Hair moisturizing oil: a review of the best tools, application, effectiveness, reviews

Most women love experimenting with their appearance. Unfortunately, hair often suffers from such experiments. After numerous stains, they become thinner and dry. Often begin to "push" and fall out. Home procedures with natural oils for moisturizing hair can help in this situation.

Natural hair oils

The benefits of hair oils

Trichologists say that absolutely all types of oils are useful for hair. Provided that the woman uses them correctly. The exception is mineral oil. It consists of a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons, which are obtained in the process of oil refining. Naturally, in production it is subjected to several stages of purification. But it does not become more useful from this. Most often it is used to make cheap cosmetics.

The best oils for moisturizing hair:

  • burdock;
  • Coconut
  • argan;
  • castor;
  • olive;
  • jojoba;
  • almond;
  • avocado.

All of these oils have a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair, moisturizing and nourishing it. In addition, some of them are able to heal the scalp. Therefore, before choosing a remedy, you need to decide what result you want to get from treatment.

Oil masks before and after

Burdock, camphor, argan and castor oil are most useful for the scalp itself. All of them are able to stimulate hair growth, improve the blood supply to the follicles, regulate oiliness, nourish, moisturize and cleanse the skin.

Oils that can penetrate deep into the hair and nourish the cuticle include olive, coconut and jojoba oil. All of them give curls density, shine and elasticity. Many essential oils are also capable of healing hair. For example, tangerine, sandalwood and orange.

Application Rules

Start using oil to moisturize your hair immediately, as soon as the condition of the curls begins to cause concern. For example, if the strands lost their luster, they became brittle, dry and naughty. For preventive purposes, oil once a week should be used by everyone who dries hair and dyes it. The effect of the procedure in most cases can be noticed immediately. If the hair has become too dry, then for a noticeable result you will need to take a course of 10-15 procedures.

It is quite difficult to answer the question of which hair moisturizing oil is better. The fact is that they all cope very well with this task. But situations are not uncommon when, in addition to hydration, the hair needs additional nutrition and strengthening. Some oils can not only saturate curls with moisture, but also destroy dandruff and cope with oily seborrhea. Therefore, it is necessary to select a remedy carefully, given the general condition of the strands.

Apply hair oil as follows:

  1. After washing. To do this, pour a little oil in the palm of your hand and grind it. Then apply the product over the entire length of the hair. Make sure that it does not get to the roots.
  2. In its pure form before washing. The product is heated in a water bath to a temperature of 38-40 degrees. The selected oil is rubbed into the roots and applied to its entire length. Curls are closed with a bag or a shower cap. You can wrap a towel over your head. The longer the oil will affect the hair, the better. At the end of the process, rinse the curls twice with shampoo.
  3. As part of the masks. Hair moisturizing oil can be mixed with other beneficial natural ingredients. The mixture is applied in the same way as the product in its pure form.
  4. In conjunction with other products. A few drops of oil can be added to the balm or hair mask, shampoo and other products.
  5. In front of the beach or pool. A few drops of oil are applied in the palm of your hand and rubbed. Apply evenly to strands before going to the beach.
Oil Reviews

For prophylaxis, oils can be used once a week. For the treatment of advanced cases, the tool can be used in its pure form or to prepare masks based on it. The procedures will have to be performed two to three times a week for two months. Then the result will need to be maintained.

Burr oil

An indispensable product for damaged hair is burdock oil. The first results from its use will be visible after the first procedure. Launched cases will require long-term treatment, about two to three months.

The product is obtained by insisting the roots of burdock on other oils. Most commonly used are sunflower or peanut. It is better to refuse to buy a product that contains mineral oil. Therefore, it is recommended to buy the drug only at the pharmacy or cook it yourself.

The oil contains vitamins A, C, E and group B. In addition, it contains inulin, fatty acids and useful trace elements. Many experts confirm the fact that burdock is the best oil for hair growth and hydration. It will be useful in the following cases:

  • dropping out;
  • dry hair
  • fragility;
  • damage after staining and using a hair dryer;
  • dull color.

