The most fashionable haircuts for medium hair

Average hair length is considered the most optimal and common. This is not a boyish option, but the braids are not too long, so it’s not difficult to take care of them. What are the fashionable haircuts for medium hair that modern girls and women can afford? There are more than enough of them. And they are all very diverse, designed for one or another type of face, for a certain color and structure of hair. Let us now carefully study all the currently existing women's haircuts for medium hair, and each woman will be able to directly choose her own option.

Going - not going

To get started, let's figure out which fashionable haircuts for medium hair from those that will be described below are suitable for a specific type of face. After all, to see a hairdo on someone and want it for yourself is one thing, and to become its real owner is quite another.

  • All hairstyles are ideal for an oval face, moreover, it, along with the average length of hair, is a standard in the fashion world.
  • A rectangular face needs to "calm" the sharp and angular outlines. Therefore, any elongated version of the caret or bean, styling with softly falling curls and strands covering the cheekbones will do. Strongly not suitable for combing in the crown and hairstyles without bangs.
  • Fashionable haircuts for medium hair for a round face is mainly an elongated bob that visually makes an oval out of a flat circle. Also suitable options with oblique bangs, with graduation and volume, which is created in the crown area.
  • For a square face , elongated options for short haircuts with graduation at the ends are relevant. An oblique bang or side parting will look great. Avoid too "sleek" styling, as well as lush curls.
  • Fashionable haircuts for medium hair for owners of a triangular type of face are styling that will balance a narrow chin. These are magnificent curls, short bangs, graduation on a crown. Direct parting and oblique bangs should be avoided.

Elongated Caret - An Unchanging Classic

This is not just a fashionable female haircut for medium hair, but a real hit that has not lost its position for almost a hundred years. The length of the hair can vary from a level just above the shoulders to the middle of the shoulder blades. The haircut won the hearts of girls thanks to its versatility and the ability to style hair in different ways. Having made a direct parting, you will create a strict and concise image that will fit into the office dress code. For a romantic date or a friendly evening, a side parting in combination with casually laid strands is suitable. The "regrown" square can be worn on perfectly even hair, emphasizing their impeccability, and can be combined with curls, creating a playful and romantic look. Also on the basis of this haircut, hairstyles such as ponytail, malvina, various kinds of weaving and buns are excellently held.

elongated rack

How different can be bob

There is an opinion that the bob haircut is intended exclusively for short hair lengths. But practice shows that you can wear it with the same stunning success on medium-length hair. A fashionable haircut is also incredibly versatile, as it suits all types of faces, and for a round it generally becomes a panacea. In its grown form, the bean is a bit like a quack, but has fundamental differences in the technique of cutting curls. Similarly, by applying imagination, you can create one or another image based on such a simple and widespread haircut. Hair can be perfectly straightened by framing your face, or you can twist it to create a romantic and light appearance. In addition, this hairstyle has a number of positive aspects, and here are some of them:

  • This fashionable haircut for medium hair with an oblique parting "takes off" you about 5 years.
  • If the bottom of the front strands is graduated, then you can thus hide the angular shape of the face (for owners of the "square" and "rectangle").
  • The slanting fringe, which often comes with a bean, will remain relevant for a long time to come.
  • Coloring individual strands, you can create a truly unique image.
  • Bob goes well with a straight bang length to eyebrows. If it suits you, then go for it, and your eyes will become much more mysterious.
Elongated bob


Well, now let's look at a photo of fashionable haircuts for medium hair, the hallmark of which is asymmetry. Such hairstyles are really misleading, making you think how long the girl’s hair is. The essence of the haircut is that the strands are cut at a sharp angle, but at the same time a certain proportion is observed between them, therefore, in the final form, the hairstyle looks organic and very attractive.

With the help of asymmetry, you can visually smooth out both round outlines of a face, and square or even rectangular. Such haircuts can have sharp changes in the length of curls, which will look great in combination with the youth style or with the grunge style, or smooth, barely noticeable. They are considered the most functional, since they look very modest and organic, but at the same time they perfectly cope with visual correction of the face shape.

asymmetric haircut


Well, now let's discuss the options for hairstyles that will be relevant for women after the age of 40. Fashionable haircuts for medium hair for mature ladies should be practical, easy to style, not too elaborate and at the same time original. All these requirements are met by the cascade, which was invented a long time ago and, despite its age, is still at the peak of popularity.

