Russians in New Zealand: the pros and cons, reviews of the complexity of life

The Russian proverb says "Where ours did not disappear." The Russians in New Zealand do not disappear and even feel very good. An island country with breathtaking landscapes, known to us from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The country of shaggy hens with long beaks (kiwi) and many volcanoes, where the number of inhabitants is less than the number of sheep, has long attracted emigrants with its stability and high level of comfort. The life in New Zealand through the eyes of Russians will be discussed in this article.

New Zealand Russian life

Country rating

This island kingdom is part of the Commonwealth of Nations (formerly British colonies), and its head is the Queen of Great Britain. The country is characterized by a large degree of democratic freedoms and traditional parliamentarism. Maori (Indigenous), English, and Sign Language are the official languages ​​in New Zealand. Russians, Germans, Swedes, Chinese and many representatives of the whole world make up the population of this country where there is no racism and universal tolerance reigns. This confirms the world Peace Index - Zealand in fourth place. In accordance with the Index of Barriers to Doing Business, this country is in second place, and ranked seventh in terms of the rating of human potential development. Emerging economies, stability and tranquility bring New Zealand to a leading global position. This country comes first in terms of indices such as environmental, crime, and life expectancy.

life in new zealand reviews of Russian emigrants

Kiwi mentality

That is what the inhabitants of this country call themselves. And they are very offended if they are called Australians. There is no hurry, and events are planned in advance. The multinationality of residents and many tourists contribute to a lack of prejudice in racial and gender issues. Feminism in this country is not an abusive word. According to statistical surveys, in this country, women on average have more sexual partners than men.

There is no corruption at all. That's right - kiwi tales of tricks are perceived as a joke. According to Russians, in New Zealand only indigenous Māori can be overly aggressive, and only because of their temperament. The lack of national cuisine and a commitment to fast food, and here they did their job - there are many full. At the same time, almost all kiwis go in for sports, and on weekends they go out to nature on picnics. Speaking of picnics - alcohol in nature is considered bad form.

Russians in New Zealand

Climate and nature

These islands in the southern hemisphere are not at all distinguished by a hot climate. Summer (December to March) and winter (May to September) practically do not differ from each other. During the day, the air temperature heats up to + 25 Β° C, but it is cold in the morning and evening. Moreover, it rains almost constantly. Therefore, a jacket and an umbrella are constant companions of local residents.

The sun here is very aggressive. This confirms the percentage of skin oncology. They always use sunscreen, even give it away for free at numerous promotions. Still here it often shakes - the whole country is located on volcanoes, many of which are active.

This is a garden city from a fairy tale, and the expression "riot of greenery" is not an empty phrase here. All year round, various flowers and shrubs bloom here, near each house there is a small botanical garden. Magnolias and camellias, azaleas and orchids surround you everywhere.

There are no dangerous animals for humans, including snakes. No, midges, of course, are, but in comparison with our bloodsuckers these are just trifles. Many national parks offer routes with amazingly beautiful views.

Social policy and standard of living

The basis of the country's economy is agriculture. Half of the exports are meat, dairy products and sheep wool. The state supports farms in lean or dry years.

The tourism sector serves about 3 million tourists a year and operates year-round.

It is easy to open a snack bar or a store here - small business in New Zealand is quite profitable for Russians and other emigrants. But big business is leaving for Australia.

Per capita income is less than in the countries of the European Union (about 24 thousand US dollars), but this does not stop becoming a New Zealand country, where the number of rooms per person is at least 2. In addition, all families have several cars.

All residents participate, as a rule, in several social protection programs. Benefits, payments and pensions allow residents to be satisfied with their standard of living (94% of New Zealanders are confident in government support in difficult times).

new zealand russian life reviews

Migration policy

The Russians in New Zealand appeared as a result of several waves of immigration. The first were Orthodox communities at the end of the 19th century. The descendants of the first settlers assimilated and consider themselves full-fledged kiwis. The main wave of Russian immigration to New Zealand occurred in the 90s of the last century.

Today's immigrants are mostly students and young professionals. As such, there is no Russian diaspora in New Zealand. Most of the natives of our country live in large cities - Auckland, Wellington and Kraichster. There are Russian-language clubs and restaurants here, and even a Russian theater has been created in Auckland. According to general estimates of our compatriots in this country, about 20 thousand.

How to get there

There are several ways to immigrate to this country. For instance:

  • Studying in New Zealand for Russians (more about that separately).
  • Employment. This refers to an independent search for an employer and departure for a work visa. Quite difficult - the employer will have to prove that you are the key person in his business.
  • Investments. If you have 1.5 million US dollars and you invest them in this country, you will receive a residence permit. But ... it is necessary to prove that the money was earned in a legal way, and in addition, to have another millionaire for life.
  • The Silver Fern program is available, but involves passing special tests with a set of a certain number of points. Labor migration in the country is limited by quotas, according to which no more than 45 thousand people can enter the country.
  • Creating a family with a New Zealand citizen gives a residence permit automatically.

