Points on the hands responsible for the organs. Acupuncture points on the hands (photo)

The most ancient medical knowledge came from China. Scientists, doctors working for the good of mankind, discovered a paradoxical method of treatment, which was called acupuncture. On the human body is a huge number of bioenergy points. There are points on the hands that are responsible for the organs and their functionality. The paradox of the treatment lies in the fact that by massaging certain zones, a person can independently improve his well-being. The process and technique are important. Proper movement and pressure can work wonders.

points on hands responsible for organs
We can say that a person’s hands are his body, only in a reduced form. On the palm there are biologically active points that are responsible for the front of the body, and on the back for the back.

What is a biologically active hand point?

There are many points on the hands, they are all located at a certain distance from each other. Therefore, before starting independent treatment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the relevant literature.

biologically active points
Existing methods of acupuncture points on the hand allow you to determine with one click. It is impossible to see them with the naked eye, but when you feel your palm, you feel a hollow, a hole. Light pressure can cause pain. It is they who say that biologically active points are found.

Doctors using modern equipment, with confidence say that the place of the point is no different from the entire skin of the hand. Only due to the influence of a constant weak current, a sharp decrease in the skin resistance was found in the area of ​​the biologically active point.

Acupuncture hands

For the normal functioning of the body, several points must be clamped or massaged at once. Existing points on the hands that are responsible for the organs, when pressed or massaged, transmit a signal to the brain, and it - directly to a specific organ. Oriental medicine professionals will effortlessly find a point that controls the normal functionality of the thyroid gland, heart, or kidneys.


acupuncture points on the arm

The acupuncture methods used make the points on the arm sensitive and receptive. It is enough to remember these places once, so that throughout life, a person has the opportunity to independently solve problems that arise in his body. If, for example, sharply and strongly press the point that is responsible for the functional capabilities of the liver, a person will feel nausea and pain in the area of ​​this organ.

Organs on hand

The points of the organs on the arm allow a person to normalize the disease state of his body in the shortest possible time. An example is the bending of the upper phalanx of the thumb, this point is responsible for the performance, functionality and control of the thyroid gland. The points on the hands that are responsible for the organs will help cure bronchitis, and not only. By clicking on the fold of the middle phalanx of the middle finger, you can speed up the healing process when coughing. Even the heart muscle is affected if the middle of the lower phalanx of the middle finger is massaged.

organ points on the arm

Hand acupuncture professionals can combine several points at the same time to quickly get a positive result. At first glance, this is a primitive, simple method of treatment, but it becomes such only if you know the location of the points on the hands and match their organs. Look at the palm. The middle finger has points responsible for all organs, neck, head. Index and nameless give the opportunity to get rid of pain in the hands. On the thumb and little finger there are points, pressing on which, you can cure the legs.

active points on the hands

Active points

Active points on the hands can be local and general action. The difference between the two is in taking the therapy method. In order to achieve the result of local action, you will have to make an appointment with a doctor and undergo an acupuncture course. This is because the active local action points are close to the organs. The results of local exposure can be obtained independently, since the points on the hands that are responsible for the organs, the person has the right to massage or press at any convenient time. In order to correctly press the desired point, it is advisable to know its exact location. Otherwise, a person will think that he is relieving his headache, but in fact he is treating a runny nose. Not knowing the exact location of the active point, it is difficult to navigate yourself, it is worth looking into the appropriate books or making an appointment with a professional.

Point locations

points on hands photo

Hands are the gateway to the energy system of the human body. Much depends on the location of the points, including the normal functioning of a particular organ individually. If we look at the points on the hands, the photo of which is attached, we can conclude that they are symmetrical. It doesn’t happen that the point located on the right hand is absent on the left. She will not only be present, but her location will be the same. This allows a person to quickly remember the location of all active points on both the inside and back of the palm.

Massaging process

When a person presses on an active point, he induces the vagus nerve to action. He, in turn, can regulate the processes of the respiratory system, the rhythm of heart contractions, and digestion processes. If during pressure there is a strong or sharp pain at the location of the active point, we can say with confidence that a person has problems with a particular organ. He needs to seek help from a specialist.

Feature points

Organ diseases can be very different, but what if a tooth hurts or insomnia is tortured? To solve such problems, there are acupuncture points on the hands.

acupuncture points on the hands
Point "Lao-gun" helps to treat the initial stages of periodontal disease, stomatitis. If you regularly act on it, it will relieve constantly aching pain. It is safe to say that if this point is massaged regularly, problems in the oral cavity in a person will not arise. In addition, the appetite will be restored, the pain will leave the area of ​​the heart, it will cease to disturb arthritis. If you squeeze your hand into a fist, you can easily find this point between the middle and ring fingers.

With the help of "nei-guan" you can affect any pain that has arisen, restore sleep, blood pressure, strengthen the psyche. It is located on the inner surface of the wrist, between the tendons.

"Shen-men" helps to soothe a rapid heartbeat, prevent the initial stage of sore throat, runny nose and remove inflammation from the lymph nodes. Regularly you need to massage this point, if a person has problems with the work of the heart, blood circulation is disturbed, angina pectoris is observed. It can be found in the center of the carpal fold, between the tendons of the hands.


There are several methods that are used in the treatment of various diseases in the human body. To apply them, it is enough to find points on the hands that are responsible for organs requiring treatment. For prevention or at the initial stage of the disease, you can start using massages:

  • Point.
  • Dentistry
  • Busse method.

Acupressure is similar in acupuncture. It is very simple in practice, does not require tools and medical equipment. In order to do acupressure, you need a fingertip, which is placed vertically, to locate the desired point. Then slowly and effortlessly begin to massage her in a circular motion, gradually increasing the pressure force. The skin should move with your finger. In order for the massage to be effective, it is necessary to choose a certain intense rhythm, which will be observed throughout the procedure.

Dental therapy is a hand massage using metal balls whose diameter does not exceed 2 millimeters. They are attached under the patch, in contact with the necessary zone. Periodic pressure on the ball will bring the first results quickly enough.

The Busse method is similar to cubotherapy, only use not balls, but metal plates of gold or silver. It does not bring discomfort to the patient; it is often used in practice. The plates are fixed in the necessary places, as the pain subsides, they move or are completely removed. They can be worn to prevent the occurrence of various diseases, but more often this method is used in advanced conditions, as it is considered the most effective.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41217/

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