Hair styling at home: features, interesting ideas and recommendations

Today, many girls are increasingly choosing short haircuts, because they consider them stylish, sophisticated and very comfortable. Among the fair sex are ardent opponents of these hairstyles, who believe that short hair robs them of femininity and charm. Despite this, most fashion houses have been presenting such haircuts as the most elegant and attractive for several years in a row.

Many girls believe that by choosing a short haircut, they will forget the word โ€œstylingโ€. Yes, indeed, many such hairstyles do not require additional personal care, except for washing and drying with a hairdryer. But this does not mean at all that you should forget about this procedure forever. After all, styling on short thin hair or thick and lush strands is necessary to give a well-groomed and aesthetic appearance.

short hairstyles


Before you begin styling short hair, you need to familiarize yourself with several recommendations from professionals to maintain a healthy structure and shine of each strand:

  • Washing your hair should be done only with high-quality shampoo that suits you.
  • Be sure to use air conditioning (balm), but in small quantities.
  • Blondes and brunettes are not recommended to use gels and wax for styling. But brown-haired women can use any means.
  • Styling products need to be applied a little bit. If there is excess on the hair, then you will have to wash your hair again.

Straight hair

If you naturally have smooth and even hair, then a bob or bob haircut will be a great choice. After all, these are haircuts for short hair that do not require styling. Straight smooth hair always looks perfect, give the image an elegance and show the presence of taste in its owner. Smooth hair will perfectly fit into any fashionable look and are suitable for attending various events.

short hair without styling

Light curls

Free and slightly sloppy styling is now in fashion. One of such hairstyles is light air locks. How to make short hair styling on your own and at the same time look brilliant? You do not need to have special skills for this. Creating a styling with light curls and side parting at home is very simple. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Using a hairdryer and styling products, you need to dry your hair, immediately forming a side part.
  2. Using forceps, make a few curls. If they turned out to be โ€œtightโ€, then you should carefully walk on them with your fingers, separating them.
  3. In order for the curls not to quickly break up, it is best to fix them by spraying with varnish.

This styling is perfect for a casual look. Moreover, it allows you to diversify the short haircut, and also visually lengthens the face.

Volume at the roots

The list of the most beautiful styling for short hair includes styling with the creation of volume at the roots. The peculiarity of this hairstyle is that the volume is created with the utmost care and diligence, and the remaining strands are laid rather casually, creating a slight mess. This type of styling is perfect for windy autumn weather, when curls or smooth styling can break apart at any second. It is best to use a special brush and good styling products to create a basal volume. Wet hair needs to be dried, starting from the roots and ending with the tips, it is advisable to fix each strand with varnish.


How to make styling for short hair more diverse and unusual? The answer is simple - curls. It can be small curls or large curls. And you can make a hairstyle in retro style. If you have a short bob or square, do not be afraid of such styling, it will look appropriate, fervent and very youthful. To choose the ideal diameter of curls for yourself, you should arm yourself with curling irons of different diameters and experiment a bit in front of the mirror.

haircuts for short hair without styling

Having made styling in the form of curls, they can be beautifully assembled with the help of small hairpins. And if you want to create the effect of wet locks, you should use hair wax.


Among hair styling for short hair at home this year, a variety of weaves are very popular. Great for such a haircut is a bob haircut. Laying can be done as follows:

  1. Clean and wet hair should be well dried with a hair dryer, giving them volume. Moreover, you should remove the strands in the direction of the back of the head in order to maximize the face. It is recommended to use styling products.
  2. Bangs and strands are braided in two free braids. You need to start weaving from one temple to another.
  3. The first braid weaves as close to the forehead as possible.
  4. The second should be done at the crown level.

Done. So fast, easy, and most importantly, you can stylishly style short hair without resorting to the services of professionals.

short hair styling


One of the most popular styling for short hair at home in the warm season. Malvinka is very easy and fast. Phased creation of such a styling is as follows:

  1. Cleanly washed hair should be dried with a hairdryer, using a special tool to create light curls. You can also use the iron. The main task of this stage is to make the maximum possible amount. Because malvinka is styling with the effect of slight negligence.
  2. You need to take one strand starting from the face and ending in the region of the crown, and with the help of an elastic band for hair, collect it in a bun.

That's all. The hairstyle is ready, you can safely go to the street.

Romantic styling

To create a romantic image, you will need foam and varnish for fixing hair, a beautiful bezel. It will be necessary to apply a foam on wet hair, and then blow dry a hair dryer, giving the hairstyle an extra volume. When the strands are completely dry, fix them with varnish and put on the prepared rim. Beautiful styling of short hair is finished, you can begin to select the outfit in harmony with her.

