Sweeping brush: what is it and how to choose it

In the list of equipment for cleaning, you can often find convenient brushes with thick bristles. They effectively cope with large debris, dust and any other surface contamination. Many people are familiar with these products under the name "sweeping brushes." What made them so popular and how to choose the right brush for a specific job?

What are sweeping brushes?

Before you start searching for the advantages of this cleaning equipment, it is worth understanding what this brush is. An estimate is such a brush, which consists of a rectangular base on which a thick bristle (pile) is attached. The continuation of the base is a long handle.

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Why is it convenient to work with a pitcher?

Such household items are used quite often because:

  • The shape and design of the product allows you to quickly and easily sweep away dirt from a particular surface and at the same time spend a minimum of effort.
  • The brush is equipped with a thick pile. Thanks to this feature, the brush effectively copes with any dirt.
  • As a rule, there is a scoop complete with a brush. Many manufacturers offer scrub brushes. In this case, you can not only quickly collect dirt, but also get rid of it.
    Sweeping brush with dustpan
  • Wide range of. The buyer can choose a brush model with a wide or narrow base, made of plastic, wood or metal. In addition, the brushes have different pile rigidity.

How to choose a brush?

Before buying inventory, you need to consider the type of work that they will perform:

  • Dust, household rubbish and other rubbish are perfectly eliminated with a sweeping brush with a thick long pile of polypropylene.
  • For cleaning production waste (for example, wood and metal shavings), it is worth choosing a pile made of brass steel. This estimate will do well with snow removal on site.
  • The handle on the brush can be horizontal or vertical. The first option is suitable for cleaning cars, other horizontal and vertical surfaces except the floor. Pens with a vertical handle are ideal for cleaning the floor.
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A compact, lightweight and effective brush is simply indispensable in the household. With its help, garbage collection will take much less time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41105/

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