Hair coloring on dark hair (photo)

Women are changeable natures, like weather outside. They constantly strive for novelty, love new things, conduct experiments, changing their appearance. Changing hair color means a lot to them. That's where there is a chance to show your imagination, using the skilled hands of the master and his recommendations. The main question arises when dyeing hair, which shade should be preferred this time? Owners of dark curls are naturally interested in changing their natural hair tone no less than blondes. Coloring dark curls has a lot of nuances, slightly different from painting light ones. What features has hair dyeing on dark hair? What painting techniques should be preferred? We’ll talk about this.

dyeing hair on dark hair

Dyeing on dark hair

Photos in the article show the reader the most successful staining options. How to achieve a similar result? Many brunettes and brown-haired women seek to lighten the natural tone of their hair in a couple of tones. For the initial dyeing of dark hair in light natural shades, various brighteners will be required, without this, a light paint on dark hair simply will not lie down, the desired shade will not work. For this purpose, ordinary peroxide or special brighteners are taken. If you dye your hair in normal home conditions, then with the use of such aggressive hair products, you need to be extremely careful, thin hair can be burned very quickly. But their restoration will take a lot of time and effort. Due to the use of such potent agents, the pigment itself is clarified, which gives the hair a natural dark shade. This fact also needs to be considered when choosing clarification. Dark hair can be lightened as much as possible by only 4 tones, otherwise there is a risk of burning the hair, they will become brittle and become unhealthy dull. After the shade is close to the desired result, you can use light sparing paint, then it will give exactly that elegant tone that is needed.

dark hair dye photo

Safe gradual staining

Hair coloring on dark hair, as already mentioned, may not end exactly as desired. The result can be disastrous. The method of gradual dyeing is characterized by a gentle effect on the hair, in contrast to traditional lightening, but here you need to stock up on remarkable patience in order to achieve the desired result. Its basic principle is that once every 3 weeks it is necessary to color the hair three shades below natural, it should belong to the gamut to which the desired tone belongs. Over time, the intended result is achieved. Of course, this method is much longer, but it is able to maintain healthy hair without causing harm, so you do not need to spend money and time on the regeneration of aggressive hair coloring. Light colors have one insidious property: together with the right pigment, they select the health of the hair. To prevent this from happening, do not rush to turn into a blonde from an ordinary brunette. To give the hair the right shade, it may take 3-4 months of regular procedures.

Ombre dyeing on dark hair

The photos in the article demonstrate to readers the originality of this method of staining. Using this technology, rather dark roots are obtained with lighter tips, as if burned out in the sun. Here you can vary the tone, choosing a shade of your choice. Owners of dark hair are perfect for this method of dyeing. Coloring the hair in an ombre style for dark curls is a fairly smooth transition from a saturated dark tone to a pleasant light shade at the ends. The main feature of this technique is that it is distinguished by its non-standard and brightness.

Applying ombre to dark ones by nature is considered the most sparing variation of classic shadow staining. This style may not be suitable for every girl because of her individual facial features and psychological mood, age. When choosing this dyeing technique, you need to take into account the style of clothing, the current life patterns of each particular girl. Coloring ombre hair on dark curls is designed for daring, bold girls who want to be bright and unusual.

To make hair more voluminous, and classic ombre will help to add appearance to brightness, no more than two tones are used here, one shade smoothly passes into another. Owners of beautiful dark hair of medium length can try the opposite ombre, when the roots are stained in a light shade, and the ends are darker. Colorized ombre is quite in demand, where the classic colorization technique is taken as the basis. Then the dark tone of the hair can turn into several suitable shades at once.

ombre hair coloring on dark

Traditional hair coloring in dark colors

Dyeing your hair in a dark color is a rather bold decision. After all, if the result is not satisfactory, it will be quite difficult to fix everything. You can change the light tone of the hair to a cardinal darker shade using various colors and chemical dyes. The lighter the natural tone of the hair, the brighter the selected darker shade will turn out, this point must be taken into account when choosing a particular paint. Do not buy cheap paint, because it can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the hair.

If it is planned to conduct self-staining for the first time, then the precautions prescribed in the instructions must be observed. If there is no experience in dyeing hair, then it is better to entrust your precious hair to the hands of skilled craftsmen, because the slightest mistake can give a completely different tone of strands that is completely different from what you want. It is necessary to divide the hair into strands, apply the paint mixed with the fixative. It is important to evenly distribute the product over the strands, then comb the entire hair.

Waiting for staining of overgrown roots is 20-30 minutes, then the rest of the composition is applied to the total length, withstand the paint for 20 minutes. Do not overexpose the dye on the hair, otherwise there is a risk of burning the hair with the composition.

In addition to chemical means of dyeing in a dark color, you can use safer folk methods to give strands a dark shade.

hair coloring in dark color

Safe Dark Coloring Techniques

As improvised tools that can give a darker shade, ground coffee, basma, strongly brewed tea, spruce bark, ordinary walnut, oak acorns or sage are suitable. At least one of the listed funds can be found in every home. But here you should not expect the intensity of the tone and quick results from almost the first application, it will take 5 consecutive procedures. But in the safety of hair dyes, you can be absolutely sure.

