Starting the control panel from the command line: instruction

Very often, in various instructions for performing any actions on the computer, the line "Enter the control panel" is found. As practice shows, in some cases this can be difficult - especially if you have a different version of the Windows operating system installed. Here you will learn about the universal method for launching the control panel from the command line.

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Step 1. Open the command line

There are the following ways to do this, consider each of them.

Locate the key labeled Win or the logo of the Windows operating system on your keyboard. It is usually located to the left and right of the space, next to the Alt and Ctrl keys.

Click it, the Start menu will open. At the bottom of the search bar, enter the following:


And press Enter. The opened window is black and there is a command line through which we will work. Similarly, in the search, you can enter the phrase "command line",.

The second method is to press the key combination Win and R on the keyboard. A small “Run” window will appear in the lower left corner. It will need to enter the same cmd command. A window will open, and we can proceed to launch the control panel from the command line.

Step 2. Launch the control panel

We have a command line window open, it looks like this:

command line

So, the control panel launch command that we need to enter is the following:

 control panel 

Type this command, press Enter, and the control panel will instantly open.

Interesting command line features

Users of UNIX systems are used to using the console to solve most tasks, but if your operating system is Windows, then you most likely have not encountered such a need, but it can be useful.

As an example, we show that you can not only launch the control panel from the command line, but also go to the necessary sections.

For an example look at this command:

 control /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter 

Entering it, we will get to the network and sharing control center.

Similarly, you can call each item from the control panel. There are a lot of them, and a detailed list can be easily found using any search engine.

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Run as administrator

In some cases, it is necessary to launch the control panel from the administrator, for example, if the user account does not have the necessary access rights settings.

This is done as follows: go to the "Start" menu, find the command line through the search and right-click on it. In the pop-up menu, the launch item appears as administrator, select it.

If an account with administrator rights is password protected, you will need to enter it in order to enable this action.

Now the command line is run as administrator, further actions are performed similarly to the instructions above.

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In this article, we examined how to launch the control panel from the command line. There is absolutely nothing complicated in using the console to run the necessary programs in the Windows operating system, almost anyone can handle this. Experienced users often agree that using the command line instead of the visual interface is much more convenient and productive.


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