Breed of chickens Zagorsk salmon: description, characteristics, reviews, photos

Keeping chickens in a suburban area is profitable and not too troublesome. There are many suitable breeds of this bird for severe Russian climatic conditions. Zagorsk salmon belongs to their number. Chickens are very productive and unpretentious.

breed of chickens Zagorsk salmon

Breeding history

The Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens was obtained by crossing New Hampshire, Rhode Island, as well as Yurlov and Russian whites. The result was a bird with a light beige “salmon” feather color. The work was carried out by breeders of the Zagorsk Institute. Hence the name of the breed. The exterior of the males is very different from the appearance of the hens. Their plumage is not salmon, but white with black and red. The breed finally formed by 1959. Now she is one of the most popular.

Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens: description

The main distinguishing features of this bird include the following:

  • long, wide curved body;
  • elastic, well-developed abdomen;
  • medium-sized leaf-shaped ridge;
  • yellow skin, legs and beak.

The feather of the Zagorsk chickens on the chest is salmon, and the mane is dark brown. The roosters have black breasts, a stomach and a tail, a silver mane and a red-brown back.

Economic value

Roosters of this breed can grow to a weight of 2.9-3.2 kg, hens slightly smaller - 2.5-2.7 kg. Zagorsk salmon chicken is also quite productive in egg production. Chickens of this breed rush year-round. For 12 months, one individual can lay up to 200 eggs. Their shell is distinguished by a pleasant light brown color. The weight of one testicle is 58-62 gr. In general, the bird is actually very good from an economic point of view - the Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens. You can see photos of its representatives on this page.


Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens

Zagorsk salmon chickens reach puberty early enough. The hens begin to rush at the age of 5-5.5 months. The fertility of eggs in the breed is just excellent - almost 96%. At the same time, the yield of young animals is about 88% percent.

Zagorsk salmon is one of the few modern breeds that has retained the instinct of incubation. Therefore, the eggs can be left under the staves. But more often chickens are still hatched in incubators.

The Zagorsk salmon breed is often used as a paternal breed for hybrids. In this case, the crossing is usually carried out with Plymouth and New Hemshire. Chickens are brought together with Cornish and Kuchin's anniversary. In both cases, a very viable, rapidly gaining weight offspring is obtained (up to 1.5 kg by 2.5 months). The safety of young Zagorsk salmon is 94%.

Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens: reviews

Owners of household plots consider these chickens a very good acquisition and in most cases advise them to novice poultry farmers. The productivity of Zagorsk chickens, judging by the reviews, is really very good. To some shortcomings, the owners of the houses consider only their too active character and a certain “prudence”. Resistance to disease is rated excellent. Poultry farmers and the omnivorous of this chicken are praised very much, and also note the rapid weight gain of young animals.

Zagorsk salmon breed of hens photo

How to withdraw in an incubator

If none of the chickens lays on their eggs, chicks can be removed artificially if necessary. Incubators are now inexpensive, and therefore, with their acquisition, no problems will surely arise. Chick eggs can be harvested within two weeks. They should be stored at a temperature of 8-15 degrees with a blunt end up.

It is better to lay all eggs at once. Until the 11th day, the temperature inside the incubator should be maintained at 37.7-37.8 degrees. Up to 18 - 37.1-37.2, up to 21 - 36.9. That is, during the incubation process, it must be gradually reduced gradually. If this is not done, some chickens may die in the last stages of development or hatch weakened.

During the incubation process, the eggs should be turned over twice a day. It would be better to sign them on both sides, for example, with the letters "U" (morning) and "B" (evening) so that there is no confusion. When turning at the same time, they also spray with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.


overseas salmon chicken reviews

Chicks are born active, viable and large. The Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens is one of the few whose representatives can be distinguished by sex immediately after hatching. Chickens on the back have creamy stripes or spots. Males of Zagorsk breed are born pure yellow. After a few days, their wings begin to grow with black feathers. The chickens have pinkish-cream fluff. Chicks gain weight very quickly. By three months, it is already about 2 kilograms.

Feeding Features

The breed of chickens Zagorsk salmon is quite large in size. Therefore, these birds can be given not only grain, but also corn. Hens are truly omnivorous. In addition to cereals, they can be given root vegetables, vegetables, fruits, and even leftovers from the table (for example, soup or cereals). It is advisable to feed three to four times a day, alternating cereals with mashrooms. If the grass does not grow in the paddock, cabbage leaves, quinoa, carrot tops, nettles, etc., should be thrown between the feedings.

Despite the fact that Zagorsk salmon chicken is very hardy and viable, you need to feed it only with fresh, quality products. Moldy bread or rotten carrots should not be given. Potatoes can be boiled, but you can give raw. In the latter case, shoots are removed from it (they are poisonous for chickens, as well as for humans) and rubbed on a coarse grater.

Zagorsk Salmon Breed Description

It is necessary to add a little salt to the mixers (it is important not to overdo it, otherwise this can lead to poisoning) and chalk. To increase egg production, special mixtures are available today. You can add a little of them. It is useful to give chickens and grated egg shells. In a poultry house or on a walk, you should definitely put a container with coarse sand and small pebbles.

Content Features

Of course, like any other, the Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens needs an equipped barn. In the house you need to fill perches (at a height of 80 cm from the floor), hang nests and put a feeder with a drinking bowl. They contain salmon chickens usually on a walk. This bird is very lively and active by nature. Therefore, the cells are contraindicated to her. The walk is made spacious, preferably on the south side of the barn. If you decide to release chickens directly into the yard, you will have to follow them. This bird is pretty tricky and will surely find a way to get into the owner’s or neighbor’s garden and enjoy vegetables from the beds.

Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens

The Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens, the performance of which was given above, also tolerates cold well. Therefore, it is not necessary to heat the barn. But you need to lay straw, hay or sawdust on the floor with a very thick (at least 40 cm) layer. This pillow on cold days will become a real heater. It will begin to undergo various kinds of biological processes with the release of heat.

You can keep Zagorsk chickens in the winter and without such bedding. However, in this case, their egg production will decrease significantly and will be restored only by summer.

As you can see, the Zagorsk salmon breed of chickens is very simple to care for. Almost all of these birds eat, they are extremely ill and are very temperamental. If you follow some rules, which are not so many, you can well diversify your table with environmentally friendly eggs and delicious chicken meat.


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