How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony: tips

The dove is a bird that symbolizes peace on the entire planet. The newlyweds launch a snow-white couple into the sky - this is not only a beautiful and unforgettable sight, but also the embodiment of marital fidelity. In everyday life, pigeons can cause a lot of troubles to a person.

Their worst feature is dishonesty. It is so inherent in their nature that at their habitat they not only leave their plumage, but also droppings. This would not be a significant negative point for humans, if these birds did not like the roofs of high-rise buildings and balconies for their nests. How to get rid of pigeons, litter and plumage of which are a carrier of various diseases and parasites dangerous to humans? If you do not escape from the birds that have taken root in you, who feel that they are the owners, you can get not only food poisoning, but also diseases such as pigeon ornithosis and pseudotuberculosis as an added bonus.

how to get rid of pigeons on the balcony
Man has long tamed pigeons. They are not afraid of a large crowd of people and feel at ease and at ease. Quiet cozy balconies (especially not glazed) will become a birthplace for pigeons. And to drive them out of it will not be easy. How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony? To guard, but noticing their appearance headlong rushing off, scaring them off with loud screams and waved hands? Will not help. After a while, the birds will fly back - your balcony has already become their home.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony once and for all? First of all, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning, having cleaned all surfaces from droppings and feathers. Do not leave the found pigeon eggs: the birds will definitely return. After cleaning, disinfect the balcony using various cleaning chemicals, preferably with bleach.

Did not help? How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony using other methods? Use the help of professionals or get traps and traps sold in the markets. A more inhumane method is used abroad: you need a board or plywood, in which nails are pointed outwards, and attached to the place where the pigeons nest.

how to get rid of pigeons
Many non-business owners use the balcony as a pantry for storing unnecessary trash: an old jacket to cover preservation, drawers for seedlings, an inoperative refrigerator, old hanging kitchen cabinets. To prevent dovecot, avoid piling up furniture.

How to get rid of pigeons on the balcony? You can come up with homemade designs that will scare away birds. A rustling paper, creaking polyethylene, a tape recorder with a recording of a screaming hawk ... Can you even hang a rattle on the window, if only it will let you fall asleep? If you are not against a pet and are not allergic - get a cat. The predator instinct will scare away annoying birds.

pigeons on the balcony how to get rid
Choose for yourself how it will be more convenient for you to deal with uninvited guests. Remember: you must win this war, therefore it is better to use all possible methods that will help to achieve the desired result.

Now you know what to do if you have pigeons on your balcony. How to get rid of them? You just need to obey our advice.


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