How to brew corn stigmas: method of application and dose, effect on the body

Corn is an annual cereal plant that was introduced to Europe at the end of the 15th century. In cobs, its cobs are most often used, and from a medical point of view, the most useful are corn stigmas - fine brown fibers that are located on the top of the cob.

In folk medicine, they have gained particular popularity due to a pronounced beneficial effect on the urinary and biliary system. Therefore, decoctions, infusions and other forms of this product are actively used by traditional healers for problems with the liver, kidneys, as well as for some other diseases.

To achieve a positive treatment effect, it is important to know how to brew corn stigmas. We will talk about this in the article. Today, pharmacists offer to buy corn stigmas in the form of tablets and alcohol tinctures in pharmacies, they are part of many herbal teas and fees. In addition, you can buy dry raw materials. If desired, you can independently prepare corn stigmas. How to brew and take drugs based on them, we will describe in detail in this material.

What are the benefits of corn stigmas

Healing properties

It is gratifying that today representatives of traditional medicine confirm the hemostatic, diuretic and choleretic properties of corn fibers. They are able to enhance the secretion of bile, reduce its viscosity. The use of this raw material helps to reduce bilirubin levels in the blood. Its coagulability is accelerated, the content of platelets and prothrombin increases. To achieve this effect, it is important to know how to properly brew corn stigmas.

Many people with kidney diseases do not know that they can be helped by preparations made from corn stigmas used in complex therapy. They dissolve stones in the bladder, ureters, adrenal glands and kidneys. Turning into sand, these solid formations are excreted naturally.

Judging by the reviews, patients struggling with overweight know how to brew corn stigmas for weight loss. Natural fibers help to reduce appetite, normalize blood sugar, metabolism and salt balance.

Healing properties


Knowing how to brew corn stigmas, you can get rid (or alleviate the condition) for a number of diseases. But first you need to consult with your doctor. Preparations based on this natural raw material are effective in:

  • gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis);
  • inflammation of the liver tissue (chronic hepatitis);
  • violation of the biliary system (biliary dyskinesia);
  • inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • the presence of small kidney stones (nephrourolithiasis);
  • bleeding caused by a small amount of prothrombin.

For medicinal purposes, decoctions, infusions or teas are used, which are consumed in a certain dosage no more than three times a day. Which drug to use and how to use it depends on the disease, as well as the characteristics of the body. Self-medication should be abandoned - entrust this to a qualified specialist, since, like most herbal remedies, there are contraindications for corn stigmas. How to brew them for certain diseases, we will describe further. To obtain the maximum effect, it is important to strictly follow the formulation and dosage.

How to make corn stigmas for the liver

Liver disease

Many patients claim that knowing how to make corn stigmas for the liver, you can effectively deal with a number of diseases of this important organ, especially if the drugs are included in the complex therapy. To prepare the infusion, you need a teaspoon of crushed fresh or dry raw materials and 250 ml of boiling water. The resulting composition is infused for half an hour. After this time, it is filtered and taken in two tablespoons (tablespoons) before meals three times a day. The infusion does not lose its healing properties for two days when stored in a cool and dark place.

How to brew corn stigmas


Many patients are interested in how to brew fresh corn stigmas, and whether they contain more nutrients than in dry raw materials. Much more often, dry powdered fibers are used to prepare the preparations, which completely preserve all the healing properties of fresh raw materials. There is no difference in preparation: in the above recipes, stigmas can be used both fresh and dried.

To combat gallstone disease, you should use a decoction. To do this, 1 spoon (tea) of raw materials must be poured with boiling water (200 ml) and a container with the composition should be placed in a water bath for 30 minutes. After this, the broth must be cooled at room temperature and filtered. The volume of liquid is brought to the original with boiled water. Take it before meals three times a day.

Infusions and decoctions

Pancreatitis Treatment

Traditional healers know a great way to brew corn stigmas in combination with other medicinal herbs to treat pancreatitis. But before taking the therapeutic composition, it is necessary to exclude spicy, fatty and fried foods from the diet. It should be replaced with boiled chicken, rabbit and fish. Sour-milk products, milk, cottage cheese, cheeses should be present in the diet daily. In addition to reviewing the diet, you should pay attention to the emotional state of the patient. To achieve a good treatment result, stress and nervous breakdowns must be avoided.

To prepare a choleretic drug, you will need:

  • anise fruits;
  • celandine (grass);
  • corn silk;
  • highlander bird (grass);
  • dandelion (root);
  • tricolor violet (root).

All components in equal proportions (10 g each) are poured with boiling water (0.5 l). The mixture is put on low heat and brought to a boil. After boiling, the composition should boil for about three minutes. Take a therapeutic agent in two tablespoons (tablespoons) for fifteen days half an hour before meals. Then, within a month, another broth should be drunk, which includes: dill seeds, hawthorn fruits, mint leaves, chamomile, immortelle flowers. It is taken 30 ml before meals twice a day.

Fresh corn stigmas

For kidney treatment

Corn stigmas have a powerful anti-inflammatory property. That is why they are successfully used to treat many kidney ailments. Preparations based on them relieve inflammation, reduce the formation of stones and sand, accelerate their elimination from the body. The most effective plant manifests itself in combination with burdock, immortelle and centaury.

How to brew corn stigmas? The kidneys are most often treated with a decoction of one spoon of (teaspoon) stigma and 200 ml of warm water. The resulting mixture was placed in a water bath under the lid for half an hour. Then the broth should cool to room temperature. After that, it should be filtered and taken 20 minutes before each meal, two tablespoons (tablespoons) three times a day.

To treat kidney stone disease, the decoction should be more concentrated: two teaspoons of the raw material is poured into 150 ml of water and taken one tablespoon four times a day.

For weight loss

Many people who monitor their weight and periodically take various teas for weight loss and herbal supplements that reduce appetite know that they often include corn stigmas. How to brew them at home to get the same effect? To prepare the infusion, pour half a glass of raw materials 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist for two hours. Take the composition before meals, 150 ml.

Weight loss is due to the fact that the stigmas reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, normalize metabolism and remove fluid. In addition, such a drug is rich in B vitamins. However, everyone who wants to lose weight needs to know that this folk remedy can also cause a negative effect. For example, only with constant use the appetite is reduced, but even two missed doses will bring all efforts to naught.

With prolonged intake of the infusion, some trace elements (magnesium and potassium) are excreted from the body. They will have to be replenished by taking drugs. Another disadvantage of this method of losing weight is the risk of developing cystitis due to frequent urination.

Dry raw materials


Treatment with corn stigmas, as well as with any other herbal preparations, has a number of contraindications. Changing the dosage, self-medication can harm the body. People with low body weight and poor appetite should refuse to take this remedy. In addition, a contraindication to the use of stigmas is varicose veins, thrombosis or thrombophlebitis, high blood coagulability.


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