Such a haircut has many varieties, but the main for it has always been and will be hair of medium length. The essence of the hairstyle is that the master mainly forms the volume in the upper part of the head, then makes the lower strands “mobile” and playful, graduating them. A cascade can have a bang, or can remain without it, hair can be cut with a large interval or with a small one, which significantly changes the appearance.

It is amazing that a haircut looks great on too thick hair and on very thin. In the first case, graduation makes the strands come to life, they become more playful and even slightly twisted. In the second case, the hairstyle creates the necessary volume, and it seems that there is more hair on the head than it actually is.

haircut cascade


This hairstyle only at first glance seems rare and even unfamiliar, but it soon turns out that we all saw it on our friends, or maybe even once wore it ourselves. Among fashionable haircuts for women on medium hair, she became famous thanks to her functional features. The fact is that the hairstyle is perfect for owners of round and square faces, and that's why.

At the crown, the strands are cut short, due to which the hair becomes more voluminous, it seems that there are a lot of them or a large pile is made. The occipital strands remain as long as possible, while the temporal ones are cut according to the ladder principle. Due to such manipulations, the face is visually greatly extended, which, in fact, is necessary for all chubby young ladies. Also, due to the graduation of the strands, they lie down gently and create additional volume in the hair. But it is worth remembering that for owners of triangular, oval and rectangular faces, the Aurora is a taboo.

haircut aurora


The principle of cutting is based on a strong graduation of the strands, due to which the hair gets a little disheveled and even torn appearance. A small volume is created at the top due to short hairs, and the temporal and occipital curls fall below the line of the chin. This hairstyle is in perfect harmony with any type of bangs. It is optimal for owners of a thin, elongated or triangular face. Also note that whims are most often chosen by women of age. Thanks to the graduation and slight negligence of this hairstyle, the face looks much younger and fresher.

caprice haircut


This is an incredibly fashionable haircut with bangs for medium hair, which got its name thanks to the hero from the movie "Scooby-Doo." It was the owner of this funny dog ​​named Shaggy who wore such a hairstyle, and she quickly migrated from screens to real life. In men's fashion, a haircut did not take hold, but among women it took root. Shaggy is a godsend for hair that is very thin and devoid of volume. But we ask you not to confuse it with rare curls, which, alas, are not suitable for a hairstyle. The essence of the creation is a strong thinning of the strands, due to which they are a little "fluffed" and bulky, but even layers hang down. The haircut is also characterized by a profiled elongated fringe, which does not have a clear bottom line. Shaggy looks great on owners of all types of faces, except square.

shaggy haircut


A haircut with this high-profile name has long been classified as a classic, like a bob or bob. A short flight of stairs is generally almost a synonym for the phrase “medium-length hair,” since it is with its help that you can create volume and give your hair a freshness and lightness. The essence of the haircut is this: the temporal strands are cut in order of the ladder. The shortest curl remains at the level of the cheekbones or chin, and the longest corresponds to the total length of the hair.

A short flight of stairs is good for its versatility - it looks great on hair of any type and color. If the curls are slightly curly, with the help of such a haircut you can make the hairdo more voluminous. When the hair is perfectly straight, the ladder plays the role of the main emphasis in the image, since all its differences are clearly visible. The beauty of the hairstyle is that it can be easily "masked". Short-cut strands easily hide in the total length of the hair, and only a feeling of light volume, and not a specific haircut, is created.

ladder haircut


A specific name for haircuts of this type has not yet been invented, but they look uniquely chic. You can compare them, perhaps, with the "easy" cascade or ladder, which are made on the contrary, that is, the strands are cut in steps, but in the direction not forward, but backward. As a rule, multilayer haircuts have a hidden architecture, externally they look like very voluminous hair of the same length. Due to the fact that the upper strands are made a little shorter than the lower ones, a strong volume is created, moreover, the ends of the hair, which are slightly profiled, curl.

It turns out that, together with a haircut, you get a ready-made styling for every day, which does not require special care. Due to the fact that layering can be done at any level - both high and low enough, you can visually adjust the shape of the face. If you have the "triangle" type, then you need to start cutting the layer in the ear area. For owners of a round face, layering should begin in the middle of the chin.

multilayer haircut


As it turned out, the most fashionable haircuts for medium hair this season is a classic. Moreover, modern fashion says that your clothes, hair color and, of course, hairstyle should first of all suit you personally, and not be an absurd copy of a magazine cover. Therefore, carefully study the trends of the season, compare them with the type, structure, color of your hair, as well as with external data, and only after that make a choice in favor of one or another fashionable haircut.


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