The scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Training program

Pullups are the very first physical exercise that has become available to a person. When our ancestors were monkeys, they spent a huge amount of time on trees, demonstrating the wonders of acrobatics and flexibility on branches. In addition, this is a good basic exercise that allows you to master your body. If you have not made friends with this type of training, then it's time to add a pull-up scheme on the horizontal bar to your training program. And literally in 3-4 months you will be able to demonstrate good strength indicators. But before moving on to practice, it is necessary to devote at least a little time to useful information and familiarize yourself with the general principles of training and the technical subtleties of the exercise. Theoretical knowledge will allow you to progress faster in results and avoid common mistakes.

The basic principles of training using pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

Regularity, breathing and technique - these are the golden rules of effective, and most importantly, safe pull-ups. It is very important to follow these fundamental principles:

  • Regularity. Sport does not like lazy people, so if you are determined to master at least a simple pull-up scheme on the horizontal bar for beginners, then be prepared to go all the way. Muscles have a fantastic memory, but they also quickly come into a state of discomfort, so it is extremely important to exercise regularly. Do not look for excuses to skip the workout, in critical cases you can make a lightweight version of the lesson according to a shortened program, the main thing is that the muscles receive at least a little load.
  • Breath. This is a rather difficult strength exercise, so it is important to monitor the air circulation in the body. In no case should you hold your breath for effort, it increases pressure and can provoke a rupture of blood vessels or an attack of asphyxiation. In the positive phase of the exercise (when lifting), you need to take a breath, and in the negative (when lowering) - exhale.
  • Equipment. If you have been doing pull-ups for a long time, but the progression of the results has stopped and the number of repetitions is not growing, it is most likely a matter of technique, and not of your physiological limits. If you pull yourself by the strength of your hands, sooner or later you will reach the climax of your abilities, because these are rather small muscle groups, and they are not adapted to heavy loads. To train more effectively and efficiently with each week, you need to learn how to include back muscles in the work, for this it is important to master the correct technique and bring it to automatism.

Mastering the technique: classic pull-ups

Before proceeding to the scheme to increase pull-ups on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to master the technique of the classic version of the exercise. One repetition consists of four main phases, time and effort are distributed between them as follows:

  • torso lifting phase (35%);
  • fixing the position at the top point (20%);
  • torso lowering phase (35%);
  • pause before the next repeat (10%);

One very important nuance should be drawn from this: pull-ups are not only the lifting of one's own body, but also lowering. It is important to make efforts in both the positive and negative phases of the exercise. Many beginners neglect this rule and simply relax their hands to return the body to its original position. Of course, this will allow you to do more repetitions, but the effectiveness of the exercise will suffer greatly, because a huge number of muscle groups work during lowering. Also, do not ignore the pause at the top of the path. It is proved that a static load most actively involves muscle fibers in work than dynamic training.

And now let's dwell on the technique:

  • Choose your preferred grip and hang on the horizontal bar. The body must be tense.
  • Concentrate all your attention on the back, namely on the latissimus muscles, try to feel their stretching.
  • By contracting the muscles of the back and arms, lift your body up, while it is desirable that the chin is higher than the crossbar.
  • Be sure to linger at the top point.
  • Slowly start lowering the chassis down.
  • Do not bring your hands to complete relaxation, begin the next repetition before the elbow joint is completely straightened.

Effective Alternative: Head Pulls

Head pulls

If you select a pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar for muscle growth, then in addition to the classic version, there will be pull-ups for the head. In biomechanics, these exercises are very similar. In the usual version, not only the back and arms work, part of the load is "stolen" by the pectoral muscles. If you want to completely concentrate on the broadest, rhomboid muscles and trapezes, then be sure to use pull-ups for the head. The technique is similar: it is just necessary to start the crossbar behind the head and try to rise to the very base of the neck. A similar exercise can be performed in the simulator - the traction of the upper block in the crossover.

A good way to diversify your workouts: push ups

If you want to diversify your workouts a little, then in addition to the horizontal bar, you can use the bars. Despite the fact that almost the same muscles are involved in the exercises, the load is slightly different. The bars train the chest harder, and the horizontal bar is aimed at the back, well, and the hands are involved everywhere. Various pumping methods allow you to draw more muscle fibers into your work. The bars are of two types: wide and narrow. The principle of load distribution between the muscles is similar to the choice of grip when pulling up, the wider, the more the back and chest work. In a narrow setting, the arms are worked out well, especially the triceps. To use more muscles in the work, you can combine the pull-ups on the horizontal bar and the program on the uneven bars. Moreover, the second shell allows you to perform much more various exercises, from classic push-ups to various types of penetration.

