How to correctly parse a word by composition

Parsing a word by composition (or morphemic - from the term “morpheme”, which means the minimum significant component of a word) is a type of linguistic analysis. Its purpose is to determine the structural composition of the token. That is, in order to make a correct analysis of a word by its composition, it is necessary to find and select all the components from which a certain word form is built. Such an analysis (not to be confused with the morphological one, where the word is considered from the point of view of belonging to a certain part of speech) is called morphemic.

analysis of the word in composition

Analysis of the word in composition should begin with the establishment of the boundaries of each morpheme, that is, you need to correctly identify the prefix, root, suffix, ending, basis. But it’s worth remembering that not every word form necessarily contains all existing morphemes: for example, “school” consists of a root (-school-), a suffix (-n-) and an ending (s). But, in turn (and this is not uncommon for the modern Russian language), there are words that include several roots, prefixes or suffixes. So, “steamboat” has two roots (-pair- and -hod-), one suffix (-n-) and an ending (s). And the “listener” consists of the root (-hear-) and two suffixes (-a- and -tel-), but it does not have a prefix, and the ending in this word will be zero (not formally expressed in letters by letters).

So, in order to make a correct analysis of the word by composition, it is necessary to recall the definition of all the basic minimum significant units of the language. The main morpheme, which carries a lexical meaning (that is, expresses meaning) and is a common part of all cognate words, is the root.

For example, as such in the following family series: “aquatic”, “watery”, “submariner”, “vodichka” - water will act. Words without roots in the Russian language do not exist. But there are many people consisting only of it: “running”, “cinema”, “very”, “horse”, “house”.

The morpheme, which takes its place in the word before the root, is called the prefix, and the one after it is called the suffix. It is quite clear that it is impossible to come up with such a token that will contain only a prefix or only a suffix.

It is necessary to take into account the order of definition of morphemes, making morphemic analysis of the word in composition. Linguists attribute the root, prefix and suffix to word-building morphemes. That is, to those with the help of which new words are formed in the language. In addition to word-building, formative are distinguished. They exist in order to form a series of forms within one lexeme, as well as to express grammatical meaning. Such morphemes include endings and some suffixes.

The ending is a kind of morpheme that forms various forms of the same word, and is also a grammatical indicator of gender, number, case, time, etc. It can be distinguished only from the variable parts of speech.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between words with no endings and zero endings. As already mentioned, those word forms that do not change do not have it - adverbial participles, adverbs, unshakable nouns, adjectives, standing in a comparative degree. And the zero ending is not a formally allocated indicator of the grammatical meaning of the word being changed. Examples of formative suffixes can be -l-, which is used to form the past tense of verbs (go-t + suffix -l), -e, with which degrees of comparison are formed between adverbs and adjectives (loud - louder).

And finally, the word has a basis - all its components without ending. Going beyond the framework of the school curriculum, it is possible to define the foundation as part of the token not only without graduation, but also without formative suffixes.

It is necessary to take into account the order of definition of morphemes, making analysis of the word in composition. Examples of morphemic analysis:

morphemic analysis of a word by composition


  1. The ending is “oh”
  2. Basis - "forest"
  3. Root - “Forest”
  4. Suffix - “n”


  1. The ending is “and”
  2. Basis - “employee”
  3. The root is “labor”
  4. The prefix is ​​“with”
  5. Suffix - nickname

Thus, summing up the topic “Analysis of a word by composition”, it should be noted that only following a certain order: find the ending (if any), identify the basis, establish where the root (by selecting cognate words), select the suffix, prefix (if any), you can avoid mistakes.


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