Slow cooker "Panasonic SR-TMH181": reviews. Panasonic SR-TMH181: overview of modes, description of programs

For every housewife, one moment comes the realization that it is time to purchase some fashionable device that makes life easier in the kitchen. Now there are a lot of such household devices - from double boiler to bread machine. But there is one wonderful device that surprisingly combines many features. The life of any woman will be transformed with the acquisition of such a wonderful device as the Panasonic SR-TMH181 crock-pot!

"Panasonic" multicooker: instruction

The reviews of happy housewives who have already bought one for themselves are proof of this! Weekdays in the kitchen will turn into a real holiday. Cook porridge? Not a problem! Extinguish, fry and bake, steam, sterilize - this wonderful machine will cope with everything!

Programs "Pilaf", "Milk porridge", "Buckwheat"

So, what are the features of the Panasonic SR-TMH181 multicooker? The programs "Pilaf", "Milk porridge" and "Buckwheat" are almost identical and have a very similar cooking process. With them, you can easily cook friable, appetizing buckwheat or rice, delicious porridge. And all this for you will cook the Panasonic SR-TMH181 multicooker. The recipes for these dishes are described in detail in the instructions.

How to work with these programs?

  1. Put the necessary amount of cereal in the multicooker pan and pour enough water or milk, depending on the dish. Add seasonings, salt, butter and sugar as needed.
  2. Insert the pan into the cabinet.
  3. Close the cover until it clicks.
  4. Pressing the "Menu" button, position the cursor at the desired program: "Pilaf", "Milk porridge" or "Buckwheat".
  5. Click the "Start" button.
  6. At the end of cooking, a signal will sound (audible), and the crock-pot will switch to the heating mode, while the indicator of the “Start” button will turn off and the “Heating” lamp will light up. To turn off the heating, you need to press the button "Heating / Off".
  7. Now you can open the lid and get the dish.

So quickly and without problems, she will prepare for you tasty and healthy dishes of the multicooker. The photo below illustrates the process of working with these programs.

Slow cooker "Panasonic SR-TMH 181". Reviews

Baking Program

With this program, any housewife will prepare delicious cakes, even if she never did. As if created for this Panasonic SR-TMH181 multicooker! The reviews of the happy owners do not tire of praising the assistant, because with her there is no need to constantly monitor the baking process by changing the temperature degree (as in a conventional oven), and the biscuit always turns out to be tender and very tasty! Baking a delicious biscuit is very simple:

  1. Lubricate the bottom of the pan with butter, then the finished product will be easier to remove from the mold.
  2. Lay out the dough.
  3. Insert the pan into the cabinet.
  4. Close the cover until it clicks.
  5. Pressing the “Menu” button, position the cursor on the “Baking” program. In this case, the display will default to 40 minutes.
  6. By clicking on the “Cooking Time” button, you can set the number of minutes you need - from 20 to 65.
  7. After setting the desired time, press the "Start" button.
  8. At the end of cooking, a signal (audible) will sound, press the “Heating / Off” button. Leave the product to cool in the slow cooker with the lid closed for 15-30 minutes (so the dough will not fall).

Open the lid, remove the pan from the case, gently turn it upside down, laying the finished product on a tray or plate.

"Panasonic" multicooker: instruction

Thus, with the small dimensions of the kitchen, it will be able to replace the volumetric oven of the Panasonic SR-TMH181 multicooker. User reviews only confirm this: a wonderful device can even replace a gas stove. Just imagine how much space you can free up thanks to this little kitchen assistant!

Steaming and Stewing Programs

These programs, like the rest, are activated via the "Menu" button and positioning the cursor opposite the desired position. The only difference is that when extinguishing, the default time is set to 1 hour and it can be changed from 1 to 12 hours in increments of 30 minutes (by pressing the button "Cooking time"). And when you select the “Steam cooking” program, the time is automatically set to a value of 10 minutes. Using the same button, it can be changed from 1 to 60 minutes in increments of 1 minute. For steaming, a rice grid is included with the multicooker. It is on this program that you can also sterilize dishes.

Slow cooker, photo

Overview of Additional Features

What is good about the Panasonic SR-TMH181 multicooker? The presence of a timer! With it, you can delay the inclusion of programs such as "Pilaf", "Buckwheat" and "Milk porridge". By selecting the "Timer" mode, you can set the time after which the dish will be ready. Here is the range of possible timer values ​​that the multicooker has. The photo below (from the instructions) clearly shows that cooking buckwheat and milk porridge can be delayed for a period of 1 to 13 hours. And for pilaf - from 1.5 to 13 hours.

Slow cooker Panasonic SR-TMH 181, recipes

By using the “Heat / Off” button, the finished dish can be put on constant heating. Suppose you are waiting for guests, but they are late. There is nothing easier than putting the device on this function, and by their arrival a warm, delicious dish will only need to be laid out on plates and served. Very convenient, isn't it?

Slow cooker Panasonic SR-TMH181: reviews

Slow cooker Panasonic SR-TMH 181, price

Reviews on Runet open spaces only confirm that with the acquisition of a multicooker life becomes easier and more joyful. And when it comes to families with small children, the help of this miracle device becomes simply irreplaceable! Moms appreciated the program “Milk porridge”: with its help, delaying the cooking time by a timer until the morning, you can not only sleep an extra hour, but also receive, without any effort, a delicious warm porridge right for breakfast! With it, truly even complex becomes surprisingly simple.

Slow cooker "Panasonic SR-TMH 181". Reviews

What else, according to users, has the pros and advantages of the Panasonic (slow cooker)?

  • The instruction is written in a simple and accessible language, with many illustrations. Even a child will understand.
  • Small dimensions of the product. Even in a small kitchen she can always find a place.
  • When cooking, you do not need to constantly monitor the process, standing at the stove.
  • The dishes are tasty and healthy.
  • Capacious pan.
  • Quite affordable price.

Of the minuses, users note only the lack of the ability to put the timer on the "Extinguishing", "Baking" and "Steaming" modes and a rather fragile non-stick coating of the pan. The last problem can be solved using silicone, rather than metal kitchen shovels and scrapers.

Slow cooker "Panasonic SR-TMH181": price

According to various stores, the price of this wonderful unit ranges from 4750 to 6650 rubles. The average cost is 5900 rubles. But do not forget that sometimes stores conduct promotions and sales, at such moments you can buy this kitchen assistant at a discount of 30 to 50%!

A great gift for any housewife, mom, wife and even grandmother - "Panasonic" (slow cooker)! The instruction is very simple and clear, and all the commands and programs on the control panel are written in Russian. Do not hesitate in buying, because any woman will appreciate such a present. After all, this is not just a gift, it is a manifestation of real care for your loved ones!


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