Household and industrial ironing presses. How to choose ironing presses? Ironing Press Reviews

For dry ironing, special presses are used. Today, there are household and industrial models. By design, they can be quite different. If we consider household devices, then they are able to work with cotton and wool. In this case, kapron will dry for a rather long time. Household models differ in their compactness. Their designs are most often provided by the manufacturer of a collapsible type.

ironing presses reviews

If we talk about industrial models, then they are pretty much in demand in laundries. They are also often purchased for dry cleaners. The total pressure they withstand is great. At the same time, the dimensions of the working platforms can exceed 800 mm. In order to become more familiar with the press, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of household as well as industrial models.

Important differences between home appliances

The advantages of household presses include their small size. The coefficient of performance at their level of 80%. Moreover, the readiness time depends on the type of ironing platform. Typically, the pressure of such devices is maintained at 8 bar. Water tanks are connected to models of various capacities. If necessary, the height of the table can always be quickly adjusted. The disadvantages of household presses include low steam productivity. A good model costs an average of 30 thousand rubles.

ironing press

Features of industrial models

Industrial ironing presses are primarily known for their productivity. In this case, the operator is able to process more than 200 products per shift. Such devices can withstand steam pressure at a level of 15 bar. Directly clamping the board is fully automatic. The bed of industrial presses is very durable and can withstand heavy loads. The bottom plate in the devices is usually installed with heating. Vacuum is most often found in the built-in type.

Directly working platforms are heat-resistant and can work for a long time. Steam generators for industrial versions are available for approximately 20 liters. In some cases, they work from the pump. On average, the power of industrial presses reaches 13 kW. Many devices are equipped with a modern protection system for the safe operation of the operator. The disadvantages include the large dimensions of the press. On average, the laundry model weighs around 350 kg. Moreover, the installation length can reach 1500 mm. By management, industrial ironing presses are quite different. A quality model in the region of 4 thousand dollars will cost.

How to choose a household model?

For the home, it is best to choose a compact model. The frequency limit in the documentation for the device should be indicated at 50 Hz. In this case, the voltage must be 220 V. Also, attention should be paid to the dimensions of the ironing platform itself. Its minimum width must be 250 mm. All this will allow to lay clothes without problems. The steam productivity of the model can fluctuate around 80 g / min. In this situation, it is important to consider the time the press is ready. This parameter is usually 5 seconds. However, in this case, much depends on the manufacturer.

If we talk about sliding modifications, then before buying you should check the water tank. The tank should easily detach and attach to the model. Lastly, the racks of the device are inspected. Collapsible models, as a rule, are made with rubber pads so that the device does not slip and is stable. Select an electric press (ironing) for the home should be at a price of 30 thousand rubles.

Industrial Press Selection

How to choose an ironing press for dry cleaning or laundry? In fact, industrial models are quite different in power. In this case, a lot depends on the amount of work. If we talk about professional models, then there the power parameter fluctuates around 15 kW. The clamp should be carried out automatically. The strength of the lower frame also needs to be checked. Racks in industrial presses, as a rule, are absent. In this case, the heating plates are installed on average about 1000 mm long.

ironing press for home reviews

Before buying a product, you should pay attention to the steam generator. Recently, experts prefer modifications with a pump. Their productivity is quite high. Operator's hands must be protected during operation. For this device are equipped with special shields. In some cases, models have a connector for connecting steam irons. All this will allow more professional processing of cotton products. In the end, it should be noted that the normal model for dry cleaning will cost around 4 thousand dollars.

Electrolux brand products

This company mainly produces household ironing presses. In this case, the models are quite different in terms of compactness. The company does not do with press steam generators. On average, the frequency of the models does not exceed 55 Hz. The household brand ironing presses of the brand from the 220 V network work. If you believe the feedback from consumers, then they cope well with cotton. It should also be noted that there are many collapsible devices on the market.

Their legs are all rubberized and there are no stability problems. Heating platforms may vary in shape. On average, the steam productivity parameter fluctuates around 80 g. in a minute. Special attention in the devices presented by the company deserves the quality of the top covers. They close quite tightly, the latches wear out slowly. An ironing press for the home of the company represented will cost around 30 thousand rubles.

Electrolux FPA1-D Press Review

For compactness, this ironing press for home reviews deserves good. This device copes with cotton normally. The performance parameter of the model is at an average level. If you believe the opinion of buyers, the tank disconnects quite quickly. If necessary, it is possible to adjust the height of the rack. The model also has a water supply function. The model is fully operational in 5 seconds. If necessary, the cover can be closed very tightly. The security system of this device is good. This ironing press for the home is currently no more than 35 thousand rubles.

Electrolux FPA2-D Reviews

This ironing press for home reviews has a wide variety. The rated power of the device is only 6 kW. All this suggests that linen is dried for a long time. However, the model also has advantages. First of all, it should be noted the low weight of the upper cover. If desired, it is removed quite simply. The user is also able to adjust the height of the lower platform. The water supply has the ability to customize.

laundry press

The steam productivity parameter is at the level of 75 g / min. For dry cleaners, such devices will not fit unambiguously. However, for domestic use, they can be used. When assembled, this press does not take up much space. If desired, the water tank can always be disconnected. Another advantage of the model can be called a quick drying of the wool. In this case, the device withstands ironing pressure at the level of 5 bar.

