Lemon lemon balm: useful properties and contraindications

This spicy aromatic herb is often found in gardens. She is loved for a pleasant mint-lemon smell, healing properties. And just for the beauty. The melissa plant takes its place in any free corner of the garden garden . Useful properties and contraindications, methods of using spicy weed - everything should be told in detail.

lemon balm useful properties and contraindications

What is this plant?

It has a lot of names: honey, bee mint, beekeeper, swarmman, mother liquor (it can be seen that bees are not indifferent to it!), Lemon mint, lemon balm. Useful properties and aroma of a plant are appreciated not only by bees, but also by people, but more on that later. This is a perennial plant, reaching a height of 0.5–1 meters. The roots are strong, the bush is branched. The leaves are rounded, carved at the edges, and the flowers are small, yellowish in color. It is unpretentious in cultivation: once settled in a corner of the garden, it lingers there for a long time, and it will still have to be limited a bit: our beloved lemon balm will try to capture more space!

Melissa herb beneficial properties

Useful properties and contraindications

Enumeration makes sense to start with contraindications, because they are much smaller. First of all, you need to remember that children need to be given any herbal medicines with great care: you can never predict how the children's body will react to such a powerful effect. Melissa herb is no exception. Its useful properties are manifested, among other things, with hypertension: teas and infusions of lemon balm lower blood pressure. So, it is contraindicated in people with low blood pressure. Further - lemon balm calms nerves, relaxes, improves sleep. However, in cases where concentration is required , when there is work or a trip behind the wheel, tea with fragrant lemon balm should be forgotten. Since this is an essential oil plant, someone may have allergic reactions. In a word, melissa is very selective in its action.

Useful properties and contraindications are incommensurable, the list of diseases from which this herb helps is so extensive. Its healing power is largely due to the high content of essential oils in the leaves. Rich in lemon balm and vitamins, especially vitamin C, carotene, rosemary and coffee acids, flavonoids, tannins.

lemon balm beneficial properties

What cures melissa

There are real fans of this herb who can say: "And that only it does not heal!" This may be an exaggeration, but judge for yourself. About the fact that herbal infusions soothe the nervous system, it has already been said above. In the same way, melissa can relieve cramping in the muscles, stomach, or intestines. Useful properties and contraindications in this case go side by side: the herb helps only in moderate doses, and with excessive use, the effect can be the opposite, that is, not sedative, but tonic. The diuretic and choleretic properties of lemon balm are widely used. In diabetes mellitus, teas from its leaves gently lower blood sugar, at the same time pacify the nervous tremors and heart palpitations that often accompany the disease. With asthma, lemon mint can normalize breathing. With anemia, it is also indicated. With gouty pain, melissa decoctions relieve the condition of patients. Melissa oil should always be at home in case of flu and colds, fever, cold sores on the lips. We must not forget about home cooking: many enjoy the use of lemon balm herb as a spicy seasoning for food.

lemon balm beneficial properties
Even Avicenna in the work “The Canons of Medical Science” mentioned melissa as a means that can invigorate the spirit and strengthen the body, help with blockage of the brain and relieve bad breath. The medical science of our days does not argue with this, on the contrary, it significantly expands the list of diseases in which the benefits of lemon balm are obvious.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41133/

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