Swimming for weight loss: reviews, results

Any physical activity, of course, is beneficial to the body. Not only in the general sense of the word, but also for weight loss. There is no doubt that swimming in the pool will also bring its effect. Swimming is good for weight loss. And now we will see how exactly it has an effect.

Swimming lesson

general information

For the body, swimming in any case will be invaluable. After all, water activities are primarily physical activity. And what can be more useful for a person than movement? Swimming for weight loss is good if only because with active exercises in the pool, the body spends a lot of calories. And with such systematic exercises, the body is simply forced to seek energy.

The benefits of swimming in the pool

Swimming is good for weight loss, but not only for him. All muscles are involved for work, over time, the heart develops the correct rhythm, which helps improve blood circulation.

In addition, there are practically no contraindications for practicing in the pool. Both obese and elderly people, and those to whom other sports are not suitable due to physical capabilities, can be involved.

A few reasons why you should go to the pool

  1. Water has a higher density than air. Swimming or doing some exercises is much easier. In addition, the load on the joints will be many times less.
  2. You can safely perform complex exercises, such as pull-ups. After all, the aquatic environment tends to push any body out of itself.
  3. You can go to the pool with the whole family: grandparents, mom, dad and kids. Even if someone is too fat, and someone barely walks with a wand.
  4. The benefit of going to the pool will be skin. With rapid movements in the water, a massage effect is created. After a few lessons, you will notice that the skin has become more elastic. And if you don’t give up and go to the pool regularly, after a year of such classes the volumes will decrease.
  5. Compared to other sports, swimming wins even in the number of calories burned. For example, in just an hour of classes in the pool, you can spend up to 500 calories. While running will burn only about 300-400 calories.
Swimming is suitable for everyone

Swimming in the weight loss pool is just as good as in open water. One has only to consider that, swimming in the lake or in the river, you can easily forget about the purpose of the classes. It will be more relaxing relaxation than sport. But sometimes it’s good to just relax and combine business with pleasure. And then go to the pool for training.

Open water swimming

Weight loss in the pool: what is the difficulty?

Swimming for weight loss reviews receives a great variety. And all are often laudatory.

You can talk for hours about effective swimming for weight loss. But one important thing to understand. Yes, swimming contributes to weight loss. But if the main goal is to get rid of excess weight, and not just a couple of kilograms, then you need to act in a complex. You can, of course, bet on hiking in the pool and wait for the cherished minus on the scales. However, here are some important nuances:

  1. Many people still remember from childhood what kind of appetite was played upon returning home after the river. Yes, this pattern has not been canceled in adulthood. But a tight snack after a good workout is extra calories that do not hesitate to be deposited on the waist and sides.
  2. If you are not lazy in the pool, there is a high probability that at home you will want to lie down and relax. Even a whole day. Thus, it turns out that the pool was the only activity, and this is not good.
  3. It is no secret that the body spends more calories than its heating. Being in a cold environment, for example, in pool water, the body spends additional calories to maintain the desired temperature. Excess calories - in the furnace! It's great. But if you just get out of the water, the effect disappears immediately.

Let swimming in the weight loss pool be a complement, a variety in a series of workouts this week. But to rely on swimming as the only form of physical activity and wait for a slim figure is not worth it.

Basic principles

Many dream of a beautiful figure and are even ready to make sacrifices and go in for sports. But running or weight training in the gym is too difficult and difficult. And then the choice is made in favor of swimming. It is impossible to say unequivocally that this is right or fundamentally wrong. However, even in such a simple, it would seem, lesson also has its own characteristics, correct and incorrect techniques. The thing is in a competent competent approach. What results can swimming for weight loss give?

For example, often those who want to lose weight do not want to embark on this thorny path alone and follow it to the end. The way out they see in the simplest is to enlist the support of the company. Yes, together more fun. And the competitive spirit somewhere will even help to improve results or not to refuse the next training. But not in the case of the pool.

Swimming is fun

The lion's share of the time allotted for swimming is spent on friendly communication. And since it is difficult to swim and talk in water at the same time, it turns out that instead of an active activity, a novice athlete simply basks near the side.

It is important to remember that if a trip to the pool is planned with the goal of losing weight, you should forget about conversations for the next hour.

In addition, swimming style is important. Of course, far from professional swimmers go to the weight loss pool. And this means that the most common style for the lesson is freestyle. Well, or at best breaststroke. And for an entire hour, a person swims from one end of the pool to the other in the same style at an unhurried pace, occasionally interrupting for rest.

It can immediately be said that if the result is, then it will not be soon and insignificant.

In order to lose weight and train the muscles of the arms, legs, abs and, plus, to straighten your posture, it is recommended to swim with a crawl or butterfly. In the first case, subject to the full return to the lesson, you can spend about 600 calories. For greater efficiency, you should periodically switch to swimming on your back.

Who can’t go to the pool?

Everyone can swim. But, as in any sport, there are a number of restrictions when visiting the pool is prohibited:

  • if a person suffers from epileptic seizures,
  • with a diagnosed form of tuberculosis,
  • if coronary heart disease is detected,
  • with arrhythmia, heart failure,
  • if there is an eye disease,
  • lichen found
  • purulent and contagious skin diseases are present on the body,
  • as well as sexually transmitted diseases

When you first visit the pool, you must go to the doctor for a consultation. If there are no special contraindications, you can safely go swimming.

What should be avoided in order to achieve a result?

