Becherovka - what kind of drink? Becherovka at home

Traveling to the Czech Republic is an old Prague, amazing cuisine and an excellent climate. But there is another concept that is inextricably linked with the culture of this country and its flavor - Becherovka liquor. This is a visiting card of the Czech Republic.

Interesting story "Becherovka"

The history of this alcoholic beverage began in Karlovy Vary in 1805, when the English doctor Frobrig appeared in the house of the local pharmacist Josef Becher. Men very quickly found a common language, largely thanks to their joint professional interests. The doctor and the pharmacist very often spent time together, mixing various herbs and oils with alcohol. Soon, they created the basis for the preparation of tinctures, which Joseph Becher independently developed.

In 1807, a Czech pharmacist until the end developed a recipe for tinctures designed to improve digestion. Soon it went on sale under the name Carlsbad English Bitter Gastric Drops. After some time, Joseph came up with the idea that it would be nice to immortalize his name - this was how the legendary Becherovka tincture appeared, the recipe of which was kept secret for a long time.

becherovka is

A medicine to stimulate digestion was in demand, and Joseph Becher decided to talk about the secrets of making it to his son. Johann Becher turned out to be more enterprising than his father - he was the one who owned the idea of ​​creating a flat bottle of green color and a bright label (until this moment Becherovka was sold in plain-looking containers).

Subsequently, the family business continued the grandson of Joseph Becher and his brother. Thanks to the latter, tincture has become known far beyond the Czech Republic. At one time, even the Austrian king was pleasantly surprised by the rich taste of Becherovka and annually ordered more than 50 thousand liters of tincture for the royal court.

Czech tincture: production secrets

Becherovka is a symbol of the Czech Republic. Of course, no one will tell all the secrets of its manufacture and production.

But a wide audience knows that it includes more than 20 types of plants: some of them grow in the Czech Republic, and some are brought from abroad. Only a few plant species are known that are uniquely included in the tincture:

  • Orange zest.
  • Cardamom and Cortex.
  • Cloves and anise.
  • Allspice.

All plant components are put in a canvas bag and insisted on alcohol for about a week, then pour the mixture into oak barrels of a specific oval shape and add one of the most important components - sweetened Karlovy Vary water. Legend has it that someone once found out a secret recipe for making a tincture and took it outside the Czech Republic. However, "Becherovka" did not work out as it should actually be, but all because of the fact that it includes healing water from Karlovy Vary.

becherovka recipe

Oak barrels with a tincture not yet ready are stored in the cellars for several months, while a certain temperature and humidity level are maintained in the room.

Healing properties of Czech tincture

"Becherovka" is a therapeutic tincture, which is designed to improve the digestive system. At least that was the original purpose of this liquor. Currently, doctors are quite skeptical about the healing properties of this drink, believing that it does not have a therapeutic effect on the digestive system.

Becherovka, the recipe of which is carefully kept secret, is recommended for use as follows: 20 ml immediately before meals. By the way, drinking moderate amounts of liquor has not harmed anyone.

How to drink Becherovka tincture?

becherovka at home

At home, it is very difficult to make liquor ; in addition to everything else, the drink still does not work out the way it is made in the Czech Republic. How to drink "Becherovka"? There are several ways to consume this drink:

  • Manufacturers strongly recommend drinking pure tincture from cognac glasses for a pleasant conversation in the company of loved ones. A classic appetizer is fresh oranges sprinkled with cinnamon. In this way, you can truly enjoy the exquisite taste of the drink and evaluate its properties.
  • In Slovakia, for example, they like to make cocktails with Becherovka - most often they drink it with beer. Liqueur (40-50 grams) is cooled in the refrigerator, drunk in one gulp and washed down with good beer.
  • To stimulate the digestive system, tincture is added to coffee or tea. Thus, it can be consumed almost every day.
  • Cocktails with Becherovka are very popular. So, for example, one of them is called "Concrete". It is very simple to make: mix Czech tincture and shveps (tonic) proportionally, add a few ice cubes and a couple of drops of lemon juice.
  • It is very tasty to drink Becherovka with cherry or apple juice.
    cocktails with becherovka

Types of Czech tincture

Becherovka is part of Czech culture. And if earlier this drink was made only on the basis of one recipe, now the manufacturer offers several interpretations of this legendary liqueur, which differ in different tastes and ways of preparation:

  • BECHEROVKA LEMOND - Czech tincture with a rich aroma of citrus and kumquat. Liqueur has a pronounced aroma of lemon with light orange notes. This drink is characterized by a lower strength than traditional Becherovka - 20%.
  • BECHEROVKA KV - Czech liquor, the main composition of which is a good red wine. This drink has a fairly large strength - about 40%.

Becherovka at home

becherovka Price

Of course, no one knows the exact recipe - this drink is prepared exclusively in Karlovy Vary. However, many lovers of this liquor were able to create a recipe that to some extent will be able to convey the taste and aroma of a Czech traditional drink. To prepare this tincture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • slightly more than 1200 ml of alcohol with a strength of 50-55%;
  • 5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 15-20 pieces of cloves;
  • 1 gram of cardamom;
  • 2 grams of anise;
  • 8-10 peas of allspice ;
  • orange zest (without white part);
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • about 300 grams of pure water.

All spices must be filled with alcohol, tightly close the container and put in a dark warm place. The tincture should stand for a week, during which time it is advisable to shake the container periodically. After a week, strain the brewed mixture.

To prepare the syrup, dilute the sugar in water and put on a slow fire. Constantly stirring, wait until the sugar has completely dissolved, while making sure that the syrup does not boil. Cool the water and add the syrup to the tincture. It is worth noting that it is advisable to pour alcohol into water, so first you need to pour the syrup into a large container and after that add the filtered infusion.

The result should be a home "Becherovka". The recipe is not complicated, you can treat your friends and relatives with such a drink.

homemade becherovka recipe

The cost of Czech tincture

Spicy Czech liquor has been popular for two centuries. This drink can be bought in stores and salons specializing in the sale of elite alcoholic beverages. Becherovka tincture, the price of which varies between 1000 rubles, is a traditional drink that eloquently reflects the Czech flavor.

You need to choose a drink very carefully, for fear of fakes. Pay attention to the shape of the bottle and the label. It is advisable to visit the official website of the company and see how the tincture itself should look directly in order to avoid buying an uncertified product.


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