be a great option for girls attending kindergarten, because it can be worn loose. And if necessary, pin on the sides with hairpins or make small tails, if length permits. The bob haircut itself can be with or without bangs. Owners of straight, thick and obedient hair are best suited for a straight square with equally even ends. And for girls with naughty, thin and sparse hair, a multi-level haircut will be ideal.


Another haircut that has won the hearts of many moms and dads. On little girls, she looks incredibly touching and stylish. There are several options for bob haircuts, for example: classic, straight or asymmetric. Or one of the most fashionable children's haircuts for girls - a bob with elongated ends. The peculiarity of the bean is in the raised volume of hair on the back of the head.

children's haircut for girls

Page, or hat

The third option for short hair haircuts for little girls is a hat, or, as it is sometimes called, a page. Outwardly, it resembles a square and bob, but differs in more smooth lines, as if framing the face. Such a haircut looks very neat and cute.

Medium length haircuts

The average length of the hair gives much greater scope for imagination and the ability to experiment with hairstyles. It is very important that the master, who will cut your child, can correctly assess the condition of the hair, on the basis of which he proposed the option of children's hair cutting for girls. Thin and liquid hair needs to be given visual volume, while thick and thick hair needs ease of styling. For medium lengths, haircuts of a ladder, cascade or elongated square will be most suitable. Also at this length of hair you can already do all kinds of hairstyles, using bright hairpins, rubber bands, crabs and rollers for buns. To do a wave, to lay in various ways and to make many different options for braids.

Haircuts for long hair

Probably, no one will argue that for a woman, however, and for a girl, there is nothing more beautiful and attractive than well-groomed long hair. Especially if the hair structure allows you to grow them from the shoulder blades and below. Such richness as chic long hair transforms even not the prettiest facial features. And since girls are future women, many mothers from childhood teach their babies to properly care for their hair. However, young fashionistas and mothers need to be prepared for the fact that the desire to have long hair is worth some effort.

long hair

Unlike a simple and easy to style bob, long hair will have to be braided every day, done with a ponytail or otherwise removed, making the hairstyle as comfortable as possible for a child. Not every, even the most courageous girl, can withstand daily braid, with sitting exactly in one place. If your baby is not particularly persevering, you should probably not torment her, and it is recommended to consider options for simpler and shorter haircuts. However, here you should not be too zealous. Because by the age of 4-5, a girl whose parents solved the issue of her hairstyle radically and chose a “short bob” haircut, may develop a similarity complex with the opposite sex, as some say. Which in itself can turn into some problems with self-esteem and perception of oneself in the future. Thus, for the most restless and mischievous, the ideal option would be - a children's haircut for a girl of medium length. Returning to long hair, we suggest considering several options that will help you make your choice.


As a rule, owners of long hair do not particularly experiment with haircut options, preferring timely trimming of the ends and proper care. But why not try something new and add a fresh touch to a classic haircut? A short flight of stairs can be a great option for a baby haircut for a girl with long hair. Its peculiarity is that the steps frame the face, visually emphasizing the length of the hair. But at the same time, the hair itself becomes lighter, the heaviness inherent in long hair goes away. Which is also important for the baby's head.


Another good option for a baby haircut for long hair. If the ladder goes only along the edge of the hair, near the face, then the cascade is done along the entire length. The undoubted advantage of this haircut is that it can visually increase the volume, if nature did not reward the girl with thick hair. It goes well with elegant hair hoops and fabric dressings.

cascade for girls

Curly hair

At first glance, it might seem that to make something out of a pile of curls is not an easy task, but it is not. To make it easier to work with curly hair, you just need to moisten it with a little water. But it is important not to overdo it, the hair should be only slightly wet. The most relevant haircut option for curly babies is a medium-sized bob or square. Bangs on curly hair can be a risky idea, because depending on the structure of the curls, the degree of curly hair and the thickness of the hair, the bangs can lie completely unpredictably. And if it is not difficult for an adult woman to straighten it with an iron or put it in a hairdryer, then for a little girl, most likely, it will not be very convenient.

baby haircut


That's where the flight of fancy can be, so it's in the bang section. The choice and variability is so huge that you can devote a separate article to this topic. Nevertheless, we consider the main and most suitable children's haircuts with bangs for girls :

  • Smooth. Direct bangs are the most popular option for girls. However, it is worth remembering that on insufficiently thick hair, a straight fluffy bang does not look very good, because it takes almost half of the hair. The best option for a little girl is a slightly shortened straight bang, which will not get into your eyes and interfere with your activities. Moreover, too long can seriously impair vision.
  • Slanting. Such a bang is shown for those girls whose face shape is rather square. With a long oblique bangs it is also worth being careful, it should not interfere with the child.
short bangs
  • Torn. The most fashionable version of the bangs is not only for young women of fashion, but also for young women. Such a fringe got its name “torn” due to its texture and clipped fragments. It is ideal for thin hair.
  • Very short. Another interesting choice. And also quite fashionable and bold. By the way, such a bang, due to its length, is most suitable for girls. Short, as a rule, absolutely flat, to the middle of the forehead and above. She most of all goes a triangular or oval shape of the face. A round face, on the contrary, only accentuates the cheeks.

To summarize, we can only say that, choosing a haircut for your baby, adhere to the two most important rules - convenience and beauty.


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