Regular use of the product will saturate the curls with moisture, make them soft, silky and elastic. Oil can strengthen existing and awaken dormant hair follicles.

You can apply the product in its pure form, in combination with other oils, or use as a basis for a mask. It is important to remember that it must be warmed up before use. Cold oil can harm your hair.

You can cook quality burdock oil yourself. This will require fresh or dry burdock root. And also 0.5 liters of quality olive or other oil. Grind the fresh root in a blender, dry - in a coffee grinder. Pour the root oil and place the mixture in a glass bottle. Leave in a dark place for three weeks. If desired, the finished product can be filtered.

Coconut oil

Quality oil is obtained from the pulp of fresh ripe coconuts. It should not contain preservatives, dyes and other artificial additives. The product contains polyunsaturated acids, minerals and vitamins. They are able to moisturize and nourish the hair, as well as the scalp.

Coconut Hair Oil

Moisturizing hair with coconut oil is achieved thanks to valuable oleic acid. It is capable of enveloping every hair, retaining moisture in it and protecting it from the aggressive effects of a hair dryer or ironing.

Regular use of the oil has the following effects on the hair:

  • moisturizes;
  • prevents loss;
  • nourishes;
  • gives shine;
  • protects from aggressive external influences;
  • prevents the formation of dandruff;
  • allows you to save color after painting;
  • prevents stratification.

Only a quality product can restore hair. Therefore, it is worth buying oil only from a trusted manufacturer or preparing it yourself from fresh coconuts. Before applying the finished product must be heated.

Argan oil

A huge number of fans has argan oil to moisturize hair. The reviews of the girls who used it indicate that the remedy is able to return to life the most dull and dry curls.

Oil is made from the fruits of argania. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and E. This oil is suitable for all types of hair. It moisturizes curls, protects them from UV rays, stimulates growth and nourishes hair follicles.

Its regular use can bring such results:

  • moisturizes every hair;
  • completely eliminates dandruff;
  • prevents falling out;
  • It is an excellent prevention of gray hair;
  • returns shine;
  • makes hair stronger and more elastic.

Argan oil for moisturizing hair at home can be used daily. To do this, a few drops of the product are rubbed between the palms and applied to the strands. Thus, the curls will be protected from evaporation of moisture and from exposure to the sun.

Castor oil

One of the most affordable means is castor oil. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits that this tool can bring to hair.

They make it from castor seeds. Deep hydration of hair with oil is achieved due to its unique composition. It contains oleic, stearic, lanolin and other acids. Oil has the following effects on the hair:

  • moisturizes and nourishes the hair bulb and the stem itself;
  • protects from the negative effects of the environment;
  • stimulates growth;
  • prevents brittleness;
  • eliminates itching, dryness and peeling of the skin.

The consistency of castor oil is dense and viscous. Therefore, it is recommended to heat it to a temperature of 40 degrees. Castor oil is most suitable for use in masks and in combination with other oils.

Olive oil

Probably everyone knows about the benefits of olive oil for the health of the body. It contains phospholipids, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It has been proven that women who regularly use it are 50% less likely to have breast cancer.

The benefit of olive oil was also appreciated by cosmetologists. It nourishes dry skin, smoothes wrinkles. This is a truly unique product. Olive oil for hair (for hydration and nutrition) is one of the best remedies.

This product makes up for the lack of nutrients and vitamins. Oil is especially recommended for long hair, subject to dryness and cross section. The tips get all the nutrients they need and get stronger.

An indication for using olive oil to moisturize hair is:

  • the presence of damaged and dry strands;
  • prolapse and slow growth;
  • split hairs;
  • dandruff;
  • loss of shine and color.

The product can be used in pure form. The oil also works well in multi-component masks. The product gives a good result if applied all night. Masked is best combined with eggs, honey, cognac and other oils.

