Oleg Kostarev: biography and photos

In the city of Sol-Iletsk, located in the Orenburg region, there is one of the special regime colonies for prisoners, who will have to be punished until the end of their days. The "black dolphin", and this is what it is called, has become the last refuge for violent criminals who have lost their human appearance, those who simply cannot live among normal people.

The prison for the most terrible attackers who turned into monsters, in the literal sense of the word, is surrounded by a colony of a settlement where less dangerous criminals are serving their sentences. This arrangement gave the "Black Dolphin" the unspoken name of "zone in the zone." More than 700 maniacs, killers and terrorists are contained within its walls, and all their crimes account for about four thousand deaths. Among those who spend the rest of their lives here, the youngest prisoner is the terrorist Oleg Kostarev, nicknamed Koster.

Oleg Kostarev

Childhood and Family of the Future Demoman

In the spring of 1986, on April 25, the boy Oleg Vladimirovich Kostarev was born. He was born in the city of Glazov, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in a prosperous Soviet family. His father Vladimir Valerievich headed the city water utility, was engaged in deputy practice, being a representative of the municipal formation of the city of Glazov "Kozhilskoye". Oleg Kostarev's mother, Galina Kostareva, devoted her life to teaching. Her place of work was the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum, where Oleg himself studied.


He grew up like an ordinary tomboy: he was fond of computer games, went to the boxing and karate section. And he was crazy about pyrotechnics, which at the time of his growing up rapidly gained popularity among the inhabitants of Russia. He liked to shoot, so with great pleasure went to training at the shooting range. At one time he was seriously engaged in kickboxing, wushu and other martial arts. He mastered the technique of knife fighting.

In 2003, after passing the entrance exams, he entered the D.I. Mendeleev Russian University of Chemical Technology in the capital. Oleg Kostarev, whose biography could have turned out differently, chose the path of a terrorist, accompanied by a series of fatal acquaintances and inexplicable acts.

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New dating Kostarev

After a year of study at a Moscow university, in the fall of 2004, Oleg Kostarev met with Alexander Khinevich, who was the creator and leader of the religious community of Old Believers. Among the supporters, he was better known as Kolovrat. The idea of ​​the Ingling community organized by him is Rodnoverie, in other words, the revival of ancient Slavic rites with the goal of spiritual purification.

Khinevich was repeatedly prosecuted for inciting racial hatred, demonstratively wearing Nazi symbols and other similar acts aimed at agitating against extremism. Kostarev took part in fights and mass clashes of the Nazi organization, in the ranks of which he was, against the non-Russian population living in the capital.

mother Oleg Kostareva Galina Kostareva

Terrorist organization "Spas"

At the end of winter 2006, Hinevich introduced Oleg Kostarev to Nikolai Korolev, who was the head of the Spas extremist organization. A native of the city of Moscow in his circles was known as Nikola or the 55th. Kostarev joined the radical group Korolev and at the beginning of the summer of that year he was admitted to the detonation squad of the organization on special conditions, that is, he gained access to the radioactive materials of the terrorist organization and became the deputy founder of the group.

The attack in the capital

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On August 21, 2006, an explosion occurred in the capital's clothing market, killing 14 people, among the dead there were two young children. The number of victims of the terrorist act exceeded 60 people. The culprits and direct organizers of the explosion on the Cherkizovsky market were recognized members of the extremist radical group "Spas": Korolev Nikolai Valentinovich and Kostarev Oleg Vladimirovich. Both are sentenced to life imprisonment and are serving their term in IK-6 Black Dolphin. The decision was made by the Moscow City Court on May 15, 2008. Kostarev was convicted under 7 articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Features of the content of criminals in the colony "Black Dolphin"

Kostarev Oleg Vladimirovich

The cells in the correctional facility are 2 by 2 meters. The prisoners are kept there in two, they are selected according to a personal psychotype. If conflict situations occur, the rebels are immediately resettled. Every criminal held in the colony has the right to treatment, food, walking, reading books and distance learning.

Only units that undergo a thorough selection with psychological tests and other tests are allowed to work. Up to 100 prisoners can apply for one place in the sewing workshop. Every nook and cranny in the prison does not remain without video surveillance. Thinking that the most notorious villains are gathered in this place, one involuntarily asks the question: "Are their lives worth such a humane attitude?" According to the director of the "Black Dolphin", criminals, on the contrary, more repent of their actions, feeling human circulation and living out the rest of their lives in quite comfortable conditions. Perhaps no exception is Oleg Kostarev, whose photo is located below.

Oleg Kostarev biography

It is even cured of drug addiction. The conditions of the criminals are so sterile that they do not have the flu and other viral diseases. Until recently, statistics on life-long prisoners showed a disappointing result: many of them went crazy. Now this happens extremely rarely. Do these people deserve such an attitude? For those who have suffered at the hands of attackers, this question remains open.

Oleg Kostarev about the terrorist attack and hope for release

According to Kostarev himself, his case is full of flaws, and he certainly wants to challenge the court decision. For this, the terrorist plans to obtain a law degree, to undergo distance learning. He did not fully admit his guilt in this matter, assuring that he did not plot a terrorist act, but simply wanted to intimidate the owner of a market cafe with whom he had a conflict.

Kostarev also assures that if he wanted to make an explosive device for mass murder, he would certainly have done it, because he’s been with you for such a long time. "We just wanted to scare the owner of the cafe," he said at the trial, referring to himself and Nikolai Korolev. Is it worth believing the man who himself planted a makeshift bomb in a crowded place and carried it out at rush hour? Did he not think about the consequences that the explosion might entail?

By the way, in 2012 Kostarev filed a cassation appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. There, he asked to cancel the verdict and review the case, calling for the interrogation of new witnesses who had not previously participated in the trial. The essence of the request: to allow the bride of Oleg Kostarev to act as his defender. The court dismissed the complaint, finding the arguments presented therein unsatisfactory.

Denial of Kostarev's parents from comments

After the terrorist attack in Moscow on the Cherkizovsky market, many activists wanted to find Oleg Kostarev’s mother. They did not know how to do this, but they certainly wanted to call her and the demolition father to justice. Kostarev's parents flatly refused to comment on the situation, and the public could not calm down for a long time, lamenting the family’s refusal to participate in the discussion that even in a prosperous family a ruthless criminal could grow up.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41114/

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