How a submarine is arranged: description, characteristics and principle of operation

Submarines are called a class of ships that are able to move and perform other actions completely autonomously under water and on its surface. Such vessels are capable of carrying weapons, and can also be adapted for various specialized operations. Consider how the submarine is arranged and how it works.

how it works

Historical facts

The very first information about such swimming facilities dates back to 1190. In one of Germanic legends, the main character built something like a submarine from leather and managed to hide on it from enemy ships on the seabed. This swim product stayed at the bottom for 14 days. Inward air was supplied through a tube, the second end of which was on the surface. No details, drawings, information on how the submarine is arranged have been preserved.

More or less real basics of scuba diving was set forth by William Buen in his work in 1578. Buen, based on the law of Archimedes, for the first time scientifically substantiates the methods of ascent and immersion by changing the characteristics of the buoyancy of the vessel, changing its displacement. Based on these works, it was possible to build a vessel capable of sinking and floating. The ship could not sail under water.

Further, in the era of scientific and technological progress, in St. Petersburg, secretly engineers laid down the principle of the construction of a submarine intended for the armed forces. It was built according to the designs of Efim Nikonov. The project was carried out from 1718 to 1721. Next, the prototype was launched, and he was able to successfully pass all the tests.

After 50 years in the United States built the first submarine, which was used in the conduct of hostilities. The case was in the form of lentils of two halves, which were connected using flanges and leather inserts. A hemisphere made of copper with a hatch was arranged on the roof. The boat had a ballast compartment, which was emptied and filled with a pump. There was an emergency lead ballast.

The first serial submarine was the ship Dzhevetskogo. The series was 50 pieces. Then the design was improved, and instead of the paddle drive, first appeared pneumatic, and then the electric drive. These structures were built from 1882 to 1888.

The first electric submarine was the Claude Goubay development vessel. The prototype was launched in 1888, the ship had a displacement of 31 tons. For movement, an electric motor with a capacity of 50 horsepower was used. Power was supplied from a 9-ton battery.

In 1900, French engineers created the first boat with a steam and electric engine. The first was intended for movement above water, the second - under it. The design was unique. The American ship, in the likeness of the development of the French, worked on a gasoline engine to sail above the surface of the water.

Submarine device

This issue needs to be given special attention. Let's look at how a submarine is arranged. It consists of several structural elements that perform a variety of functions. Consider the basic elements.

how the submarine is arranged inside


The main task of the hull is to fully provide a constant internal environment for the mechanisms of the vessel and for its crew during the dive. Also, the casing must be such that the maximum possible speed of movement under water is achieved. This is ensured by a lightweight body.

Housing Types

Submarines, where the hull performs these two tasks, called single-hull. The main ballast tank was inside the hull, which reduced the usable volume inside and required maximum wall strength. A boat of this design wins in weight, in the required engine power and in maneuverability characteristics.

Submarines with one and a half hulls are equipped with a sturdy hull, which is partially covered by a lighter one. The main ballast tank was carried out here. It is located between two buildings. Among the advantages - excellent maneuverability and fast diving speed. Cons - little space inside, short battery life.

how is the submarine photo

Classic two-hulled boats are equipped with a sturdy hull, which is covered by a light hull throughout its length. The main ballast is in the gap between the buildings. The boat has great reliability, battery life, large internal volume. Among the minuses are the long immersion process, the large size, the complexity of ballast tank filling systems.

Modern approaches to the construction of submarines dictate the optimal shape of the hulls. The evolution of form is very closely related to the development of engine systems. Initially, priority was given to boats for surface movement with the possibility of short-term immersion for solving combat missions. The hull of those submarines had a classic shape with a pointed nose. The hydrodynamic resistance was very high, but then it did not play a special role.


Modern boats have much greater autonomy and speed, so engineers have to reduce it - the hull is made in the form of a drop. This is the best form for moving under water.

Motors and battery

The device of a modern submarine for movement contains batteries, electric motors and diesel generators. One battery charge is often not enough. The maximum charge is up to four days. At maximum speed, the battery of the submarine discharges in a few hours. Recharging is carried out by a diesel generator. The boat must necessarily pop up to recharge the batteries.

Also, anaerobic or non-volatile engines were used in the construction of a diesel submarine . They donโ€™t need air. The boat might not have surfaced.

Immersion and Ascent Systems

The submarine also has these systems. To dive, a submarine, in contrast to a surface boat, must have negative buoyancy. This was achieved in two ways - by increasing weight or reducing displacement. To increase weight, submarines have ballast tanks that are filled with water or air.

how is the submarine

For normal ascent or immersion of the boat, stern and bow tanks or main ballast tanks are used. They are needed for filling with water for immersion and for filling with air for ascent. When the boat is under water, the tanks are full.

To quickly and accurately control the depth, use tanks with depth control. Take a look at the photo of the submarineโ€™s device. Through a change in the volume of water, a change in depth is controlled.

how is the submarine photo

To control the direction of the boat, vertical rudders are used. On modern machines, steering wheels can reach huge sizes.

Surveillance systems

One of the first submarines for small depths was controlled through the portholes. Further, as it developed, the question arose of confident navigation and control. For the first time, a periscope was used for this in 1900. In the future, the system was constantly upgraded. Now nobody uses periscopes, and their place was taken by sonar active and passive sonars.

Boat inside

Inside the submarine consists of several compartments. If you look at how the submarine is arranged by the example of one of the exhibits of the exhibition โ€œFrom the History of the Russian Submarine Fleetโ€, then immediately in the first compartment you can see six bow torpedo tubes, a firing device, and spare torpedoes.

In the second compartment, there are officer and commander cabins, a logging specialist in sonar and a radio reconnaissance room.

how is the underwater inside the photo

The third compartment is a central post. In this compartment, a mass of various instruments and devices for controlling movement, immersion, ascent.

The fourth is a cabin for foremen, a galley, a radio room. In the fifth compartment are three diesel engines with a capacity of 1900 liters. from. each. They work when the boat is above the water. In the next compartment are three electric motors for underwater travel.

In the seventh, torpedo tubes, a device for firing, and berths of personnel were installed. You can see how the submarine is arranged inside. The photo will allow you to get acquainted with all the devices and compartments.


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