How do ducks live and eat in the wild?

Many young naturalists, just beginning to study the inhabitants of the wild, often feed the bread of ducks swimming in the nearest pond. However, most of them do not even realize that instead of caring for the birds, they inflict irreparable harm on these waterfowl. After reading this article, you will learn what ducks that live in the wild eat.

what do ducks eat


Since mallards are considered the most common in our country, then we will speak about them. Those who want to know the name of the grass that the duck eats will probably be interested in the conditions in which these birds live. The traditional habitat of wild mallards is considered shallow open water bodies of artificial or natural origin. It can be stakes, rivers, lakes or ponds around which thickets of reeds or bushes grow.

Wild waterfowl ignore the rocky and bare shores, since there is no place suitable for arranging nests. In winter, mallards migrate to regions with a warm climate. However, they can live peacefully throughout the year in non-freezing ponds.

eat duck geese

Lifestyle features

Before moving on to what wild ducks eat, you need to understand the basic nuances of their lifestyle. These waterfowl live in northern America, Europe and Asia. In October-November, birds that have strayed in huge flocks fly off to warmer climes. Favorite places for wintering are countries such as Italy, Greece and Spain. Mallard colonies that arrived in the southern ponds often stretch over several square kilometers. The sound made by such a flock of flies vaguely resembles the sound of a sea surf.

In February or March, wild ducks go to nesting sites in northern and temperate latitudes. Interestingly, mallards rarely appear in open water. Most often, they try to hide in the thick of aquatic vegetation. These birds love to wander aground and delve into the mud. The mallard has excellent sensory organs. These cautious, smart and cunning birds are able to adequately assess the circumstances and are quite easily domesticated.

what wild ducks eat

A few words about nesting

Those who want to figure out what ducks eat do not hurt to find out that the birds that arrived at the nesting place are divided into pairs. Mating on the water is accompanied by loud screams. Females lay eggs in a secluded dry place. Simple nests constructed from dry leaves and carelessly twisted stems are covered with duck down.

One female lays from eight to sixteen oblong eggs of a grayish-white hue, which in appearance do not differ from eggs of poultry. It takes 24-28 days to hatch. Females selflessly hatch their offspring, leaving the nest only in case of emergency. Hatched chicks literally the next day go to the water. Young growth is growing quite quickly and already by the age of six begins to fly.

how many ducks eat

What does a waterfowl diet consist of?

Those who are interested in eating ducks will not hurt to find out that the weight of these birds directly depends on the amount of feed available to them. As a rule, they are forced to independently take care of their food. The basis of their diet is small amphibians, insects and aquatic plants.

It should be noted that ducks eat the same appetite of frogs, worms, small fish, snails, grasshoppers, duckweed and sedge. Often they make night raids on nearby farming fields, where cereals are grown. As for the amount of food, females hatching offspring require twice as much food. It is worth noting that in the summer, the basis of the bird's diet is vegetable feed. At this time, they feed on the fruits, leaves, and stems of plants.

the grass that the duck eats

How can wild ducks be fed?

Waterfowl, living in the immediate vicinity of human habitation, are often fed by people. In order not to cause irreparable harm to the health of waterfowl, it is important to know what geese, ducks and other inhabitants of natural and artificial reservoirs eat. Those who really want to help the birds need to remember that they can be fed with grated cheese, oatmeal, soft vegetables and fruits. All these products are especially useful in the spring, when females hatch chicks.

In addition, there is another list that includes the so-called neutral products, not able to harm ducks, but also not bringing them special benefit. These include small fish, cabbage and potatoes.

What can not be fed wild ducks?

Paradoxically, it is strictly forbidden to feed feathered birds with white bread. It does not contain any ingredients that are valuable to the bird. This product fills the bird's stomach, creating a false feeling of satiety and forcing the duck to give up the search for more wholesome food. If, despite the prohibitions, you still want to treat the ducks with bread, leave it on the shore. Otherwise, you risk polluting the reservoir and causing the death of some of its inhabitants. Also, the list of non-recommended products includes milk, peanuts and any food that contains saturated fats.

Those who don’t know how much ducks eat will be interested in not giving too much food to the birds. This is due to the fact that the feathered inhabitants of water bodies, accustomed to regular feeding, begin to partially lose the food search instinct. In addition, such birds refuse to fly away to the warm regions in a timely manner and often die in winter cold.


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