What is self-criticism?

Self-criticism is a property inherent in a person who is able to adequately assess his behavior in real life, recognize his mistakes, try to correct them.

self-criticism is

Definition of the term

Self-criticism is a quality for which there are several definitions. For example, this term means a sober assessment by the individual of different living conditions, recognition of blunders, misconduct. Such a quality manifests itself in a critical attitude to one's own self. Some psychologists believe that self-criticism is the absence of egoism, the presence of self-esteem.



Let's try to identify those distinctive characteristics that can be considered the advantages of this quality.

Self-criticism, modesty - these are the distinguishing qualities that are increasingly less common in the modern generation.

The advantages of such a person include the following:

  • self-improvement involves certain efforts made by a person to obtain new knowledge;
  • the ability to recognize own shortcomings allows you to adjust your own actions to achieve results in a specific field of activity;
  • people with healthy self-esteem, analyze their actions, draw the right conclusions, eliminate problems and errors.

Self-criticism is a respect not only for oneself, but also for people around. Only a person capable of introspection can admit his own mistakes, compromise with the interlocutor.

self-criticism modesty


In addition to the many positive parameters, this personality quality has certain disadvantages.

Self-criticism, modesty, and pride characterize a person who is overly demanding of himself. This leads to self-humiliation, provokes the onset of a depressive state. A situation arises in which a person begins to see in himself only negative qualities, does not notice his best sides. With prolonged self-flagellation, a variety of mental pathologies arise, not everyone succeeds in getting out of depression on their own.

Oblomov’s self-critical youth plan

Statements of Self-Criticism

This quality is possessed by the characters of many literary works created by domestic and foreign writers. Examples of self-criticism - the statements of great philosophers, scientists, artists and poets - show how often talented and gifted people think about this quality.

For example, Socrates said that he only knows "that he knows nothing." Of particular interest is Oblomov’s self-criticism in Goncharov’s novel. The protagonist of this work constantly analyzes his actions, treats himself with neglect.

Many people in society imagine themselves as victims, do not want to admit their own mistakes, do not plan to correct them.

example of self-criticism


In order for self-criticism to develop, you need to know some rules:

  • hard to find the perfect people;
  • Do not back down if you are confident in your innocence;
  • need to listen to intuition;
  • you need to have fun, do not lose your sense of humor.

Self-criticism is a conscious assessment of one’s positive characteristics as a person.

For example, the plan of youth, Oblomov’s self-criticism can be considered the value that not everyone owns and uses.

Problems from childhood

The problems associated with self-criticism begin in childhood. When well-meaning parents unwittingly underestimate the self-esteem of their children, they do not know what consequences this will have for the children.

For example, mothers have high hopes for their babies, and if they do not justify themselves, they lower their self-esteem by criticizing them.

Kids do not understand why they are not happy with them, and gradually turn into insecure teenagers. Of course, this does not mean that you need to constantly praise your children. But criticism must be reasonable so that there are no problems with the mental state.

Children with low self-esteem choose people similar to them for communication. With every mistake, wrong act, they will consider themselves even more insolvent individuals. Such adolescents are characterized by pessimism, fear of public speaking, and low activity.

self-criticism modesty pride characterize

Important points

Any person has certain disadvantages. Not everyone is able to take off the mask, demonstrate their true face. Criticizing oneself, one cannot cross certain limits, otherwise the mood will deteriorate, physical well-being will worsen, and depressive symptoms may appear.

Self-criticism should become a kind of lifesaver that helps to correct mistakes, eliminate problems. It is she who gives the opportunity for a new start to self-improvement and development.

Instead of a conclusion

Self-criticism is a person’s reflexive attitude to himself, his ability to independently search for errors, evaluate behavior, analyze actions. The presence of self-criticism is a prerequisite for mental comfort of a person.

This is a realistic and objective analysis of its advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses. A person who is able to evaluate himself objectively, without prejudice, refers to his own mistakes, tries to correct them. Such a person does not admire his perfection and originality, but seeks to increase his intellectual level.

In everyday life, this quality helps people reach career heights. They respect their colleagues, so people with adequate self-esteem make excellent leaders.

The best students in the school are precisely those guys who have normal self-criticism. Such a quality gives them the opportunity to use additional forces for the acquisition of knowledge, they are not limited to "overlook."

In the course of scientific experiments conducted by psychologists, it was possible to establish a connection between the presence of self-criticism in adolescents and their success in school life. Unfortunately, only a few students are able to analyze their achievements and failures and draw appropriate conclusions.

With the introduction of second-generation federal educational standards in secondary schools, the situation has changed for the better. GEF involves the conduct of lessons, extracurricular activities reflection. In its framework, the guys analyze their activities, give her an assessment.

After a detailed analysis of the universal skills acquired during the lesson (lesson), the teacher can change the individual educational trajectory.

Such an innovation had a positive impact on the formation of self-esteem skills among the younger generation , and contributed to stimulating the independent activity of schoolchildren in obtaining universal educational skills and abilities.

The developers of all the innovations currently being introduced into Russian educational institutions tried to maximize the children's desire for independent development.

For the same purpose, compulsory design and research activities have appeared in the curricula for various scientific disciplines in Russian schools. In the process of conducting independent experiments, children receive not only communication skills, important knowledge, but also learn to conduct self-esteem.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41000/

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