The influence of grip on the inclusion of working muscles during pull-ups

Muscles in pull-ups

Before moving on to the pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar, you need to determine the grip. After all, the purpose of your training will depend on the location of your hands. Types of grip:

  • Medium straight - the whole back and biceps work most of all, part of the load goes to the middle deltas.
Reverse Grip Pulls
  • The average inverse is the targeted pumping of the latissimus and biceps muscles of the shoulder.
Wide pull-ups
  • Wide grip (classic) - in addition to the wings, trapezes are connected to the training.
  • Wide grip (behind the head) - a concentrated study of the entire back: from trapezes to the lower back.
Tight grip pull-ups
  • Narrow straight - the lower segments of the wings are most involved from the back muscles, but the main part of the load is on the triceps and dentate muscles.
  • The narrow inverse is a good option for pumping biceps.
  • Neutral (along the crossbar) - an excellent study of all bundles of deltas and dentate muscles of the shoulder.

Program preparation and strength test

And now you can proceed to the pull-ups on the horizontal bar from scratch. But before starting training, you need to conduct a strength test in order to assess the initial level of your training. Based on this figure, you will understand what week you should start classes. After all, the program is designed even for people who can not pull themselves up even once. As a starting point, the number of pull-ups with an average straight grip is usually taken. The exercise must be performed according to the technique, not allowing cheating and swinging, the ups and downs should be in full amplitude.

Also, before starting classes, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work, namely to take care of a comfortable room. It is best to practice in the gym or on the street, but if you exercise at home, the room should be well ventilated. The height of the horizontal bar should correspond to your height, the legs should not touch the floor.

Scheme for beginners: increase strength and endurance

What does the pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar look like in 30 weeks? In fact, everything is simple. Each week you will have three workouts, for one you need to do 5 approaches. The progression of the loads is distributed as follows:

  • The first approach: the initial number of repetitions is 6, each odd week the number of repetitions increases by 1. This means that in the first and second week there will be 6 repetitions, and the third is already 7, and so on until the end.
  • The second approach: the initial number of repetitions is 5, each odd week the number of repetitions increases by 1.
  • The third approach: the initial number of repetitions is 5, every third week the number of repetitions increases by 1.
  • Fourth approach: the initial number of repetitions is 4, each odd week the number of repetitions increases by 1.
  • Fifth approach: the initial number of repetitions is 3, every third week the number of repetitions increases by 1.

If you are completely new, then in the first month you will have to master the technique of the exercise itself, and after that it will be possible to work to improve the result.

First week: learning to hang on the horizontal bar

You need to start mastering the pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar from the correct starting position, for this learn to hang on the horizontal bar correctly. If you grossly violate the technique, then your hands will get tired too quickly and you will not be able to work out the approach qualitatively. The palms should be absolutely dry, like the crossbar itself. The grip should be strong enough, but not too strong. The body should be straight and tense, like the muscles of the arms.

Second week: negative phase of exercise

We continue to master the pull-ups on the horizontal bar. In week two, you will study the negative phase of the exercise - lowering down. For this you need a chair or help from a partner. Such an imitation of pull-ups will help you learn to concentrate on working muscles and gradually increase your strength. The exercise should start from the top of the trajectory, for this climb onto the crossbar using a chair or assistant, and then slowly lower yourself down, doing it with the efforts of the back muscles.

Third week: consolidation of the result

Pullups with a partner

Further, the pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar for 30 weeks is designed to consolidate the result. The following three workouts need to alternate between two exercises:

  • lowering phase;
  • pull-ups with the help of a partner, and if you are engaged in the gym, then this can be done in the gravitron.

It is necessary to perform 3-4 approaches for each exercise, approximately 10 or 15 repetitions. Be guided by their physical capabilities. It is important to strengthen your muscles as much as possible before the last preparatory week.

Fourth week: positive phase of exercise and full pull-ups

At this stage, preparation for the pull-up pattern on the horizontal bar for 30 weeks is coming to an end. Over the past time, your muscles must have time to adapt to the load, and you should have enough strength to master the classical technique. Try to work with the back muscles and observe all the nuances of the exercise, this will allow you to adapt to a new type of load much faster and begin to fully pull up.

Advanced Scheme: Weight Training Program

Once you master the previous program, you can safely proceed to the pull-ups scheme on the horizontal bar for muscle growth. Here, various types of exercises will be alternated, which were described in detail in the article.

Exercises with the number of approaches and repetitions:

  • classic medium grip - 3 to 15;
  • classic for the head - 3 to 15;
  • wide grip to the chest - 4 to 20;
  • narrow grip - 4 to 20;
  • bars - 4 to 15;

Training should be done at least three times a week and be sure to combine the pull-ups on the horizontal bar with other strength exercises. Indeed, for muscle growth, a comprehensive approach and the mandatory presence of strength exercises in the program are required.


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