Stages of love: from falling in love to a true feeling

Love is art and real work. Love is an ongoing process. It is impossible to simply take someone sincerely and unquestioningly. Life is not

stages of love
it looks like an empty boulevard novel, and behind every real relationship there are many difficulties and stages of love. One of the most exalted human feelings is considered in the theory of relations, psychology and sociology. Modern science will distinguish 7 stages of love.


At this stage, the whole world seems to be decorated in the most vivid colors, everything sparkles and sings. At the first stage of love, the body secretes special hormones that are responsible for happiness and pleasure. During this period, one should not take serious and responsible decisions, since the person himself is in a state of euphoria and drug intoxication.


The need for pleasure constantly requires more and more unique doses. You can not enjoy the same cake or chocolate for a long time. So at this stage of love of any euphoria comes a completely logical end. But it cannot be said that this is a dead end for relations.


What seemed incredibly beautiful and romantic passes through your fingers like sand. Everything is perceived in a bad light, which leads to constant analysis and mental torment about the correctness of one's choice. Many people get divorced at this stage of love, rejecting all attempts to find points of joint development.


One of the most difficult stages in achieving true love. Whether a person wants it or not, a real war unfolds inside him between the desires of his own ego and the needs of his beloved. Often there are more loved ones: children appear. And at this stage of love, more than ever, it is necessary to acquire snake patience.


There are two more stages of love ahead, and more than half the way is behind. Having been defeated at the last stage, the ego goes by the wayside, and serving a loved one becomes the most important life priority in marital relations.

stages of love through the eyes of a psychologist

True respect for a spouse or lover can come only after full service to his interests and reciprocity on his part.


โ€œAnd they lived happily ever after ...โ€ You will not find true love in films and books. As a rule, the whole love line ends at the first stage, leaving the reader or viewer with faith in the boundlessness and constancy of happiness and understanding. Only after going through fire and water, fighting various predators on the way, you can achieve true love. It does not last a month, not a year; it is a decades-long path.

7 stages of love
The stages of love through the eyes of a psychologist are a set of interconnected points that each couple goes through in the process of their formation and strengthening. But it cannot be said that it is along this route that all marital relations develop. Someone can get stuck at one stage, and someone can go on a completely different path, reaching the finish line much faster. The main thing to understand is that love is hard work, analysis, the desire for compromise. Many books have been written about this, many of which are not worth a penny. One of the best books about love is Erich Fromm's work, The Art of Loving.


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