Apple cider vinegar for the feet: recipes of traditional medicine, indications for use, reviews

Foot care is just as important as the other part of the body. A variety of means are used for this. Effective include apple cider vinegar. For legs, this is a wonderful tool, as it allows you to cope with many problems. The rules for the use of such vinegar are described in the article.


Salon procedures and the purchase of balms, scrubs - expensive pleasure. If such care is not available, then simple recipes can be used. Apple cider vinegar is a great remedy. It has long been considered one of the best. It is only necessary to purchase that vinegar, at the bottom of the bottle of which there is a cake. The presence of a brown precipitate indicates a high quality product.

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is rich in many valuable components and trace elements. The product is extracted by squeezing apple pulp and bringing it to fermentation. It is used in various procedures for beauty and treatment. According to reviews, he copes with many leg problems. The product consists of:

  • calcium
  • potassium;
  • gland;
  • malic acid;
  • pectin;
  • Selena;
  • phosphorus.

It also has copper, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, B, enzymes. The whole value of apples is stored in vinegar, because during its preparation there is no loss of the beneficial properties of the fruit. According to reviews, vinegar is an excellent skin care product for the feet.


The product cannot be used when:

  • hypersensitivity of the skin;
  • wounds, scratches, sores on the skin.

It is important to consider that a measure is required in everything. And self-medication is not always true. But with serious ailments, baths will not help, it is advisable to consult a specialist. After all, the problem may lie in the immune system or digestion.

Skin action

Apple cider vinegar is able to:

  • even out skin tone, normalize its color;
  • eliminate bacteria and disinfect the skin;
  • nourish the skin with vitamins and minerals;
  • prevent venous insufficiency;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • prevent the occurrence of foot and nail fungus;
  • destroy corns and reduce cracks in the heels;
  • get rid of bad smell;
  • normalize the nervous system.
apple cider vinegar for varicose veins of the legs how to use

All these problems are considered a consequence of each other or the main cause that leads to the rest. It must be borne in mind that in case of serious problems (varicose veins, fungus) for 1 procedure they can not be eliminated. This requires regular foot care sessions. There are many recipes for apple cider vinegar foot baths designed to solve a specific problem.

Self cooking

The product can not only be bought, but also made independently. Then the procedures will be even more effective. Apple cider vinegar is easy to make. And it does not take much time. Fresh apples (2 kg), filtered water and a glass container of 3 liters will be required. Only ripe fruits are needed, as this affects the quality of the finished product. After washing the apples, they must be cut into slices, but the seeds and peel should not be removed.

The slices must be put in a glass container (it is better to take a jar) so that 1/3 of the piece is free. Then you need to pour sugar and add filtered water, but the container should be left unfilled 5-6 cm from the edge. The jar is left in a warm place, and the neck is covered with a layer of clean gauze.

Daily mass needs to be mixed with a spoon. And after 10-15 days it is necessary to remove the liquid, separating from the apple mass. The result is apple cider, but to get vinegar, the wine must be left in a warm place for a couple of weeks. During this period, fermentation is carried out, and then the filtered liquid is poured into glass bottles. The product is stored in a cool place.

Homemade apple cider vinegar should turn out to be light yellow, but the saturation of the aroma depends on the variety of apples used. Compared to a store-bought product, home acidity will be noticeably less. A product prepared on its own should have a pleasant, light apple flavor and a little sediment at the bottom. There will be more enzymes in the sediment. Therefore, before procedures, the product must be shaken.

Relaxing remedy

After a difficult day or long walks, one feels heaviness and fatigue in the legs. A bath of vinegar copes with this problem. To prepare it, you will need:

  • vinegar - 1 glass;
  • sea ​​salt - 1 cup;
  • warm water - 1 basin (about 5 liters).
apple cider vinegar against foot fungus

The components need only be mixed together and put tired feet in a liquid. When adding aromatic oils or plant extracts, the procedures will be even more pleasant. There is another effective recipe. This will require:

  • warm water - a few liters;
  • vinegar;
  • a decoction of lavender;
  • sea ​​salt (1 cup measured).

The components must be mixed and lowered into the pelvis. The duration of the procedure can be 30-40 minutes to completely nourish the skin, as well as its tightening and softening. The bath has not only a relaxing effect, it also eliminates pain and heaviness. According to reviews, such procedures are really effective.

From sweating

Applied apple cider vinegar for feet from sweating. To prepare a therapeutic agent, the product is mixed with warm water. Perform baths preferably in courses of 10 days. Judging by the reviews, many eliminated sweating due to such procedures.

From unpleasant odor

Apple cider vinegar from foot odor helps. You can use the following recipe:

  • vinegar - one middle glass;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • thyme oil - 3 drops.

This recipe helps in that there are 2 components in it to eliminate the smell: vinegar and oil. With them, the skin is disinfected, they work in the form of antiseptics. Care must be taken in the presence of wounds or cuts on the legs. Oil will unpleasantly pinch on these areas of the skin.

apple cider vinegar treatment of foot fungus

Apple cider vinegar can treat your feet with a different prescription. In 3 liters of water you will need:

  • vinegar - 4 glasses;
  • soda - 1 glass.

Perform the procedure no more than 10-15 minutes, since the skin is not able to endure prolonged contact with soda. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, apply vinegar 6%. It must be taken in the amount of 5 tsp. St. John's wort infusion (1 tbsp. L.), Water (2 glasses) is also required. The components are mixed in a basin. Keep your feet in it for 25 minutes, and then wipe it dry and put on your socks.

