The most effective abs exercises at home

Many of us dream of a beautiful body. Inflated arms, legs and, of course, a raised stomach. It would seem that it is difficult to achieve such a result? Just go to the gym and use various simulators. In fact, a beautiful press will not appear if you thoughtlessly perform all kinds of exercises - you need to choose the right combo that will clog your press as efficiently as possible.

Before you buy a subscription to the gym, you need to clearly understand what result you want to get, and based on this, choose the necessary set of exercises for yourself. In this article, we will look at how to create a beautiful embossed belly. Accordingly, the complex should consist of the most effective exercises for the press. By the way, you can pump your figure not only in the gym, but also at home.

What is the press and how to deal with it?

To understand which abs exercises are the most effective, let's look at what the abs is and how to deal with it. The abdominal muscle is the rectus abdominis muscle, conventionally divided into the upper and lower parts. This is due to the fact that the upper part develops faster, and the lower part is slightly longer. By the way, this muscle does not work separately - only in its entirety. Plus, there are BMWs (fast muscle fibers) and MMVs (slow muscle fibers), the load for which is also different.

Muscle fibers

Well, we figured out the abdominal muscle, let's discuss how to work with it correctly, achieving maximum results. The first thing I would like to note is the approaches, which, depending on your training, should be:

  • 1-2 for beginners;
  • 2-3 for those who have already visited the hall;
  • 5-7 for experienced athletes.

The second is repetition. Everything is a bit more complicated here. It all depends on what you would like more - a flat stomach or cubes. If the first option, then effective exercises will be those in which a large number of repetitions (15-30) and a minimum load. By doing these exercises, you develop IIM. If the cubes are your dream, then the number of repetitions should be slightly less (6-12), but weight should be present. In this way, both the IIM and the BMW develop.

How is training for women different from training for men?

As a rule, women and men go to the gym for different purposes. Women set themselves the task of losing weight, making the stomach flat. Men are engaged in order to draw the relief of the abdomen, highlight cubes. Well, depending on the goal, as mentioned above, the training itself is different.

Press men and women

Exercises can be the same for both ladies and young people. The significant difference is that for a flat stomach, all exercises performed should be lightweight, but the number of repetitions is slightly larger. Accordingly, for the relief, the repetition is less - the weight is more.

I would go to the gym, but that's just an expensive subscription ...

A typical excuse for lazy people! Oddly enough, most press exercises are performed without the use of special expensive simulators. For the most part, no tools are needed at all for training the press other than your own body, so you can easily do it at home without giving crazy money for visiting fitness centers.

Exercises that you must perform to work on the press

Twisting (performed on the bench).

Sit on a bench upside down with your hands behind your head or near your chin. Exhale and, tightening the muscles, “twist” the abs, pulling the chin to the side of the legs, “freeze” in a similar position for a second, return to the previous position. It should be noted that the lower back should be pressed against the bench. When doing the approach, keep the press in constant tension, watch this, otherwise the exercise for the press will not be so effective.

Twisting lying on the floor.

Twisting on the floor

The execution technology is similar to the previous exercise. You need to sit on the floor, bending your knees and placing your hands behind your head or near the chin. Raise your head slightly (there should be a distance between the floor and the head) and twist the abs, pulling the chin to the knees. Returning to the starting position, you can’t lower your head, remember that the lower back should be pressed to the floor - we work only with the upper part of the body.

Double twists.

Double twisting

The essence of this exercise is that we raise not only the upper body, but also the bottom. Roughly speaking, we are developing like a book. Frankly, such an exercise is difficult to perform and not entirely suitable for children who have just started to practice and do not have good physical fitness, but this is one of the most effective exercises for the press.

Bending the torso on a block simulator.

Taking the handle, you need to lean on your knees. Holding your hands above your head, “twist” your torso towards the floor, and then slowly return to your starting position.

Raising legs lying on a horizontal bench.

Sit on the simulator. Tightening the press, raise your legs to the top. It is very important that the pelvis lifts slightly during exercise, but the legs should not be too high. Returning to the starting position, the legs must be kept in an elevated state, thereby relaxing the muscles.


Exercise Planck

One of the most effective exercises for the press at home and beyond. How to make it? Easy peasy! Lie down on the floor with your stomach resting on your elbows. Stretch in such a way that your body is as straight as possible. The lower body, by the way, needs to be supported on socks. If everything is done correctly, then you will feel the tension of the abdominal muscles. Your task is to stay in this position for as long as possible.

Flat belly for girls

For the fairer sex, who dream of a flat stomach, you can also choose a set of exercises. Features training for girls described above. The main task is to develop the IIM. Here are the most effective abdominal exercises for women to help fulfill the cherished dream of a perfect figure:

Vertical scissors.

Lie on your back, stretch your legs, put your hands on your hips. Without straightening, cross your legs as if it were a pair of scissors. The best option is 10 repetitions and 5 approaches.


Lie on your back and stretch your legs. Put your hands behind your head. Press one knee to the stomach and touch the elbow of the opposite hand of this knee, lifting the body. The other leg remains straight. Then change position by bending the other leg, and touch the other elbow with the knee. Exercise do 10 reps and 5 sets.

Alternate these exercises with those mentioned earlier, and the result will not be long in coming.

Relief press at home

All the exercises described above can be easily performed at home. Depending on your level of training, choose a complex and do it.

Complex for beginners.

ExerciseThe approachesRepetitions
Twisting on the floor3 approachesMaximum
Squats3 approachesMaximum
Pushups3 approachesMaximum

Complex for the more advanced.

ExercisesThe approachesRepetitions
Twisting on the floor (MMV + BMW)2mmv + 2bmvmaximum + 6-12
Reverse Twisting (BMW + MMV)2bmv + 2mmv6-12 + maximum
Squats2 approachesMaximum
Push ups2 approachesMaximum

Doing exercises do not forget the main thing

The most important thing when performing all the proposed exercises is to strictly follow the instructions and in no case do not overload yourself. If you are a beginner and have never been involved in sports, start with easy exercises, do not immediately tear to complex complexes, because there will still be no sense from this. Starting with the simple, much greater results can be achieved without overloading yourself.

I follow the instructions, actively train, but still no dice ...

Proper nutrition

Many do not know or simply ignore the fact that training is only 20% of success. Everything else is proper nutrition. You will never see your beautiful abs, if it is hidden behind a thick layer of fat, so actively pumping the abs, change your diet. Less carbohydrates, more protein, and soon the treasured relief will begin to appear.


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