Plaque: what is it? A good option for a holiday gift

The end of the year is drawing near. Many people begin to think about how to mark those who have achieved a lot this year. It is important for someone to reward employees. Someone is looking for an original gift for an anniversary or wedding. And there are those who for the year received new certificates and diplomas that they want to tell their customers about.
In search of a solution, you can stumble upon a proposal to make a plaque. What it is? What options are there? How to choose a suitable plaque?

Plaque What is it and why is it needed

A plaque popular in the business sector is a type of diplomas and diplomas. It differs from the classic type of awards by a wooden base with a metal or acrylic sheet on which the text is engraved.

Looking for a way to thank an employee? Order an award plaque in a classic style. It will meet the standards of the usual letter for everyone, but at the same time it can be hung on the wall or mounted on a table.

Do you want to originally congratulate a person on his anniversary? Design your own design or choose from the catalog and instead of a paper card present something that will please you for many years.

Want to add office presentability and sophistication? Issue confirmation of your qualifications and merits. You no longer have to talk about how much experience you have, how many peaks you have conquered. Plaques with letters and diplomas will tell you better and faster.

plaque what is it

What to write on a plaque

The text on the plaque can be anything. You can put congratulations, certification details, nice words or philosophical expressions. Even the image of your favorite pet can be recreated. Everything that you want to place on a plaque can be done thanks to modern technology.

It is popular in the business environment to place on a plaque certificates, diplomas and certificates that reflect the qualifications and achievements of the company or firm. Foreign educational institutions issue their diplomas in this form. Perhaps you have one or more options plaque that already fit into the interior. Look, maybe they do not reflect the whole picture as a whole and you need to add to them your other achievements and merits?


premium plaques

Do you need to develop your own design or can the company offer its own version

Modern plaque manufacturing companies offer their design services, but they can fulfill your option. If you do not want to spend your time thinking of what should be depicted, then you can simply choose the design you like from the manufacturer’s samples.

How is the cost of a plaque

The manufacturing cost depends on a number of factors:

1. What tree will the base be from (alder, birch, oak, etc.).
2. What shape will the plaque be (square, round or in the form of a ship).
3. Will the metal part be used to apply text or will it be applied directly to the tree.
4. What metal will the front part be (copper, brass, aluminum, etc.).
5. How will the text be printed. Modern manufacturers use various methods of applying text. Laser engraving, sublimation, digital printing - the most common in the environment of creating plaques. What is it, how is the creation of products in a particular company, you can ask the manufacturer.
6. The number of plaques to order. Most plaque manufacturing companies give good discounts to those who order not just one, but a whole print run.
7. Production time.
8. The complexity of the design and the saturation of the picture.

Each of these components is selected at your discretion.

wooden plaque

How can you be sure that the result will suit

The answer to this question lies in the algorithm for ordering a plaque. Before the master begins to execute your order, it will be necessary to draw up a technical task. You will be asked in detail about what exactly you want to see in the end (form, material, quantity, etc.).

If you give the right to develop a plaque template to the company, then, on the terms of reference, the artist will draw up a sample that will need to be agreed. And only after the sample receives your approval, it will be sent to production. It remains only to receive plaques and make it pleasant for all those whom you would like to mark.

Most often they order metal plaques; they look expensive and presentable. Thanks to the brilliance of metal, such a souvenir allows you to show a person its importance and value.

metal plaques

But what if you order a plaque for your own office, whose interior, in your opinion, should not be decorated with metal? For you, wooden plaques can be a great option.

The choice is always yours!

Does it make sense to give a person a plaque, rather than an ordinary letter

Of course, most people, receiving a letter, after a few days hide it in the archive and stumble upon it when looking for the necessary certificate or in a fit of nostalgia. Is it possible to hide a plaque in a folder or file? Reward and congratulatory options are rarely sent by the owner to storage out of sight.

Thanks to their presentable appearance, they successfully fit into the interior and, causing positive emotions, create an atmosphere of professionalism in the room. The certificates and diplomas issued in this way help confirm your qualifications and experience without further ado.

Such a gift will please the eye for a long time and support your employees in overcoming the difficulties of work. They will feel their importance and the need of the company. After all, only a person who feels in the right place and feels the importance of his work is given one hundred percent to his beloved business!

You were interested in the question of plaques: what is it and how can important people be noted with their help? We hope the article helped to deal with this issue and suggested a way out of the situation.


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