How to make meatballs? The best recipes

Stuffing is a fairly versatile semi-finished product. If there is some minced meat in stock, then the family will certainly not remain hungry. A resourceful hostess will always find a delicious recipe for some goodies. And how to make meatballs from minced meat, every good housewife should know. This is a universal dish. You can eat it with your family and not even be ashamed to serve guests for a gala dinner. Meatballs are made from minced meat and are very familiar in the cuisine of any people of the world. Of course, they owe their celebrity to their magnificent, delicate taste. Most often they are made with gravy, which helps to fully reveal their taste.

Meatballs or meatballs?

Fried meatballs

Many inexperienced housewives may mistaken for meatballs a very similar dish called meatballs. But meatballs and meatballs have a different look and taste. Meatballs are small balls of any kind of minced meat, boiled in broth. Often these balls are boiled in soup, only some types of seasonings and a little salt are added to the minced meat. Meatballs - this is an independent dish of minced beef or chicken. You can even stick meatballs from minced fish and pork. The main difference between meatballs and small meatballs is not even the size, which is larger, but the addition of various types of additives to the main component of the food. Supplements include vegetables and some cereals. The most famous recipe is meatballs with rice. If you still do not know how to make meatballs from minced meat and rice, the recipe is provided just below.

"Hedgehogs" from minced meat and rice

Meatballs with garnish

Those who attended kindergarten in childhood, no doubt remember this dish. They called them hedgehogs for sticking out of ready-made meatballs pictures. In order for rice to resemble the needles of a hedgehog (which kids really like), raw cereal is added to this dish. Another condition for cereal is that it must be long varieties. Not sure about the quality of the finished dish, or are you afraid that raw cereals will let you down and not cook? Then you can take already boiled rice. By the way, if you didn’t have a long one available, but you really want a tasty "hedgehog", take ordinary rice, which is rounder. In principle, it will do, too, just the "spines" will be smoother. Before making meatballs with rice, you need to collect a certain set of products according to the recipe:

  • For every 0.5 kilograms of minced meat from any kind of meat, add half a glass of rice. Here, at your discretion, the rice can be cooked or uncooked. If you add raw rice, it must be washed in cold running water and soaked for an hour before cooking.
  • 1 raw egg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Salt and black pepper (ground) - to taste.

Products for sauce:

  • 1 cup sour cream.
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Water - 1 cup. But if necessary, you can add more.

We start cooking meatballs with rice and sour cream gravy:

Meatballs Products

Chop the onion well. The smaller the pieces, the tastier the dish. Stir the minced meat, presoaked previously (or half-cooked) rice, salt, egg, onion and pepper. Then stick balls with a diameter of about 4-6 centimeters. Pour half the norm of sour cream into a thick-walled pan or pan, put meat balls on sour cream. Next, combine the remaining components prepared for the sauce, pour the meatballs mixture. The sauce should almost completely hide them. Cook the dish over low heat, or, if you are doing it in a slow cooker - in the "Extinguishing" mode. Cooking time is about half an hour. Now you know the basic recipe for making meatballs.

A variety of meatballs

Knowing the basis, you can diversify this dish with different types of additives or cook using various sauces. The family will be happy with the delicious turn of events on your dining table, and you will begin to enjoy how this very simple dish is liked by your family.

Another delicious and tender sour cream sauce and meatballs recipe for it

In sour cream sauce

The question of how to make meatballs with rice and gravy, you do not cause more panic. And let's add to them a more tender gravy sauce? The basis in the form of meat balls can be made in advance and fry in vegetable oil until a pleasant brownish crust. Then, when we prepare the gravy, then just add the fried meatballs to it and stew. So, let's begin:

  • Flour - 2-3 teaspoons.
  • Sour cream - 250 grams.
  • Water - 150 ml, but if you take the meat broth, it will be tastier.
  • Salt.

Mix all products prepared for sour cream gravy. Pour the fried meatballs with this gravy and simmer the dish at medium temperature for about thirty minutes.

Meatballs in a slow cooker are very tasty!


A crock-pot is the assistant of every housewife. It helps to save time, and dishes in the slow cooker are very tender. Let's make gravy meatballs using this miracle of household appliances. This recipe is mainly designed for those who have a slow cooker, but cooking for some reason the hostess is uncomfortable or scary. Yes, yes, there are many more good housewives who are simply afraid to use a slow cooker.