Before a radical change in your appearance, you can try on a wig of the desired tone, see how much he diets to face, whether to take such a desperate step, or you can use the usual shades for paint.

Two-tone dyeing on dark hair

Two-tone hair dyeing on dark hair looks very original. This staining technique is gaining increasing momentum, and this is due to its significant advantages over the monochrome method. The volume of colored strands visually increases due to the beautiful game of the selected color transitions. The strands do much less harm, because the natural tone of the hair is taken as the basis, and only individual curls are stained.

With the help of two-tone paint, there is a chance to refresh the appearance, giving the female face a little freshness and attractiveness. When choosing a tone that is very similar to the natural shade of the strands, the effect of the application of staining lasts much longer, because the overgrown roots do not attract attention.

Until recently, the technique of two-color staining was used only when creating highlighted locks, now there are many varieties of two-color staining, among which you can choose the most suitable method, use it to create a new image.

dyed ombre on dark hair photo

Varieties of staining in two colors

The classic ombre, where there is a clear transition between the selected tones, is based on a combination of natural shades.

The degrade effect is a clear or smooth line of transition of tones, it can be horizontal or vertical. Here, in addition to the desired shades of strands, the direction of staining is also selected.

The shatush technique has much in common with classic highlighting, only without the use of ordinary foil, due to this, free air access to the colored strands is ensured. The result is a beautiful effect of curls burnt out in the sun. This is an excellent method for correcting failed staining results, visual correction of an unprofessional haircut. Such a painting on long dark hair will also look great.

The modern balayazh method is based on coloring the bangs and tips in a tone that differs from the main one. This is a great way to combine natural or contrasting tones.

Bronding is a skillful combination of a light shade with a classic brown color. The result is a magnificent brown-haired woman with the effect of burnt strands. This is a great method to increase the volume of hairstyles.

Despite the fact that many techniques have similar qualities, they are unique in their own way, helping to create an original image.

dyeing on long dark hair

The basis of the balayazh technique

This is a fairly new way of dyeing, for which the strands are given the most natural look due to the contrasting coloring of the tips and bangs with respect to the basic tone of the hair. Staining can be made not only in traditional two tones, but the master has the right to use three shades when staining.

The paint used for balayage is applied far from the hair roots in separate locks. Due to the lack of application of paint on the roots, the hair will gain a well-groomed and neat appearance after coloring and regrowth. When using this method, brush strokes occur horizontally. Vertically, it is applied only with the tip of the brush along the upper layer of the strands. Such coloring does not require frequent visits to the salon to update the color, only a couple of visits during the year are enough.

This style of coloring was created more than 5 years ago; balayazh is a visiting card of many famous stars. Ideas for using this paint have changed over the years. If earlier a balayazh suggested a soft and smooth transition, now there is a tendency to use more catchy shades and sharp transitions, this technique has risen to a new level.

Application of balayazha on dark hair

dyeing balayazh on dark hair

Hair coloring balayazh (photo) on dark hair looks great on strands of almost any length. It is dark hair that is an excellent basis for the manifestation of your imagination, trying on them both pleasant light tones and unrealistically catchy shades. If gray or dull hair is taken as the basis, then additional tinting or dyeing is required in order to maximize bring the hair tone closer to natural.

Options for dyeing balayazh on dark hair

Today, painting balayazh on dark hair exists in many fashionable variations. Each girl can choose her own convenient option for painting.

Style balayazh can be divided into the following methods:

  • Photo balayazh is the main fashion trend of this coloring. It is a complete balayazh, in which the coloring of the ends is not done to white, but only for several tones. With this method, there is a smooth stretching of the color, it is almost invisible.
  • Highlighting individual strands of hair in the face. This method is suitable for those who doubt whether the selected image will suit them or not. This method of painting is the safest. At the initial stage, you can try to brighten the strands on the face, and if the result is satisfied, then you can apply color throughout the head. Such a variation of painting will draw attention to the face, slightly softening its features and hiding minor skin imperfections.
  • Gradient balayazh. This technique involves giving the ends of the strands an additional tone. This is done with the utmost accuracy, giving a light effect of muffledness and elegance.

Features of the balayazh procedure

To perform the technique, 2 or 3 shades of paint are selected. The technology of the procedure is determined by the initial length of the hair. The main color begins with the nape of the neck, the bangs are stained last with the traditional vertical method. The hair is carefully divided into strands, special clarifiers are applied to the ends, after washing off the clarifier with strands, they start painting the roots, the highlighted ends are wrapped in a special foil. You can fix the base of the hair with varnish to fix the curls in the desired position and shape. On long hair, the effect of a gradual transition is achieved by oxidizing the upper part of the strands, after 15 minutes the dye is distributed using a comb along the entire length. To maintain the tone of the lower hair layer, a foil sheet is fixed under each strand to be dyed. The final stage is washing the coloring composition, drying and giving the hair the desired shape.

Now you know which hair dye is suitable for dark hair. Experiment and be beautiful!


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