In addition to the rim, you can try to use a scarf or hair band.


A bold and unusual styling of short hair will turn out if you make a mohawk. To do this, you need styling means of strong fixation, namely foam, varnish and, preferably, a special powder, gel. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. On wet hair, apply foam along the entire length.
  2. Proceed to blow dry your hair. The direction of the air flow should be from the head. It is necessary to try so that the styling line repeats the shape of the head.
  3. When the hair is dry - immediately fix the strands with gel.
  4. Fix with varnish, wait a couple of minutes and reapply varnish.
    how to do short hair styling

Smooth styling

To make the face more expressive, styling short hair with sleek and combed strands is best. Make it very simple. On wet hair, apply styling gel, comb the strands back or to one side and leave to dry. The hairstyle is ready, and it can be used both in everyday life and for special occasions.

Long-term styling

Long-term styling for short hair is the best option for a modern business woman whose day is scheduled in minutes. Having made such a styling, you can expect that it will last about three months, and save valuable time in the morning. It allows you to create volume at the roots, make clear curls, as well as curl bangs and ends of strands. But do not forget that long-term styling is done using chemicals, which is not very beneficial for healthy hair.

Professionals caution that such masonry should not be done:

  • if the cutting strands are shorter than 10 centimeters;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during the menstrual cycle;
  • on thin and weakened hair.

It is best to do long-term styling with a specialist in the salon, but you can handle this procedure yourself if you wish at home.

beautiful styling for short hair

To do this, you need to have in your arsenal:

  • curlers made of plastic (choose your own diameter);
  • sponge for washing dishes (you will need 2 pcs.);
  • latex gloves;
  • a bowl of plastic (2 pcs.);
  • wadding of cotton;
  • a hair cap made of polyethylene;
  • measured capacity;
  • a comb with rare cloves and a pointed end;
  • Cape on the shoulders.

Next, you need to prepare special tools:

  • vinegar with a concentration of 5%;
  • good shampoo;
  • balm for weak and damaged hair;
  • fat cream (you can use petroleum jelly);
  • chemical-based styling agent;
  • high-quality fixative.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to conduct an allergic reaction test.

The first thing to do is to gently wash your hair without making massaging and rubbing movements. Then comb the prepared comb hair. Twist each strand in curlers, they should all be the same. After - apply cream on the scalp, put on gloves on your hands, and put on a protective gown on the body. The next step is to measure the right amount of chemical, pour it into one of the bowls and quickly apply to the strands. Put on a hat and wrap your head in a towel.

Wait about 15 minutes, then remove the curlers from one strand, and if the desired effect is achieved, then continue. If necessary, you can hold your hair in a chemical agent for longer, but you should carefully monitor so as not to get a burn, and read in detail the instructions on the packaging of the product. The manufacturer always indicates the maximum time limit.

The product must be washed off without removing the curlers with warm water. When this is done, a fixative is applied to the hair and it is given a few minutes for it to dry. Now you can carefully remove the curlers and rinse hair with balm, and then blow dry.

It is important not to wash your hair in the next two days after curling. And it is not recommended to visit places with high humidity, namely saunas, baths, pools. If you follow these instructions, long-term styling will please you for more than one month.

Hairstyles for short hair without styling

Many women strive to make a stylish haircut that does not require daily styling. The modern rhythm of life is so fast that literally every second is dear. We present a list of the most popular and beautiful haircuts for short hair that do not require additional styling. Just wash your hair and blow dry the hair with a hairdryer.

short hair styling at home
  1. French haircut. With this hairstyle, short hair without styling looks unsurpassed. Due to the fact that the haircut is done on the principle "lock to lock", the curls after washing themselves lay down in the right order.
  2. Bean. All variations of the bean keep their shape perfectly and look without the use of additional styling tools.
  3. Sessoon. The peculiarity of this haircut is strict geometric lines, so that after washing the hair, the hairs lie on top of each other independently.
  4. Garcon. A โ€œboy-likeโ€ haircut does not need to be styled, as the haircut is very short.
  5. Asymmetry. The natural look of straight or curly curls is the hallmark of this hairstyle. So careful styling can disrupt the created image.
  6. Pixies. The best styling for such a haircut is to slightly beat the strands at the roots with your fingers. Nothing more is required for her.
  7. The cascade looks good both with and without styling. The multi-layered hairstyle does its job - it perfectly holds the shape and volume of each strand.


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