How to make minced meatballs with gravy using a slow cooker?

We take a standard set of products:

  • Any minced meat - 0.5 kilograms.
  • 1 egg
  • Rice - half a glass.
  • 1 onion medium size.
  • Salt and pepper.

Products for sauce:

  • Broth or water - approximately 400 ml.
  • Mayonnaise, sour cream, tomato, flour - all products, 2 tablespoons each.

Getting started:

Boil rice until half cooked, add chopped onion and all other products. Stick from the resulting mass of balls. Place all the balls in the multicooker bowl. We take any suitable bowl or cup and mix the products for the sauce in it. Fill our meat balls with liquid and, closing the lid, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode. Typically, the mode runs for 1 hour. After this time, open the lid of the multicooker and enjoy a delicate and tasty meal!

For lovers of the classics

Tasty meatballs

But the classic recipe for meatballs, how to make them - many have already forgotten. But now we recall the ageless favorite classics.

Product Composition:

  • Meat - 500 g.
  • Long loaf or stale bread - 70 g.
  • 1-2 eggs.
  • Milk - half a glass.
  • The bulb is medium in size. Salt and pepper.
  • Parsley - optional.
  • Vegetable oil or fat - 40 g.

Let's start cooking:

  • Using a meat grinder, grind meat. If you need a more delicate consistency, then skip it twice.
  • Run bread in milk. After the milk has been absorbed, the bread is also processed by a meat grinder.
  • Fry chopped onion in fat until golden.
  • Now mix this minced onion with minced meat and soaked loaf. Next come the egg, salt, pepper. If you like parsley, then add it at this point.

Now about how to make meatballs:

  • Stir the resulting stuffing until smooth. Then, with wet hands, form 8 meatballs from this amount.
  • Put the cake mix in the pan and add the broth to it. The broth should be hot and already salted. He should slightly hide the balls of meat. At low heat, cook for about half an hour. It is worthwhile to ensure that water does not boil in large bubbles, while destroying meatballs. Dishes should not be covered tightly during cooking. When the dish is ready - take it out on a plate. From the broth we prepare a delicious sauce.

Broth sauce

Prepare the ingredients:

  • 5 tbsp. spoons of sour cream with a good slide.
  • 1 cup of milk.
  • 0.5 cups of broth.
  • Butter - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Flour - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt, pepper - to your taste.

Cooking the sauce:

  • In dishes with a thick bottom and high sides, melt the butter. If there is no cream, then you can cook the sauce in vegetable oil.
  • Add the flour gradually to the melted butter. Take care not to make lumps, and also to ensure that the flour does not turn brown. Fry it should only be a golden hue.
  • Add sour cream and warmed milk along with the broth to the sauce.
  • Without stopping, we interfere with our sauce, so as not to get lumps, with a wooden spatula or whisk.
  • Warm the sauce very well. After it reaches a boil, cook it for about five minutes. All this time do not forget to stir!

Tender mushroom sauce for meatballs

And now it's time to learn about how to make meatballs with mushroom gravy. Garlic is present in the recipe, which gives a delicious and spicy touch to the dish. For lovers of mushrooms and all garlic, these meatballs will certainly become favorites on the dining table.

With mushrooms

Cooking the meatballs themselves is according to your favorite recipe. And here, we will give a special place to the preparation of tender gravy.

Gravy Products:

  • Mushrooms - 300 g.
  • Garlic - 4 or 5 cloves.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons with the top.
  • Water or broth - 2 glasses.
  • Any oil for frying.
  • Salt.


  • Flatten garlic cloves well. So they can give more juice when cooking.
  • Fry the garlic in very well-heated oil for about two minutes.
  • Remove the fried cloves from the oil and begin to fry the mushrooms in this oil, cut into medium pieces.
  • After a few minutes, add chopped onion into the pan to the mushrooms. If there is very little oil, then add it a little more.
  • Pour the flour, cook it until browned.
  • Pour water into the pan and cook for several minutes from the moment of boiling, before the gravy thickens.

With this sauce, you can add meatballs and brown the dish in the oven for a few more minutes. Rice or mashed potatoes are perfect for garnishing.

Well, now, perhaps, you have learned some secrets of how to make meatballs so that they are tender and incredibly tasty.


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