How to restore hair after dyeing and chemistry. Shampoo, serum and oil for damaged hair

All women have a desire to change their image from time to time. And first of all, they start with hair. A variety of colors allows you to easily change the color of hair, and numerous hairdressers offer their services in a perm.

how to restore hair
But, unfortunately, after these procedures, the hair often loses its natural shine. It happens that staining or perming thin them. They break off and begin to fall out. In this case, the growth of hair stops.

The modern cosmetics industry produces curling and coloring products not as aggressive as they were recently. But, despite this, how to restore hair after these procedures, every woman needs to know. This will restore the health of curls and give them silkiness.

The use of restorative shampoos

How to repair damaged hair after a dyeing procedure or perms? For this, the cosmetic industry offers a wide range of medical shampoos. The main purpose of these products is to solve the problems of falling out and weakened hair. When choosing a medical shampoo, you should pay attention to its composition. Important ingredients that strengthen the hair follicles are ketoconazole, minoxidil and aminexil. Sulfates should not be part of such a shampoo. These substances dry the scalp. This especially occurs with contact lasting more than five minutes. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a therapeutic cosmetic product for washing your hair, it is recommended that you consult a trichologist before buying it.

hair repairing serum

But no matter what treatment shampoo was purchased, it must be used in courses. After three to four months of use, a two-month break should follow.

Self-manufacture of medicines

Restoring shampoo for hair damaged by dyeing or perm, you can make yourself. At the same time, the benefit of such a tool can even exceed the one that is bought in a store. There are a huge number of folk ways to restore hair using natural products without using any "chemistry".

how to repair damaged hair
The most popular recipe includes kefir, sour milk or yogurt. These products are able to form a greasy film around the hair, which will protect it from the harmful effects of the environment. Using these tools is quite simple. Kefir or yogurt is plentifully greased with hair. A plastic bag is put on the head. After half an hour, the hair is washed with warm water and rinsed with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice.

To return lost health to curls will help rye shampoo. Its preparation does not take a lot of time, and the effect will delight every woman. To obtain the remedy, a piece of rye bread is taken. Using hot water, it should be ground into a porridge mass and passed through a sieve. After some time, the real remedy is applied to the hair. Ten minutes later, it is washed off with water. Such a shampoo will not only improve the external condition of the curls, but also increase their volume.

hair repairing oil
How to restore hair with herbs? To do this, a shampoo is required to be made from a mixture of calendula flowers, hop cones, birch leaf and burdock leaves. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and pour one glass of hot light beer. The mixture is infused, filtered and used warmly as a shampoo. Three tablespoons of this remedy are recommended to be mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice, an egg and two drops of essential oil (you can take any).

The use of reducing serum

If damaged hair does not have enough care in the form of shampoo, then it is recommended to use another agent in addition. It is a hair restoration serum. Its use will instantly give curls softness and shine.

how to restore hair after chemistry
Serum intended for hair is a concentrated product. It combines vitamins and smoothing components, which greatly facilitate combing. Such a tool is applied after washing the hair, before styling.

High-quality serum is a universal remedy. Its use will save a large amount of time spent on masks. Before you buy, carefully study the composition of the serum. If the product is really good, then it will have the ability to moisturize the hair and protect them from external influences. With the first task, the organ, as well as shea butter, perfectly copes. These elements can deeply penetrate the structure of a perm-dried or damaged hair dye. Quality serum should contain ceramides. These components perfectly smooth out damaged hair scales and eliminate the split ends problem. A variety of active ingredients may be included in serum. Their list includes proteins and oils, provitamins and extracts, biopolymers and elastin, trace elements and D-panthenol. The composition of the cosmetic product depends on its purpose.

What are serums?

Manufacturers of cosmetic products produce various types of this effective hair restoration product. The most popular are the following serums:

- against split ends;
- to accelerate hair growth;
- preventing loss.

how to restore hair after dyeing
All these funds in a short period of time will allow you to get the desired result. However, do not forget about folk recipes. After all, ready-made serums are expensive, and a home-made product will look after your hair no worse. At the same time, grandmother's recipes contain products that are quite affordable for everyone.

Milk serum. Home-made hair health product

A miraculous product is prepared using conventional whey. To get it, milk is fermented. Yogurt is poured into a saucepan and set on fire, which is turned off after the appearance of white flakes. The mixture is filtered through gauze. As a result, cottage cheese and whey are obtained from milk. It is also used to restore healthy hair. The prepared product is cooled, divided into parts, the volume of which is 150 ml. In sterile containers, whey is stored in the refrigerator.

The use of a miracle product

How to restore hair with this tool? In one part of the whey, decoctions of burdock and pharmacy chamomile, as well as just a few drops of vitamin A and D are added. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scalp. It should also be evenly distributed throughout the hair. Cellophane is put on the head. Forty minutes later, the serum is washed off. In the case when this home remedy is used twice a week, the necessary effect will be obtained. Hair will stop falling out, fluffing, gaining shine. Systematic use of such a serum will help revitalize hair completely.

The use of regenerative masks

After staining and perm, it is advisable to use stimulants, vitamins and nutrients. These are hair masks. After applying the coloring agent, the curls remain shiny, soft and smooth for only a few days. After the remnants of the balm applied at the hairdresser are washed off, the hair will lose its healthy appearance. How to restore hair after dyeing?

home repairing hair masks

For this, the use of masks is recommended. This procedure should be regular. Only in this case, the colored curls will be healthy and well-groomed. You can get a good effect if you use homemade hair repair masks. The result will be excellent.

Recovery Mask Recipes

The use of yolks is quite effective. This mask is recommended for dry colored hair. To prepare it, you need to take two pieces of raw chicken yolks and 1 tablespoon. castor oil. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair. In this case, a rare comb is used. The oil does not wash off within an hour.

In winter, a mask from a tablespoon of burdock oil, the same amount of sea buckthorn oil, as well as three capsules of vitamin A and E will help restore damaged curls.

How to restore hair after "chemistry"? To do this, you need to make a nettle-bread mask. Four tablespoons of herbal raw materials must be poured with hot water. After twenty minutes, the infusion is poured with a hundred grams of cream. A couple of crushed bread slices are added to the mixture. Ten minutes later, this mask is applied to the hair. Wash it off after half an hour.

The use of hair oils

After the coloring procedure or perming curls noticeably weaken. In order to restore and strengthen them, it is recommended to use restoring hair oil. It can be either burdock or castor. A good effect is obtained from the use of olive and linseed, as well as from many other natural oils. They will have a positive effect on the scalp and hair damaged by dyeing or perming. If the ends are split, then you can cure them with fish oil. Castor oil will also restore them .

Precautionary measures

In the case when, after dyeing, you want to restore your hair faster, for some time you need to abandon the curling iron and hair dryer. It is also not recommended to use irons and other devices that have a thermal effect on the hair. Until the curls have recovered, you should abandon perm. When staining, henna, basma or other natural substances should be used.


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