Treatment of fungi and corns

Unpleasant skin ailments such as fungi and corns can be treated at home. Many procedures allow you to quickly get rid of the problem. Effectively treating apple cider vinegar with the fungus of the legs, corns and warts that arose on the feet. The fungus usually appears between the fingers. The symptoms of this disease include itching, blisters, discoloration of the nail plate. Vinegar is a burner, it eliminates the painful area. The product disinfects and prevents epidermophytosis (fungal infection).

Apple cider vinegar against foot fungus is used according to the following recipes:

  1. A few drops of vinegar are mixed with water in equal amounts. The liquid is applied to a piece of bread or a cotton swab, and then applied to a problem place.
  2. Before the session, you need to wash and clean your legs. It takes 4 cups of 5% vinegar, which is poured into a container. You have to lower your legs there. If the skin is sensitive, then vinegar is allowed to be diluted with water (1 cup). Vinegar 5% can not cause burns and severe pain, but causes a slight burning sensation and discomfort. The procedure lasts 10-30 minutes. After this, the feet should be wiped dry. The towel should be washed and not allowed to be used by other family members.
  3. Mix honey and vinegar (4: 1). The mixture treats the painful area. The compress is kept for 20 minutes, and then washed off with water. It is important to remember basic hygiene, since the fungus is considered an infectious thing. Therefore, you must wear replaceable shoes, do not visit barefoot public places. Also, don’t wear someone else’s shoes. Only use your own towel. Do not use one towel for the legs, body, face.

According to reviews, apple vinegar from a fungus on the legs really copes with corns, fungi. Already several procedures allow you to get excellent results.

Nail plate strengthening

Toenails without proper care will be brittle and easily infected with fungal parasites. Therefore, they need additional nutrition. It is necessary to establish the problem in the early stages and begin prophylaxis as early as possible in order to prevent complications. In these cases, you need a foot mask with 9% vinegar.

how to treat legs with apple cider vinegar

This tool can be prepared at home. Vinegar and vegetable oil are mixed in an amount of 1: 1. Apply this mask to the nail plates and leave for half an hour. Then you need to wipe dry with a towel. To eliminate nail fungi, wine, apple, white vinegar is perfect.

Dry, cracked skin of the legs

How to treat legs with apple cider vinegar if the skin is cracked? For this, a therapeutic bath can be used. It does not need additional components. Apple cider vinegar is mixed with water. The feet are kept in this solution for about 30 minutes, and then the feet are treated with a brush and pumice stone.

It is necessary to eliminate dead skin, remove corns and corns. Then the legs should be washed with running water at room temperature and wiped dry with a towel. It is advisable to treat the feet with nutritious cream or oil. According to reviews, the maximum effect is ensured when using the product at least three times a week.

An effective tool for producing soft skin is glycerin with vinegar. To prepare such a mask you need 2 tbsp. l glycerin and as much apple cider vinegar. They must be mixed, and then applied to the feet. Heels should be wrapped in a plastic bag and put on socks.

Varicose veins treatment

How to use apple cider vinegar for varicose veins of the legs? For this, a therapeutic bath with cool water is being prepared. In 10 liters. water, add 500 ml of vinegar. Feet should be lowered into the bath for 10 minutes.

Then it is necessary to lie down without movement, with legs thrown up. Thanks to cold water, the effectiveness of this procedure is increased. The acid in the product constricts the veins and pores on the skin, which is why leg swelling and varicose veins are eliminated. Judging by the reviews, apple cider vinegar from varicose veins well copes with the problem.

Apple vinegar

Rubbing may also be performed. How to use apple cider vinegar for varicose veins in this case? To do this, you need cotton pads and vinegar (preferably homemade). The cotton pad is moistened in the product, and then rubbed with soft movements into the areas of venous expansion. The procedure is performed 2 times a day. The rubbed product has not only an excellent therapeutic effect, but also smells nice, so you can not wash it off.

Wrap is considered effective. Gauze or cotton is dipped in vinegar and squeezed a little. Wet tissue should be laid on a sore spot, and on top covered with a film and woolen cloth. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes. During the session, you need to lie with your legs up, and you can get up only after the procedure is completed.

Used in the treatment of rinsing. To do this, mix vinegar and water (1: 3). To make it more convenient to carry out the procedures, they put a chair in the bathroom, sit on it and pour a solution on the area with varicose veins with a solution. Feet should dry on their own.

According to reviews, many people like the effect of such procedures. It is enough to perform them regularly to notice a positive effect. Each recipe allows you to eliminate a specific problem, while acting safely.


Even in the absence of diseases and skin problems, apple cider vinegar can be used as a preventative measure. These baths should be taken several times a day for 10 days.

For the prevention and protection of the skin, a solution is prepared from:

  • warm water - 4 glasses;
  • lemon juice - 10 drops;
  • apple cider vinegar - 0.5 liters.
apple cider vinegar foot baths

It is necessary to mix the components, and then you can lower your legs into the bath. The procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. This bath prepares the feet for pedicure manipulations. The skin is tightened with it, as it saturates it with microelements.


As can be seen from the recipes, vinegar helps with many problems. But it is important to be careful and careful. Do not use the product more often than indicated in the recipe. It is important that wounds and scratches do not come into contact with these components, as pains appear in this way.

It is necessary to remember about additional care procedures. Only in this way will it be possible to eliminate the ailment. You need to wash your feet more often, walk only in comfortable shoes, and wear work shoes in replaceable shoes. In cold weather, shoes must be dried and disinfected. Only in this case, the legs will always be in perfect order.


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