The name of the construction store: a list of the most successful names, options and ideas

If a startup idea is good in itself, there’s a great name for it. Do not forget that over time it can turn into a brand, and that, in turn, can begin to grow in price. How to come up with the name of a hardware store? Naming for the construction industry is the same as for any other type of activity. Unified laws and requirements work here, having studied which choosing the name of a construction store will not be particularly difficult.

Who can I consult with?

Friends can do a disservice, because they know too much about the owner and have already heard something about the project. Their opinion may be subjective. But on the other hand, who, if not them, is most interested in the success of the enterprise. It is this category that will strain the brain more than anyone else. In the history of business, you can find a lot of examples when a friend gave out the best name. According to a 2015 study by Interbrand, for the top 100 brands of the world, in 98 cases, business owners themselves, their friends and acquaintances came up with the names. In one case out of a hundred, it was a philologist, and in another, an advertising agency. According to studies by the same agency in 2014, a third of the names in the top 100 are the names of their owners.

name of the building materials store

How do specialists work?

If the owner of the future business trusts more professionals from branding agencies, then it will be necessary to take into account several aspects of working with the target audience. In the selection of options for the names of the building materials store you need to limit yourself to a couple of hundred. Then leave a dozen of them and conduct a memorability test in a selected target audience. You should not ask people to determine which name of a hardware store seems better to them. You just need to show them the site with a photo of the sign, as if it already exists, and ask them to describe their thoughts, emotions and associations. When processing data, select those options that are most suitable for the main strategy. After a couple of weeks, you can ask the participants what name they remember.

Seeking help from future employees is also a good idea. The opinion of workers is always priceless, because it is they who will communicate with customers. In addition, given their interests, owners can get a plus to their rating.

The name of building stores in Moscow

Idea generation process

Starting to come up with the name of a hardware store, you need to study the competitors. What are they. To isolate the same type of names. Most often, for construction stores choose words with the root "system". If you have a desire to be on the same wave with everyone and try on your business the already formed opinion of customers - welcome. If you want to differ favorably from the rest - this concept should be avoided. In second place are the names informing about the specialization of the store - "Windows RP", "Door Lock", "LuxariPlitka". Arranges? So, the name of the store will contain information about the main product. The words "Home" and "Comfort" are also often found. For those who want to be original, they are also unlikely to do. Conclusion: if you need a special name, you need to form it in the smallest category.

come up with the name of a hardware store

When decided on a concept

Any brilliant idea should first be checked, maybe someone thought of it before. This can easily be done on the Internet.

You should not choose names from the names of famous people or common words. They are prohibited from registering with Rospatent.

When using the surname or name of the organizer, it will become necessary to maintain a reputation. If the future owner wants to become a public person - this is a good option to stand out from the crowd. There is a negative side to using your name in the name - in the future such a business will be more difficult to sell.

Short name works better than ornate. It is better stuck in memory. This name is more easily perceived from the window of a moving vehicle. The optimal length is up to four syllables. If the brand name is longer, people automatically shorten it.

If the name starts with the first letters of the alphabet, it will be provided with first places in the lists of requests and in advertisements. Choosing this is real luck.

The use of animal and plant images in the name can cause customers to have a positive attitude towards the brand. You should not use them alone, for example: "Beaver", "Three Little Pigs". Perhaps such names already exist. It’s more original to pick up a complex name: “Beaver and Ax”, “Blooming House”, “Tree House”.

what is the name of the store

If it is assumed that the company's website will have an English version, you need to think about how the name sounds in the languages ​​of the countries where the brand decides to go. Doesn’t it look like profanity or slang.


Most often, the words containing the root “system” are used for the name of building stores. It is played out with various additions - endings, prepositions or whole words. This does not mean that it is impossible to achieve originality. How interesting the name may sound if you substitute the surname or name of the owner to the root of the “system”. Examples of the names of a construction store: DmitrovStroy, IvanovStroy, MaxStroy. You can take the name "Construction", and add a special sign to it: #, @, $, &, for as long as there is enough imagination.

Another option is to play with the letters. For example, Pa-pa-parquet and La-la-minat. Such names are remembered for a lifetime.

Product orientation can also set the tone. For example: "House outside and inside", "Two kilos of putty."

Special names

You can animate the name of the construction store: "Two bars and a rail", "Hammer puncher", "Analya painter." Such vivid images are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

name of a hardware store

Some organizations build their brand according to the method of provocation. In the construction industry, this may sound like "Not Leroy Merlin", "Stroy.Net".

Complete originality can also guarantee success. The sound of such a name needs to be supplemented with a logo. Examples: Pyramid, Rome, 21st Century, Stone Jungle, KnowHouse, WowHouse.

The variety of names of building stores in Moscow is not too different from what is found throughout Russia. Therefore, blindly rely on metropolitan tastes is not worth it. When considering options for the names of construction stores that are on the list of the most successful, you can generate your idea. Here is their list: Novosel, Terem, Stroy-Center, StroyMarket, Your Home, Practitioner, Left-Handed, Handyman, DIY, 1000 Little Things, " Pa-pa-parquet "," La-la-laminate "," Pylon.

Color choice

It turns out that the choice of color for writing the name is no less important than the definition with the name itself. Colors have a different effect on perception and may encourage buying or vice versa. Most often, red, yellow, blue and green shades are found in logos and company names. Slightly less often come across their derivatives - orange and purple.

Red color is ambiguous. It can be perceived as a sign of aggression and as an impulse to action. Used by strong companies that do not tolerate competition.

Yellow can also help make a decision, but only in a festive atmosphere. A fighting spirit cannot be achieved with him. It will cause a slight degree of infantilism in the customers, and they will have to be "brought" to the purchase.

name of a hardware store examples

Blue color is sobering. The client is fully aware of what he chooses and why. He will not be able to convince him of the need to acquire what he did not plan to buy. But once having made a deliberate choice, the client will again want to repeat this next time.

Orange - the color of home comfort, conducive to communication, can cause increased appetite. And I would like it to flare up not only for food.

Green color - nature and environmental friendliness. It induces active action, but at the same time causes peace. Under this color, the client remains loyal and confident in their decisions.

Violet is the color of kings. The client experiences peaceful greatness and does not strive for action. He will have to constantly push to make a purchase.

Color schemes

Finishing touches

The final decision about which store name to choose is made by its owner. But in order to avoid contentious issues, you need to register not only your idea, but also adjacent to it, if they are obvious. This is done so that no one can parasitize on a great idea. For example, to the name, "Pa-pa-parquet" you can pick up the name "Fa-fa-faience".

If the store will work for some time under a name that does not justify itself, do not be upset, you just need to safely change it and set off to meet new achievements and victories.


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