Cylinders "Rockwool": description, device, operating principle, application, photo

The service life of the pipes is reduced due to their use in low temperature and high humidity conditions. However, this problem can be solved using modern protective mineral wool materials. Among the huge number of offers on the market, the Rockwool cylinders are not the last. The company began operations more than a century ago in Denmark. During its existence, it has gained consumer acceptance.


Among other market offers, it is worth highlighting cylinders that have a porous rigid structure with good resistance to deformation. Shrinkage does not occur during the entire service life. Therefore, all original material characteristics are retained. It has low thermal conductivity and copes well with protecting communications from heat loss and freezing.

rockwall cylinders lined with aluminum foil

Description and device

The described cylinders are a material with outstanding properties, including:

  • chemical resistance;
  • water tightness;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of installation.

It is based on mineral wool, which combines with a synthetic binder. Today, this insulation is most effective in conjunction with cold and hot water supply. Rockwool cylinders can be coated with aluminum foil. The material is obtained by gluing layers together.

rockwool foil-lined cylinders

The cylinders have heat-insulating properties, are convenient to install, and are chemically resistant to acids, solvents, oils, and also alkalis. They are biostable, easy to process with a cutting tool.

Uncut cylinders

Cylinders β€œRockwool” can be uncached, in this case they belong to the group of non-combustible materials according to GOST 30244-94. Insulating materials, lined with foil, are low combustible and belong to group G1. The installed layer performs the function of effective thermal insulation. Thermal conductivity in the dry state does not exceed 0.037.

Principle of operation

Cylinder basalt wool is chemically stable. In contact with acids, oils, alkalis and solvents, it is inert, which allows it to be used in combination with other insulators that exhibit chemical activity. Cylinders are waterproof. Only under the influence of external forces does they fill with moisture. On the total volume of insulation, the absorption is 1%.

rockwool cylinders

Rockwool cylinders are fireproof. Fibers begin to melt only at 1000 Β° C, therefore they are able to undergo maximum temperatures, the thermal insulation properties do not change. You can use the material as a protective layer for structures made of combustible materials. Cylinders are easy to install. They are easy to cut with a construction knife, and the work does not take much time. If we compare the cylinders at a price with other products of this type, we can single out the only minus of the described insulation.


Rockwool mineral wool cylinders are delivered to the Russian market in two varieties - 100 and 150. The first ones withstand temperatures in pipes up to +650 ˚, while the second - up to +680 ˚. These products are made with a longitudinal through cut on one side, on the opposite inner side there is an incision that allows for ease of installation.

Rockwool winding cylinders have an internal diameter of 18 to 219 mm. The useful layer has a thickness of 25 to 80 mm. In addition to differences in size, cylinders can be divided into kashirovanny and non-cached. The first have a surface covered with reinforced aluminum foil. This material is used in industrial enterprises where there is a risk of mechanical damage, as well as for external insulation of communication systems for various purposes.

rockwool cylinders

Rockwool heat-insulated navigational cylinders that are not cached with foil are more often used to insulate pipelines inside buildings, in the field of individual construction, and in residential buildings. Areas of use are:

  • external protection of the heating system;
  • insulation of the external water supply;
  • gas pipeline isolation outside the premises.

As for the external water supply, it can be hot or cold. Cylinders protect communications from freezing, and water temperature does not decrease during transportation. External protection is done to save energy and heat.

Solving the condensate problem

The appearance of condensate inside the pipes can be eliminated by installing gas pipeline insulation outside the premises. Thus, it is possible to achieve high quality gas supplied. Rockwool cylinders - insulation, which is supplied in a standard length of 100 cm. This is convenient when calculating the required amount of material.

Recommendations for use

Thermal insulation is recommended to be installed from a flange connection. When installing the cylinders, they should be adjusted to each other, ensuring the separation of horizontal joints, which will provide higher efficiency. Fixation is carried out by special bandages. If you have to work with a meter cylinder, two hoops will be enough, which are installed in increments of 500 mm between each other. For installation, it is customary to use packing tape or aluminum 0.8 mm tape. Permissible use of black annealed or galvanized wire of 2 mm. You can use stainless steel wire, its diameter should be 1.2 mm.

rockwall insulation cylinders

To isolate the branch of communications, the products are joined end-to-end along the cutting line and fixed with bandages in the amount of one piece per segment. If non-cached products are to be used during installation, the protective coating is fastened with bandages or screws. For Rockwool cylinders lined with aluminum foil, if the surface layer is damaged, the shell is glued or waterproofed with a suitable material. It can be reinforced tape.

Quite often you have to work with pipelines in rooms with a positive temperature of the transported media. In this case, it is recommended to install Rockwool cylinders lined with foil. An additional protective layer is not required, since it is already available in the product from the factory. The products are fixed by reinforced aluminum tape.

If cold water supply piping is insulated with a temperature of transported media below 12 Β° C, it is recommended to use cylinders, additionally installing a vapor barrier. It is sealed at the seams. On such pipelines, a metal protective coating is usually also installed, which will eliminate damage to the foil. The coating is fixed with bandages, as is the case with non-cached cylinders.

rockwool mineral wool cylinders

When work is underway on horizontal pipelines, thermal insulation can be applied without support rings. In vertical areas to prevent slipping of the insulating material and additional protection of the coating during operation, unloading devices should be installed along the height of the pipe. They are located every 3 m. The cylinders are installed on the vertical parts of the pipelines using thrust technology, which will reduce the cost and timing of the work. If necessary, cylinders can be used as multilayer insulation. In this case, the segments are located on top of the first layer, it is important to ensure the displacement of the seams in relation to the previous layer.

Mineral Wool Efficiency

In a section of a direct pipeline, heat losses using the described insulation are reduced by 3.6 times. This allows us to achieve an annual cost savings of 20% for the purchase of energy resources. During installation does not require special human effort and time. This can not be said about wound mats, which poorly hold their shape and provide an uneven thickness of the coating layer. This may be due to different efforts of the installer when the edges are superimposed on one another.

rockwool heat-insulating cylinders

When using mineral wool cylinders, the influence of the human factor is minimized, and the protective coating in the form of aluminum foil ensures the safety of insulation.


Mineral wool cylinders are designed for quick installation of thermal insulation on pipelines for various purposes. It can be communications of the gas industry, the oil field, food facilities of energy. This list is not complete. Mineral wool cylinders have quality characteristics that are better than products with similar properties.


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