What do they say about Electrolux FPA3-D?

These ironing presses deserve good reviews for their high power. The performance parameter of a pair of devices is exactly 80 g / min. The cover of the model is used quite wide. In this case, cotton is processed quickly. If necessary, kapron can also be used for drying. It is better not to put woolen things in this press. The total pressure model withstands at 50 bar.

The lid of the model closes quite tightly. If necessary, the heating power can be adjusted by the user. Also, the obvious difference between the models is considered to be sturdy racks. The lower platform of the press is adjustable in height. Waiting for the complete readiness of the device takes no more than 6 seconds of time. The assembled Electrolux FPA3-D steam ironing press weighs exactly 18 kg.

Reviews about Elna Opal

The Elna Opal ironing press differs from other models in the presence of special cartridges for water. The working platform he uses is not very wide. If necessary, the user can adjust the water supply. The system withstands total pressure of 50 bar. A cover is included in the standard device kit. The spray is provided in the press ordinary. Temperature control in this case is electronic type.

industrial ironing press

The user is able to monitor the limit temperature of ironing. Cotton can be used in this model. At the same time, the device copes with wool successfully. However, it should be borne in mind that the performance of the model is small. Therefore, the device is not suitable for dry cleaning. This ironing press for clothes in the region of 28 thousand rubles.

Domena Presses

This company produces only industrial presses. The clamp in this case is carried out automatically. To adjust the power of the device in the models there is a special panel. If desired, the operator can adjust the height of the upper platform. For dry cleaners, many devices are ideally suited. Tanks with water are quite different in capacity. Also, models are made with various pillows.

For cotton, the manufacturer made ironing presses of the KR series. Their shoes are made convex. Directly the bed of the press in height may vary. The steam productivity parameter averages 90 g. in a minute. Steam generators exist with different capacities. Hand protection for many models is available. Domena ironing presses are in the region of 5 thousand dollars.


MIE ROMEO II ironing presses for home use are ideal. Their power is low, but the quality of work is good. This model copes with wool perfectly. It should also be noted that the clamp is quite fast. Unfolding this device is very easy. If necessary, the top cover can be disconnected.

The lower platform heats up to maximum temperature in 5 seconds. If desired, you can adjust the height of the rack. Vapor pressure this model maintains at the level of 3 atm. Dimensions of the specified household press is very compact. Moreover, the electricity model does not consume much. The presented press costs about 38 thousand rubles on the market.

Astra Presses

This company is most specialized in the production of laundry models. They differ in wide platforms and powerful clamping devices. However, the management of the models is quite simple. If desired, the power of the heating element can be adjusted. It should also be noted the presence of a heat-resistant layer on the platform. Thanks to a reliable protection system, you can work safely. According to the owners of the device, the pillow warms up very quickly.

ironing press for home

Reviews about the model Astra KP-521

Many consumers choose this ironing press for laundry for an excellent steam generator. In this case, it is provided for a pump-type. If necessary, the top cover can be removed from the press. The protection system turns on automatically. The performance of the model is pretty good, however, the indicator of electricity consumption is high.

The specified industrial press operates on a network with a voltage of 220 V. The vapor pressure of the device withstands a maximum of 8 bar. It has quite large dimensions. The mass of the model in assembled form is 290 kg. To purchase this ironing press (industrial) is an opportunity for $ 3,500.

Features of the Astra KP-516 press

For the presence of a large spray gun, these ironing presses receive good reviews. There are quite a few modes in the device. If necessary, you can use the strong steam function. This model copes with kapron quite quickly. If desired, wool can also be dried. If you believe the opinion of customers, the pillow in the presented device wears out extremely slowly. Setting up the lower platform is easy.

The performance parameter of the model is 0.9 sq. meters per minute. The rated current is maintained at 5.5 A. The average power consumption is 0.7 kW. Directly the shoe in the device the maximum temperature is able to withstand 200 degrees. Thermal insulation layer on the upper platform is available. It costs today the specified industrial press in the region of 4300 rubles.

Laco 30: specifications and reviews

This industrial press is most suitable for drying kapron. In this case, the temperature for the specified fabric is 115 degrees. The platforms of the presented device do not weigh much, and therefore rise quite quickly. However, the downforce at the pillow is small.

ironing presses

The pressure parameter is only 5 bar. If you believe the feedback from consumers, then this will definitely not be enough for cotton. The rated voltage of a household press can withstand 230 V, and the rated current is 5.5 A. The average power consumption is 0.8 kW. The model’s steam generator is not of a built-in type. The control panel is simple.

If necessary, the operator can quickly stop drying. There is a connector for connecting an iron to the model. Protection in this case is used automatic type. Ironing board installed with integrated vacuum. According to the owners of the model, the device is very simple to maintain. On the market, this user can buy this press for $ 4,200.


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