How to make money on an apartment. Choosing an Effective Strategy

The main vital needs of a person are food, clothing and housing. Without these three components normal existence is impossible. The socialist constitution guaranteed square meters to all citizens quite legally. True, sometimes he had to wait for the promised life, but there was still hope. Today, it is necessary to decide the issue of comfortable living independently. Having wondered how to make money on an apartment, it 's time to be horrified. After all, real estate prices on the market are going wild. In addition, inflation devours the accumulation. It would seem that there is no way out of the vicious circle. But there would be a desire, and opportunities will be found.

First of all, draw up your personal financial plan and determine how much per month you can save for future housing. Then decide where and how you will store the savings in order to minimize inflation losses. The correct decision in this case will be the purchase of shares of mutual funds. Be careful about their choice, there are a lot of scammers in this market.

I foresee the objections of my readers. Something like: "How to make money on an apartment
to me personally, if the salary is such that there is nothing to save on, and there’s not enough for anything. "If there is no extra money, there is only one way out - start earning more. There can be several ways. We will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

How not to get confused on the web

There are a lot of tips on how to make money on an apartment on the Internet. However, do not rush to follow them. After all, altruists in our time are almost extinct, and each such article has as its goal the earnings, and not yours, but the author.
The number one recommendation for making money on the Web is the game on the Forex exchange. I will not argue with the fact that in this way you can increase your capital. However, this requires a certain base of theoretical knowledge, initial (albeit minimal) investments and iron nerves. As in any game, here the chances of losing capital are much greater than gaining.

The second, no less popular, offer is making money on a website or blog. If you can coherently express your own thoughts in writing and you have something to tell the world, go for it. Just do not count on large and quick incomes. At first, you will have to study, learn the basics of "site building", and promote your resource on third-party forums. By the way, there are absolutely no guarantees that the site will bring you at least some profit. It often happens just the opposite: you spend money on hosting, write articles at any free minute, and attendance still remains no more than 20 people per day. On advertising from Google in this situation, more than 60-100 rubles a month can’t be earned. And such a resource will not interest a reputable "sponsor".

A tempting offer for aspiring writers who want fame and money is working on text exchanges like Advego or Text Sale. In order not to be unfounded, I suggest that you independently visit these resources and make sure that there are too few expensive orders there for a beginner to count on them. The average price is 15-20 rubles "per ton" (1000 characters). And this is subject to writing the author’s text. The rewrite costs the customer from 7 to 15 rubles. Plus these orders - they are available to everyone without exception. Minus - low price. However, keep in mind that working for this little money is also necessary in good faith. Earnings for a novice writer - no more than two thousand a month, subject to an almost 24-hour working day. Personally, before my first large and relatively expensive order, I had to work on a text exchange for about six months. However, I still can’t boast of a stable income of $ 300, since this occupation takes a lot of time. I write an article of 2 thousand characters in 1.5 hours, and this is a minimum. Given a complex topic that you need to delve into, you can carry twice as long. It turns out that my earnings are about $ 1 per hour. Those who want to know how to make money on an apartment are unlikely to take this method seriously. Especially if the housing issue requires a speedy solution.

How to turn a hobby into a profit

If you are a “golden hands” master and repair everything from dummies to cars, the best way to secure an increase in your salary is to start doing the same, but for money. How to search for customers? To do this, there are newspapers for free ads. In addition, any office "Husband for an hour" will welcome you with open arms.

Many women are fond of needlework and get great pleasure from it. If you create models of clothes or jewelry, looking at which, your friends enviously sigh, it's time to enter the market with a commercial offer. Help with this online resources like "Fair Masters."

A home-based soap factory is another type of low-cost and fairly profitable business. No special skills are required. The arsenal of a novice soap maker will cost you no more than a thousand. The cost of the finished product will pay back the costs with interest. You will easily find buyers among friends. Women simply adore such lovely trinkets and will gladly recommend your products to their friends.

How to make money on an apartment in Moscow

A friend of mine moved to the capital from the former Soviet republic several years ago. Frankly, I was very surprised when I read on her page on the social network: "I invite everyone to a housewarming party." To my inquiries, a friend openly answered that the real estate business allowed her to earn an apartment.
Of course, this lesson is not suitable for everyone. Here you need to have good endurance, sociability, determination. But there are also many advantages. Free schedule, good interest on the transaction, and most importantly - information about affordable housing. In addition, save on agency fees when buying an apartment.

Many in the process of thinking about how to earn money for an apartment come up with the idea of ​​a job change. In our times of crisis, this is not an easy decision, but sometimes it’s more profitable to work in three places as a cleaner than in one engineer. By the way, my relatives, a large family with four children, just earned a bigger apartment than their "kopeck piece". Mom, dad and two older children worked tirelessly for a couple of years, couriers, janitors, posters and newspaper delivery men. And this is in addition to the main work in adults. Of course, living this way is not easy, but the goal has been achieved.


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