Roxy backpacks - quality accessories for any girl

Not every girl prefers to carry a small handbag. On the contrary, the trend leads to the fact that large and roomy accessories are popular. But the more such a thing, the harder it is, and therefore a new problem arises for girls - walking with such a bag, full and heavy, is not always convenient, and the use of some things is simply necessary, and it is impossible to remove them for the sake of ease. In this case, the backpacks replaced. Roxy is the most popular company whose activity is related to the production of goods for active girls. This company has long been positioning its products among women and has considerable success with consumers, and in a variety of lines and directions - clothing, accessories and so on.

Roxy backpacks
But what is the peculiarity of the backpacks of this company? What are their main advantages and why are girls so fond of them?

Roxy: many years of experience and impeccable quality

The brand began its history in 1990. At that time, the company introduced swimming clothing to the audience. But after the first successful season, the company is rapidly expanding its assortment and every year offers consumers new items and types of clothing and accessories, including backpacks. Roxy launches the first models of stylish and feminine handbags in 1999. And they deserve special attention among the entire set of products from this company.

The most indispensable part of the female image is a handbag, but the usual standards of a one-shoulder bag seemed impractical to manufacturers. Girls sometimes had to wear men's backpacks, just to feel comfortable, and this is what gave impetus to make something else, already known at that time, Roxy. Women's backpacks have become not just a salvation for active girls, but also stylish accessories for every day. All products of this company, starting with fixtures and ending with perfumes, are aimed at a young audience, which is why a special style is manifested in all models: bright, contrasting and unusual.

Roxy Women's Backpacks
This clearly appealed to the young audience.

Types of backpacks

Roxy is an experienced company manufacturing products for every taste. If you look at the products of the company, you can divide all the backpacks into several groups:

  • sports;
  • urban
  • teenage;
  • school;
  • everyday.

The most widely represented category is backpacks for teenagers. Roxy is a company with experience, because the designers in it tried to take into account the wishes of teenagers when creating such models. The instances of this group have brightness, and contrast, and comfort. That is why schoolgirls especially like the practical and comfortable Roxy backpacks.

Quality and Design Above All

If we consider the products of this company, for example, from a technical point of view, then these are convenient and fully functional backpacks. Roxy has provided all the wishes of fashionistas: to be easy, convenient, feminine and elegant. So that you can put everything you need with you, and the accessory looked compact and practical.

backpacks for teens roxy
The company took all this into account and developed a huge number of models that meet all the requirements.

Features of backpacks

So, the features of the manufactured models of the company are the materials used for sewing - these are high-quality and durable fabrics. Depending on the category (sports, urban, everyday) different materials are used, but polyester and cotton prevail. These fabrics have long established themselves on the positive side, as they meet all the requirements for safety and environmental friendliness. Well, and, of course, the company pays special attention to the firmware of products, which is why such backpacks are especially durable. Roxy has a distinctive line, the firmware is neat, and on the original models it is impossible to find even a dropped thread. As for the used fasteners, here they are for every taste: rivets, locks, zippers, puffs, Velcro and so on.

Consumer opinion

Each element used is tightly and securely attached to the product, which makes Roxy backpacks as durable as possible. Reviews about the company's products are very impressive. Firstly, customers often note the fact of comfort. The purchased bags are very light and roomy, and the shoulders are soft everywhere, do not rub the skin even with long walks. Secondly, buyers note a special design. All models look very feminine and youth. The design can be matched to any shoe or hat - Roxy tried its best here. Thirdly, the owners of accessories of this company are sure to note the durability of the products. Models serve for a very long time and at the same time do not lose their original qualities. If necessary, backpacks can be washed in the machine in certain modes, and nothing will happen to the fabric and all other items.

backpacks roxy reviews

Roxy has long established itself on the positive side, and it is precisely as a manufacturer of products for a female audience. High quality, special youth design are the main advantages for which many customers have fallen in love with the company.


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