Oxygen water: what is it

Water is the source of life, it accompanies us from conception throughout life. With the help of water, our body receives all the necessary substances, blood liquefies, pressure normalizes, and temperature is regulated. Man is almost 70% water. It disinfects our body and promotes normal digestion. Along with water, throughout life we ​​are accompanied by oxygen, without which we could not exist. Nowadays, scientists have been able to combine these two components, creating an amazing product - oxygenated water.

Oxygen concentrator for water

There is an apparatus for creating healing water. It can produce one to six liters of oxygen per minute from the surrounding atmosphere. Oxygen concentrators are used for prolonged oxygen breathing, for the prevention of oxygen starvation. And also for the preparation of oxygen water and oxygen cocktails. There is an opinion that a ten-minute oxygen inhalation session can even replace a walk in the forest. Few people think that apathy, drowsiness, decreased libido and aggression can be the result of very low levels of oxygen in the atmosphere.

apparatus for oxygen water

Life-giving moisture

Oxygen drinking water can be a salvation for the elderly and active youth. After all, it helps to increase vitality, providing a strengthening effect on the whole body. Due to the high oxygen content , oxygen water activates anti-aging processes, helps digestion and immunity, cleanses the body by eliminating toxins and has a beneficial effect on our brain. Such water will benefit absolutely everyone: athletes - help restore strength after training, residents of megacities - make up for oxygen deficiency, elderly and children - maintain active brain activity and immunity. An important point: oxygen water should be drunk immediately after opening, since within 10-15 minutes, useful oxygen can simply disappear from the life-giving, the water will become ordinary.

water molecules

Oxygen water: reviews

The opinions of people who experienced the wonderful properties of this water, as usual, were divided into two camps. It seems to one that this is just an advertisement that no oxygen can be added to water molecules, whole discussions are underway on this subject, with the involvement of all connoisseurs of chemistry. And the second group of people was satisfied with the result. Some people buy bottled oxygen water, Water O2, and use it either inside or in the form of a spray so that the skin “breathes and freshens”. Some acquire a concentrator, while the most inventive ones prepare water at home.

oxygen water

Inventors at home

To prepare oxygen water at home, you will need:

- the container is heat-resistant, glass;

- hydrogen peroxide 3-6%;

- rubber ball.

We pour hydrogen peroxide into the container, pull the ball over the neck, put the container in the water bath and heat it over low heat. With proper manipulations, pure oxygen will be released into the cavity of the ball. Hold the ball and blow oxygen into a glass of water. We quickly pour water into another glass quickly, quickly, back and forth, so that bubbles appear. After ten transfusions, oxygen water is ready. You need to drink water until the oxygen has evaporated. The process is dubious and time-consuming, but judging by the reviews, people like the result.

And to prepare a bath enriched with oxygen, you will need: two hundred liters of water 37 degrees + one hundred grams of sodium bicarbonate + fifty milliliters of a solution of copper sulfate 5% + two hundred milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. Mix all this and after ten minutes you can take a bath. Oxygen will be released for 30-40 minutes. Attention! All procedures should be carried out only after consulting with specialists, the described methods are for reference only.

nature and water

Oxygenated water

Recently, very often pregnant women, doctors of the antenatal clinic diagnosed with fetal hypoxia. What it is? This means that the child inside does not have enough oxygen, which is fraught with terrible consequences. What to do to expectant mother? Where to get oxygen, especially to residents of megacities? We need walks in the fresh air - preferably in parks. And if there is no such possibility, oxygen water can come to the rescue. Oxygenated water will help make up for the lack of oxygen, it is a real find for a future mother. This water will help to better cope with toxicosis, prevent swelling and hypertension, lower blood sugar and improve heart function. Water produced in springs or artesian wells industrially is saturated with oxygen.

Panacea or salvation?

Since a person consists practically of water, in order to maintain his health, he needs clean water saturated with trace elements. And man just needs oxygen, as the only way to exist. Scientists came up with a combination of these two components and the result was an excellent product - oxygenated water, just the perfect fluid for the human body, to maintain all vital functions, to combat slagging. Scientists such as T.A. Vasiliev, V.V. Kenz, in the course of their research, proved that oxygen water has a therapeutic effect in the form of baths. Such baths are widely used in hospitals and sanatoriums for the treatment of vascular tone, blood pressure, saturating the blood with oxygen through the skin.

heart and water

In 1964, H.I. Weinstein proved that when taking baths with oxygen water, ECG, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in patients with coronary atherosclerosis are improved. To take such baths, it is necessary to exclude the presence of hypotension and neurotic conditions.

To drink or not to drink oxygen water is up to you. This water is not a source of eternal youth and not an elixir of immortality. Hoping for stunning results is not worth it, but a sip of clean fresh water has not hurt anyone. Be healthy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41080/

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