Blue shark: species description, habitat, origin and features

Blue shark ... At the mention of this phrase, the heart of many scuba divers begins to beat faster. These majestic predators have always been entangled in a halo of mystery and inspired fear. There are legends about the size and power of their jaws. Are these sea ​​monsters so dangerous and what is really hidden under the guise of bloody killers? Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that this predator is the most common representative of its family in the waters of the oceans.

Amazing coloring

It belongs to the subspecies of gray sharks, which have always been famous for their predatory grip and high speed of movement. The name shark (blue) got its name, like many others, as a result of its bluish-blue color. Its back is mainly dark blue, the sides are pale blue, and the abdomen is white. More recently, this inhabitant of the water depths was one of the most common fish on the planet. But today the population of these majestic and graceful predators is rapidly declining. Perhaps in the near future their numbers will reach a critically low level. After all, there are more frequent cases when very young individuals who have not yet had time to acquire offspring get into the network of experienced sailors.

blue shark

Blue Shark: habitat, origin

The aura of habitation of these sea queens is limited mainly to the Indian and Pacific oceans. This suggests that this species is a thermophilic adherent of calm waters. However, from time to time they are noticed in areas of Argentina or New Zealand. In an unceasing search for prey, a blue shark can end up in waters near Norway or even Iceland. Unlike its many relatives, it rarely migrates over long distances. When there is enough food, there are favorable climatic conditions, the likelihood that this species will go on a long journey through the seas and oceans is relatively small.

blue shark description

Body structure and comfortable water temperature

The predator prefers a comfortable temperature, which can fluctuate within the plus temperature: from 7-8 to 15-16 degrees Celsius. It is logical to conclude that such a regime is uncharacteristic for deep oceanic waters, where even the sun's rays penetrate with difficulty. Therefore, the blue shark prefers the upper layers of water. Despite all its agility and speed, it does not plunge to a depth of more than three hundred meters. An individual grown in conditions that are comfortable for life can reach a length of four meters and weigh about four hundred kilograms. This species differs from its other relatives in a rather thin physique. Some would call it spindle-shaped. However, despite its compactness, the blue shark has quite large and powerful pectoral fins. Due to such a small weight and strong muscles, this predator can develop dizzying speed in the water.

blue shark description

Standard diet

What can be said about the diet of these conquerors of the deep sea? This factor depends on the habitat, namely, the coastal or more remote oceanic zone. The most diverse marine life is found at various depths, so sharks have to take this natural factor into account when searching for food. And they do a great job with this problem. Away from the coast, a blue shark eats small fish: herring, mackerel or sardine, sometimes it also includes squids in its diet. The coastal zone is richer in living creatures than the sea depths. Therefore, near the shore you can often profit from small fish, waterfowl and waste, which is what the blue shark does. The description of her naval exploits is often admirable. And this is with the condition that it practically does not distinguish colors! However, this deficiency is fully compensated by an impeccable sense of smell and remarkable contrasting perception.

blue shark fish

Now a little about how the blue shark breeds. The description of many scientific publications suggests that this species belongs to viviparous sharks. Pregnancy lasts from nine to twelve months on average. A distinctive feature is the number of newborn sharks. There can be from four to hundreds! Mother prefers to breed in warm coastal waters. Despite the large brood, only a few go on a further voyage. This is often associated with illegal fishing, as a result of which poachers catch many young and still immature individuals.

Blue shark and man

Perhaps, not only man is a threat to a predator, but also vice versa. Blue shark poses a direct and serious danger to human life. The probability of an attack or, so to speak, an accident is especially high in the open ocean. After a shipwreck or other man-made disaster, a person is left alone with the elements. And the blue shark will not miss the chance to profit from fresh prey. Scuba divers and careless swimmers are also at risk. A shark can lurk in attractive warm waters and quiet lagoons. Once in the teeth of a shark, in most cases, you can immediately say goodbye to life. Their powerful jaws are built in such a way that it is almost impossible to get out whole from the mouth.

shark blue habitat origin

Razor-sharp front teeth are also concave inward. Their triangular shape resembles small sharp daggers. An interesting feature is the small furrows that are located on the muzzle of a toothy predator. Their main function is to enhance the sensitivity of receptors that trap odors. Thanks to this, the shark can smell blood or the smell of prey at a great distance, which sometimes exceeds tens of kilometers.

On the brink of extinction

Be that as it may, the blue shark is a beautiful and powerful animal that does much less harm to a person than he does to it. Shark fin soups, so beloved by many gourmets, became the reason for their mass extermination. The authorities are taking all possible measures. Despite this, the population of these magnificent marine inhabitants is inevitably decreasing. Unfortunately, it all depends on the consciousness of each person individually. However, there is still a ghostly hope that the blue shark will never disappear from the pages of history.


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