For beginners in swimming, it is difficult to correctly determine the principles of training for themselves. Many draw information on the Internet, studying reviews about swimming for weight loss, and often misunderstand recommendations literally. Although swimming, like any sport, is a creative and individual process. There is no clear guide for everyone. But there are a few points to follow:

  1. Do not get into the water immediately after a hearty dinner. From one and a half to two hours should pass between eating and occupation in the pool.
  2. Some just swimming will not bring any effect. The best way out is to choose for yourself a set of active exercises in the water. Or sign up for an aerobics instructor.
  3. Training will bring benefits if you actively engage in at least 45 minutes. Just a leisurely swim will not bring results.
  4. Pool water should not be cold. Otherwise, there is a risk of freezing. Optimally, if the mark is kept at +26 ˚.
  5. To signal the muscles about the beginning of the training, you need to warm up on the beach.

How to prepare for a trip to the pool?

Active swimming

And for swimming there is its own equipment. You should take everything necessary for the first acquaintance with the pool to be successful:

  1. A swimsuit is the first thing you can do without in the pool. There are no special rules, but solid models are recommended. This will save you from a possible embarrassment in the form of loss of details of your swimming suit.
  2. Beanie. It is designed to protect hair from getting wet. And, most importantly, does not prevent frequent clogging of the pool with the same hair. After all, there are many visitors. It is more comfortable to use hats on a fabric basis. They do not pull their heads like rubber.
  3. Slates are needed in order to safely get from the locker room to the pool and back. On slippery tiles it is easy to slip and get injured. In addition, there is always a chance to catch a fungus.
  4. Goggles. They will protect your eyes from chlorinated pool water. The main thing is that the glasses should fit in size - not squeeze, but not free to hang.

If for the first time nothing is clear, there is always an instructor in the pool who can be contacted for help.

How to breathe in water?

As you know, a person cannot breathe in water. But if you practice in the pool, the question involuntarily arises: "But how not to suffocate?" After all, everyone sees how professional swimmers swim. The face is completely submerged in water.

Plus, breathing in itself is capable of triggering metabolic restoration processes, if done correctly.

There are several recommendations for breathing in water:

  1. Inhalations are made by the mouth, but the air is exhaled first by the nose, then again by the mouth.
  2. The chest is under water all the time. That, in turn, puts pressure on her. Therefore, breaths should be strong.
  3. You need to inhale air above the surface of the water, and exhale already into the water.
  4. The main thing is to observe the rhythm and uniformity of breathing.

In pool conditions, proper breathing techniques do not seem so necessary. But it will not be superfluous to learn this. No one is insured once in open water alone with the elements.

Effective swimming for weight loss

You can swim in different styles, or you can use interval training. Moreover, the process of losing weight will go much faster. The basic principle of this type of training is alternation. It is not so important how to swim, the main thing is that the body does not get used to the pace of classes and the load given. When swimming, the results of losing weight will not take long. Interval training can speed up metabolism so much that calories continue to be burned for another two days. And with them, excess fat will also go away.

The benefits of swimming in the pool

True, you should not think that if you swim, then relax, swim again several times, then this is interval training. Highly effective and productive will be considered that training in which the maximum capabilities of a particular organism are involved.

Interval Training Example

You can use a scheme such as:

  1. Immediately after immersion in water, swim for 15-30 seconds at the fastest pace as possible without sparing yourself. It is worth giving preference to butterfly or rabbit.
  2. Then half a minute of rest, during which you need to relax in a relaxed rhythm breaststroke.

The indicated styles are not the only ones possible. Everyone is free to choose something of their own. The main thing is to alternate such half-minute swims at maximum and with rest for 10-15 minutes. This will be an interval training.

For starters, do not be heroic. Overvoltage will not benefit anyone. Over time, endurance and strength will increase, which will reduce the time of rest and increase the speed swim.

Some exercises for the pool

For women, swimming for weight loss will help to adjust the figure. When just swimming is boring or you want to work out a certain part of the body, you can add exercises to your workout. There are special classes tailored specifically for water. They are not inferior to traditional ones in efficiency, because the body moves in water, experiencing the resistance of a dense aquatic environment.

Swimming pool

Hips and pelvic area

  1. Swings are made with the feet to the tips of the fingers. Arms extended in front of you. In this case, the water should reach the neck. Repeats 10 times on each leg.
  2. Walking with a high knee lift. You can walk on the spot with arms extended in front of you.
  3. Alternately bring your arms and legs together. In this case, when the arms are spread apart, the legs are together. Then the legs are parted and at the same time the arms are reduced. So repeat until there is strength.


The principle is the same as on land. Only exercise is performed on the surface of the water. On exhalation, the knees are pulled to the chest. On inspiration they go down.

You can diversify the exercise and do a leg lift vertically, holding on to the side or grab bars on the springboard.


This exercise is also called the "Ballerina" for its external resemblance. Standing straight, water level on the neck. The stomach is pulled in with tension, the back is held flat. Hold the bended knee with your hand, as if hugging, and bend forward and backward. Then change the knee.

Swimming reviews

Judging by the numerous reviews, swimming in the weight loss pool helps many people to get involved in sports with gentle loads, get rid of excess weight and tighten the figure. Classes in the pool help relieve stress, give a good mood and a cheerfulness charge.


Now you know everything about swimming for weight loss. Testimonials, results and effective exercises were presented in the article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41175/

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