Jojoba oil

Many women want to know which hair moisturizing oil is the highest quality. There is no single answer to this question. Each oil has its own characteristics and advantages. In any case, they are all good for hair.

Jojoba oil for hair

A unique oil is produced from the jojoba shrub native to North America. Often it is called liquid wax. This should not be scared, the oil is washed off well with an ordinary shampoo.

With this tool you can keep your hair in excellent condition. It is able to effectively solve such problems:

  • dry hair and skin;
  • dandruff;
  • slow growth of strands;
  • protection against the negative effects of styling products and the environment;
  • itching

All this is possible due to the unique composition of the oil. It is great for treating oily hair, as it is able to be completely absorbed without weighting curls. And dry and damaged strands quickly fill with moisture and shine.

Apply oil in the following way:

  • in pure form;
  • as a massage product for the scalp;
  • for compresses against hair loss;
  • add to shampoos.

Almond oil

Almond oil for moisturizing hair is considered universal. It is suitable for any type and is able to transform even the driest and most damaged curls. There is a legend that Cleopatra herself used this tool in the care of her hair and skin. Among modern beauties, this tool is no less popular.

The product owes its unique properties to its composition. It includes:

  • oleic acid (it is she who is responsible for the saturation and retention of moisture in the hairs);
  • vitamin A;
  • complex of organic acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • fats
  • Vitamin F
  • proteins;
  • Vitamin E
  • organic acids;
  • carotene.

The effect of using oil is observed after a month of regular procedures. This tool gradually heals every hair, strengthening and moisturizing it. Trichologists recommend using it in such cases:

  • dry, often tangled and damaged hair;
  • oily and inflamed scalp;
  • split ends;
  • the influence of ultraviolet radiation and hard water.

Almond oil is safe. It shows its magnificent qualities both in masks and in pure form. Like all other oils, it is also recommended to apply it warm.

Avocado oil

The oil of this fruit has a unique structure. It allows him to penetrate deep into the hair and retain moisture in it. We can say that this is the best tool for dry, damaged and brittle strands.

Avocado oil for hair

Avocado hair moisturizing oil contains folic acid, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. That is all that is needed to restore the strands. In addition, it has a healing effect on the scalp. It is cleaned of dead scales and moisturized.

Oil is recommended to be used in pure form. When applied, a light massage of the scalp should be done. And then distribute the product in strands.

The best cosmetic hair oils

Many women prefer to use oils that are produced by well-known cosmetic brands. Among the best moisturizers are the following products:

  1. Mythic Oil by L'Oreal. Protects against drying out and maintains normal moisture levels.
  2. Nutriextra Oil by Vichy. The composition of macadamia oil, rose hip, apricot, currant and almond oil. Revitalizes the most dehydrated hair.
  3. Exquisite Oil Biolage by Matrix. Improves the general condition of the hair and protects them from dehydration.
  4. Grand Cru Elixir Ultime by Kerastase. The unique composition of the oil helps to moisturize, nourish and strengthen the hair.
  5. Oil Reflections by Wella. Envelops each hair, filling all the voids. It retains moisture well.


In order for curls to always look luxurious, you must regularly use oils to moisturize your hair. Reviews of the girls confirm that the strands come to life before our eyes. Some owners of long hair for restoration and moisturizing use this technique: apply olive oil to the strands, braid the braid and go to bed. And in the morning they wash their hair and enjoy the result. Regular use of this method allows you to get curls no worse than in the commercials of the best shampoos.

The result after hair oils

Burdock and castor oils are chosen by those girls who (in addition to moisturizing their hair) want to improve their growth. In their reviews, they draw attention to the fact that the density of the hair has improved significantly after three months of regular use of the product.

Argan, almond and coconut oils conquer with their aromas. All of them perfectly moisturize the hair, restore their shine and strength. In order to evaluate the benefits of all oils, it is recommended to try each of them. And opt for the product that is most suitable for hair.


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