Hairstyle of the Pharaoh: background and features

In 2012, a new rap star appeared on stage in Russia under the pseudonym “Pharaoh”. The young man very quickly entered the ranks of youth idols. Pharaoh has both admirers and ardent haters. His work raises many questions and disputes among the public.

As noted, people are very interested in the appearance of a young man. Opinions are mixed, but it should be noted that its appearance causes a great stir. People are actively discussing it, someone is pouring mud, someone, on the contrary, is trying to imitate him, and someone is completely indifferent to his appearance.

But still, most fans are eager to learn how to do a hairstyle, like that of Pharaoh.

What does a hairstyle look like?

So, the question related to the appearance of the rapper is of no small importance characterizing the personality of the performer. But no one can give a definite answer on how to make a similar hairstyle.

hairstyle of the pharaoh

Most believe that this is just overgrown groomed patlas. But such an answer does not satisfy idols. They try to find some similarities with model haircuts, draw parallels, but never come to an unambiguous opinion.

Indeed, many seek to understand and appreciate the hairstyle of rapper Pharaoh. Names, as a rule, imply that the style of the rapper is unusual. Therefore, fans think that this is some kind of unique stylistic idea.

What does an external rapper look like?

If you seriously ask what hairstyle Pharaoh has, you can catch some outlines of a model haircut. Most of all, it looks like a groomed and overgrown bob-car. Indeed, if you look at his clips and carefully peer into his hair, you will notice that they are simply overgrown and straight.

The back is shorter, the front is longer. Moreover, the length on the sides is significantly different. All these features are inherent in a modern and very popular haircut - an asymmetric bob-car. But this is hardly the idea of ​​stylists.

Most likely, the Pharaoh himself chose such an appearance for himself that in a similar way to differ from modern youth. Moreover, his work will be enjoyed not by the whole audience, but rather by rebellious teenagers.


So, the question of what is called the hairstyle of the Pharaoh, as it seemed, is quite global for modern youth. Now most of them will probably say that an asymmetrical square is a female haircut than a male haircut.

how to make a hairstyle like that of a pharaoh

Yes, in modern fashion this is indeed so. But before categorically condemning men with long hair, you should turn to the history of a bob haircut.

According to historical facts, this haircut came to us from Ancient Egypt. Both women and men wore it. But, unlike the rapper's hairstyle, the hair of the ancient Egyptians had a clear trapezoid shape and bangs.

Hair for the Egyptians was a subject requiring special attention and care, because the scorching sun simply forced at least something to cover his head. Of course, these were a variety of scarves and fabric products, but hair was the basis.

It should be pointed out that people from the lower classes wore hairstyles from their own hair. More noble, including the pharaohs themselves, shaved their own hair and put on wigs, sometimes even a few. This was done in order to create an air layer that protects from heat and the scorching sun.

Features of the hairstyle of the pharaoh

Hair in Ancient Egypt was a kind of calling card. So, for example, the pharaoh and the nobility had the largest and highest wigs.

what is the name of the hairstyle of the pharaoh

Evidence of this can be found in ancient drawings, where rulers were always depicted with large structures on their heads, and commoners with a regular hairstyle in the form of a trapezoid. Care for your hair very carefully. After all, they served as protection against wind, sun and sand storms. The Egyptians always did the following with their hairstyles:

  • soaked in aromatic oils;
  • lubricated with sticky substances;
  • noble estates decorated their hair with various jewels.

The lower society, of course, did not have such an opportunity, and such hairstyles gave them a lot of inconvenience. Therefore, they began to shave their heads, wear wigs, of course, simpler than that of the nobility.

Hairstyle modification

Over time, the former hairstyle of the pharaohs has changed a lot. This mainly concerns women, because nowadays men practically do not grow hair. If the opposite happens, then the male sex mainly adheres to the classical version.

what hairstyle does pharaoh have

Women, over time, have created many models of caret. And no wonder. After all, this haircut suits everyone, without exception. You just need to slightly adjust it to fit your face and that’s it.

How to care for a hairstyle?

As a rule, talking about Ancient Egypt involves many stories about the pyramids and pharaohs. However, the inhabitants of this state became famous not only for this.

In addition to sights and monumental structures, hairstyles and wigs were created that could change the appearance of a person in a matter of minutes. And with all the plain clothes of Ancient Egypt, everything that concerns the head and hair received great attention. So, for example, to hide gray curls, the Egyptians used bird eggs, the blood of black bulls and snake oil.

The most important and distinguishing feature of such a haircut is the ease of care. Laying is quite easy and can be completely varied. Hair can be straightened or twisted. You will look great anyway. And it’s possible, as in the case of the rapper Pharaoh, not to spend a lot of time on the appearance of his hair. Nevertheless, his hairstyle is popular, albeit ambiguous.

hairstyle pharaoh rapper name

In conclusion, we can say that at present the fashion has become so unique that everyone has the right to decide for himself how to look and what haircuts to wear, and no one will dare to judge him. After all, no one has abolished freedom of choice. And this is really wonderful, because everyone can express their individuality through appearance. Everyone has a chance to fulfill themselves and develop.

Let this cause a lot of controversy, such as the name of the hairstyle of the rapper Pharaoh. But in fact, appearance does not really matter. The only thing that matters is what the person achieved and how he managed to do it. Therefore, do not blame anyone for how he looks, because it is his right.


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