“Masting” is about hard training

Modern youth adheres to very free views, neglects the instructions and moral teachings of the older generation. Contemptuously speaks of classical methods of education. But at the same time, she was completely unfamiliar with the most odious options, because no one tried to drill it. This word indirectly refers to laying new skills and discipline in people's heads, but the semantic load is neutral-negative. Why did this happen?

Training on the parade ground

The concept came into Russian from Polish. The original musztra was closely connected with military affairs and was decomposed into values:

  • display;
  • parade.

However, “drill” is a deeper term. Before Poland, it existed in Italy as the mostra, where it came from Latin. The definition of monstrare means:

  • show;
  • indicate.

And in itself is a derivative of monere, which appeals to the human mind, meaning:

  • pay attention;
  • warn;
  • remind.

As a result, it turns out that they are talking about something important, which, through regular demonstrations under the supervision of a teacher, is recorded in the students' memory. For subsequent playback on the parade ground.

Thanks to the drill, they learn to unconsciously perform complex actions

Discipline and repetition

But what does “drill” mean? Special training for future soldiers and officers, which are based on:

  • mechanical discipline;
  • unconscious memorization of techniques.

The same word refers to any method of education that looks similar to occupations in a military institution. It is based on psychological violence, albeit to a mild degree. It is not surprising that the closest synonym to the word “drill” is “to train”.

21st Century Realities

Army training is a specific phenomenon, within the framework of which they try to temper character, strengthen not only the mind, but also the body with the spirit. For military officers and teachers, wearing uniform, it seems normal for teenagers and youth to drill. This in the future should help to get out in people or save in an extreme situation. But only within the framework of the curriculum under the Ministry of Defense is the main significance of the concept under study relevant.

It can also be used allegorically. In this case, the word implies the incredible cruelty and / or excessive severity of teachers. The severity of the method, a huge number of requirements and restrictions imposed on the student. When a person is reduced to the level of the most disenfranchised animal, without leaving freedom of choice and subjecting him to punishment in case of misconduct.

For many contemporaries, the drill is unacceptable

Lexicon relevance

Mounting is right when it comes to soldiers. Only discipline and execution of orders allow maintaining order in a combat situation. But when it comes to peaceful life, some teachers go too far, because of which they lose touch with students and kill the slightest desire to study in the latter. That is, they cross out all their efforts.

It should be noted that the younger generation sometimes uses the word as a hyperbole, demanding freedom with minimal prohibitions. Want to avoid this? Enter into dialogue and find compromises!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41084/

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