Castor oil from papillomas: application, reviews. How to get rid of papillomas on the body?

Many people suffering from certain diseases are often interested in the experience of traditional healers in their healing. Today we will talk about papillomas - unaesthetic formations on the skin that, moreover, can degenerate into oncological ones.

If this topic is close to you, then you are probably interested in whether castor oil helps with papillomas. There are plenty of reviews about this tool in special publications on traditional medicine. However, this is not enough to begin treatment. It is necessary to accurately diagnose which tumor is bothering you. As you know, only an experienced highly qualified doctor can do this based on the results of the study.

castor oil from papillomas

Treatment with papillomas is a long process that requires an integrated approach. Alternative methods of treatment in the treatment of HPV can and even should be used, but in combination with medications. Castor oil for external use is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. We will tell you what this substance is, how to use it, familiarize you with patient reviews and doctors' opinions about this method of treatment.

What is castor oil?

It is a viscous liquid, painted in a yellowish color. It is extracted from an extremely poisonous plant - castor oil. But do not be alarmed - toxic substances do not have the slightest chance of getting into the oil, since they completely remain in the cake. High-quality oil is obtained by cold pressing, and a lower quality product is obtained after using high temperatures in the processing of raw materials.

Castor oil is a mixture of ricinoleic, oleic and linoleic acid triglycerides. It does not form a film, does not dry out. Eighty percent of the composition is glycerides of ricinoleic acid, which in one molecule contains only one bond.

papillom castor oil reviews

Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that castor oil does not cause you allergies. Its manifestations are quite simple to determine: when applied externally, the skin itches, turns red, burning is noted.

Useful properties of oil

Castor oil from papillomas, as well as other neoplasms on the skin, was used in the distant past, when there were still no effective medicines. Despite the fact that today medicine has stepped far forward in the treatment of such problems, and today there are effective ways to deal with this ailment, and many who want to get rid of unattractive growths use castor oil from papillomas. Reviews of such treatment in most cases are positive, but among them there are comments that patients did not receive the expected result. Why is this happening? You will learn about this at the end of our article.

how to get rid of papillomas on the body

The beneficial properties of castor oil include:

  • moisturizing the skin;
  • peeling prevention;
  • discoloration of age spots;
  • anti-aging effect;
  • activation of hair growth.

How to get rid of papillomas on the body?

Papillomas, condylomas, warts - this is an external manifestation of infection of the body with the papilloma virus. Official medicine today has many drugs to treat this ailment. They know the secrets of treatment and traditional healers. One of the most popular remedies is ordinary castor oil, which is popularly known for its medicinal properties since ancient times.

safe papilloma removal method

It not only quickly and effectively eliminates neoplasms, but also perfectly restores affected skin.

Preparation for the procedure

A safe method for removing papillomas with castor oil involves preliminary preparation. First, you need to make a warm compress on the affected area. Thus, you soften the papilloma, which will allow the oil to penetrate better into the structure of the formation.

In order for the therapeutic substance to act faster, the oil should be heated in a water bath.

Precautionary measures

Scientists claim that the castor extract is completely harmless to the human body. However, despite this, in some cases, castor oil from papillomas may be unsafe to apply, or treatment should be postponed for some time. These include:

  • individual intolerance to one or more components of the substance;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • skin inflammation.

Castor oil from papillomas: application

Castor oil is best used not in its pure form, but in diluted form. This will save you from unwanted reactions of the body. This is especially important to consider when removing papillomas from the skin of the neck and face. It is better to use a 10% oil solution. If treatment with recinol solution is carried out for a month, then it is possible to get rid of the formations on the skin completely. The course of treatment depends on the size of the growths and on how they spread throughout the skin.

Many healers recommend using a bird feather for applying the medicinal composition.

Removal of papillomas in different parts of the body

Papillary castor oil can be used anywhere on the body. It is important to be careful while trying to prevent oil from getting into open wounds on the skin and eyes. How to get rid of papillomas on the body? If the growths are on the extremities, neck, face, then use a cotton pad. Put on it a little diluted preparation and apply it to the papilloma. For convenience, the disc or wet gauze is glued with adhesive tape. This dressing is left for three to four hours. Then it must be replaced with a new one.

castor oil from papillomas for centuries

Papillomas that appear in the intimate zone require special care. It is very important not to damage the education (although this warning applies to all areas). As you know, it is unlikely that it will be possible to glue a compress on such a site, so the oil is applied to the growth using a cotton swab.

Such formations on the face look unattractive, and around the eyes they cause a person a lot of inconvenience. Many folk remedies are too toxic, so they can not be used in this case. But you can use castor oil from papillomas for centuries, although this is not easy to do. You must be very careful when applying the composition. It is necessary to process a neoplasm with an applicator or cotton swab. In no case should the composition be allowed to enter the mucous membrane.

How to prepare an oil solution?

Castor oil (from papillomas) is often mixed with various additional ingredients. For example, you can mix oil and baking soda in equal proportions. The resulting composition should be treated with a growth three times a day. In addition, a mixture of various oils shows good results. The most effective composition for getting rid of papillomas with tea tree oil. It is known for its anti-inflammatory property. That is why such a drug contributes to a more effective effect on growths.

castor oil for external use

You can reduce the papilloma, using another well-known folk remedy with oil - a clove of garlic. First, wipe the growth with oil, and then attach garlic to it. Fix it with adhesive tape and leave it for five hours. Naturally, this method of treatment cannot be used for eyelids.

Doctors' opinion on castor oil for getting rid of papillomas

It is quite natural that many people suffering from this ailment are interested in how effective this method is, whether it is safe, and whether it is possible to carry out treatment on your own at home ?. It must be recognized that doctors do not give a definite answer. Some recommend using this method of treatment, while others strongly object to it.

Nevertheless, most doctors believe that the removal of a neoplasm should be removed in the clinic after a preliminary examination. It is especially important to listen to this recommendation if the papilloma appears in an intimate place. Official medicine offers safe treatments: laser or radio wave therapy. These methods are already well established and tested. They always give excellent results.

Does castor oil help with papillomas?

However, doctors recognize that such a method can bring the desired result, but subject to a preliminary study of the neoplasm and compliance with all the rules for using oil.

Castor oil from papillomas: reviews

Despite all the warnings of doctors, judging by the reviews, many have already tested this method on themselves. I am glad that in the vast majority of cases, reviews about him are positive. True, everyone who has already got rid of papillomas with the help of this tool warns that the process is quite lengthy (at least a month), in compliance with all safety precautions.

There are also negative reviews about treatment with castor oil. People complain of redness and burning of the skin, after which treatment has to be canceled. We talked about the fact that this substance can cause individual intolerance and allergic reactions. That is why we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before starting treatment.

We talked all about papillomas and how to remove them. You have the right to decide how to use it. But if you do not want to experiment, go to a clinic where, under sterile conditions, the papilloma will be removed painlessly.


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