Study and subsequent employment

There are 8 universities and 20 technical institutes for 4 million inhabitants. About 40 thousand students a year come to this country. Student visa is granted for 1 year and is extended as you study. After graduation, you have a year to look for work. Studying in New Zealand for Russians is not cheap and will cost at least 18 thousand US dollars. Add to this the necessarily confirmed budget for your studies. But this is still 2 times less than studying in the USA or England. According to reviews, studying in New Zealand for Russians is not difficult: the Bologna system meets European standards, and even low-income students can afford to stay in the campus.

The budget option is to take English courses at the migration service. It will cost about 5 thousand US dollars. But it is obligatory to visit them and there are no guarantees of employment.

Russians in new zealand reviews

Social Support for Russian Life in New Zealand

Reviews of successful immigrants about benefits for all new residents add a desire to make a move. Judge for yourself, after 2 years of residence in this country, a migrant receives resident status. From that moment on, children are entitled to free admission to the pre-school and public schools. Students will graduate for a quarter of its cost.

A family with one child, where one parent is employed, is paid annual assistance in the amount of about 17 thousand US dollars. If for any reason you lose your job, you will receive special assistance in the amount of $ 180 per week. This allows you not to be nervous and calmly look for work.

Informal Employment - Nonsense

Even unskilled labor in this country is impossible without official employment. Without this, the employer will be punished with heavy fines. At the same time, without knowledge of the language, it is difficult to get a dishwasher in a restaurant. Everything is highly automated in production and even in agriculture, so most Russians in New Zealand have a certain qualification. The most demanded are specialists in the field of high technologies, various types of design, advertising, tourism and dog handlers. So, according to the reviews of Russian emigrants in New Zealand, life here is not sugar, and you can look for work throughout the year. But working foreigners in a few years acquire their own home.

life in new zealand reviews

To New Zealand - Retire

As already mentioned, this is a country with an average life expectancy of 81.8 years. Immigrants of retirement age are densely patronized by social services. First, they are paid benefits, and after 10 years of residence, a pension is assigned (at least 900 US dollars).

In addition, the state provides pensioners with social housing. This is a small house with a garden and parking for cars. Interestingly, since the housing is state-owned, its repair and maintenance is carried out at the expense of the state. Most drugs are also subsidized; transportation is free.

They retire in New Zealand at the age of 65, but can continue to work and receive both a pension and a salary.

Tolerance and tolerance

As already mentioned, New Zealand is an international country. The indigenous Māori people make up about 15% of more than four million inhabitants. Racism and intolerance in matters of sexual orientation are everywhere, but in this country they are practically not noticeable. Here you will not find neglect of a person because of imperfect English, and even very rich people look ordinary. The attitude towards people with disabilities is tolerant and respectful, which confirms the state sign language of the deaf-mute community of the country. And the measured and unhurried life excludes irritability in the queues.

life in new zealand

Life in New Zealand through the eyes of Russians

For the Russian layman much in local life seems unusual. To begin with, the houses here are without central heating, and the walls are very thin. Water is heated exclusively by boilers, and the house is heated by electric heaters. But traditionally, each house has its own garden - year-round its tomatoes and greens will please our lovers of summer cottages.

To drive a car in this country, you need a license. But to drive a boat or a yacht - no. Moreover, their choice on these islands is quite wide and not too expensive. Buying a car takes five minutes - I filled out the form at the post office and drove off. The movement of cars here is left-sided, drivers are very correct and patient. You rarely see police officers; they are also quite tolerant of minor violations of traffic rules.

No smoking here. That's almost all. A pack of cigarettes costs $ 25; smoking is prohibited in public places and restaurants. But marijuana seems to be prohibited, but at least once a year, amateurs gather in the main square of Auckland and openly hint that it is time for the authorities to legalize such things. The police do not respond to such gatherings.

And in general, on the squares of large cities there are always many activists of anything. Some advocate for the legalization of soft drugs, while others want to save a whale or forest. Democracy in action.

And even on the streets of cities you can meet people walking barefoot. And at the entrances to the parks are tanks with liquid for cleaning the soles of microbes.

Mobile communications and the Internet are weak. But the mail works like a clock. Sending a parcel to Russia takes 5 minutes.

new zealand life

The favorite sport of all New Zealanders is rugby. But the measuredness and tranquility of life are compensated by extreme sports - surfing, diving, jumping, hang gliding, parachuting. And the main entertainment is throwing an possum (which is strange - the animal is dead).


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