What events can be held in the Year of cinema in educational institutions, in the library?

The invention of cinema truly set the world upside down. Two centuries ago, no one could have imagined that it was possible to fix on the film not only a static, but also a dynamic image, and the possibility of its subsequent demonstration seemed completely akin to magic. This year has been declared the Year of All-Russian Cinema in Russia, so it is logical that we should expect an increase in the propaganda of Russian cinema. What events can be held in the Year of Cinema, and how do you find out more about films shot by our compatriots?

State level

Of course, as with any public initiative, the action plan for the Year of the Cinema involves a huge number of film screenings, lectures, workshops and other events aimed at introducing the layman to cinema. Moreover, in the framework of this global project, the state allocates about 13 million rubles for re-equipping movie studios, introducing Russian films into mass distribution (recently, they are not inferior in size to foreign competitors - this is the result of the protectionism policy also launched in the Year of Cinema). That is, we can say that there are a lot of plans, the only question is how to implement them.

In library

Everyone will have to join the popularization of cinema. For example, events for the Year of Cinema in the library may include exhibitions of books that were later made into films, drawing contests for your favorite films and cartoons, collections of thematic films, such as “Ten Best Films for a Cold Winter,” which can include films about New Year’s holidays , and Russian folk tales, whose heroes wander through the snowy forests. By the way, the last one can be emphasized in the library: Russian folk tales are a storehouse of plots for cartoons, a huge number of them were made into films.

But after all, for any kid it will be much more interesting to create at least a small, but still own adaptation of a favorite work! Yes, libraries are unlikely to have all the necessary equipment for this, but you can start by creating a series of drawings on a given topic. Children - namely, such events are often directed at them - will be happy to take any initiative, the main thing is to interest them and show that Russian cinema is no worse than foreign cinema.

what events can be held in the movie year

At school

What events can be held in the Year of Russian cinema at school? According to a common stereotype, Russia can make films either about cops or about the war, and the latter is much better at it. It is impossible to forget about the terrible events of the past century, but the problem of the modern generation is that it cannot even imagine what those who had to face such a nightmare as war had to go through. Actual will be a demonstration of thematic films that can show all the realities of those dark days of our history. You can supplement the movie screening with conversations with eyewitnesses of those events, those few veterans who were able to survive to this day. Perhaps such events can show the importance of peace on earth and all its value. In addition, the Year of Cinema in Russia coincides with the seventy-fifth anniversary of the battle for Leningrad, so this is another reason to focus on the military past of the country.

action plan for the cinema year

In the museum

We’ll also think about what events can be held in the year of cinema in museums. In this area, imagination can really take off. Expositions of gizmos in any way related to the appearance of cinema in a particular region, for example, first films, exhibitions of photographs of the first cinemas and shots from the first black-and-white films, a demonstration of modern equipment used in the filming process, you can show visitors everything that is possible only the head will come.

year of cinema in Russia events

Moreover, in the framework of various lectures that museums usually hold, it is possible to organize joint film screenings, after which the audience will have the opportunity to discuss the film and, if there are any difficulties with its understanding, clarify certain points as with the help of “fellow” visitors, and with the help of museum workers - sometimes we are embarrassed to admit that something was not entirely clear to us, and therefore it is difficult for us to objectively evaluate a particular film. The ability to exchange impressions will help reveal even the most introverted movie fans.

events for the movie year in the library

With the creators

Continuing to talk about what events can be held in the Year of the History of Russian Cinema, one cannot fail to mention another anniversary. One hundred and sixty years ago, the Russian Telegraph Agency was created - it was with it that the history of news services began. Television managers themselves are reluctant to make films for themselves, but at the same time, they usually do not refuse the opportunity to conduct small lectures not so much on the history of cinema as on the process of its creation. The viewer can’t imagine how difficult it is sometimes to take even a half-hour show, how much you have to do during the filming, how the installation is done, how the material that will be included in the final version is chosen - such events will be interesting not only for children but also for adults, which sometimes it would be very useful to listen to how their favorite films and programs are created. Moreover, after, if I may say so, an insight into the very essence of the process, the desire to criticize television programs will definitely decrease.

what events can be held in the year of the history of Russian cinema

With directors

And what do we know about Russian filmmakers? If the figures of Soviet cinema are even more or less heard by people, nevertheless almost all know the films of the past era, then not everyone can name at least a few modern directors. What events can be held in the Year of the cinema to correct this misunderstanding? That's right, meeting with these very modern creators. Yes, today's Russian cinema is criticized, and, interestingly, either for its primitiveness and humor below the belt, or for its very arthouse. But maybe this is the very tip of the iceberg? It often happens that films of truly talented young people cannot reach the wide audience due to lack of funding, bureaucratic delays and many other obstacles. That is why it is necessary to give them an opportunity to prove themselves, albeit within the framework of small festivals, but still show what today's youth is capable of.

what events can be held in the year of Russian cinema

In various cities

What events can be visited in Lipetsk in the Year of Russian Cinema? And in Voronezh? What about Volgograd? These questions are being asked by more and more citizens. The only advice in this situation is to check often for information updates on the sites of your cities, where usually announcements of any interesting events appear. For example, the same Lipetsk launched a civic initiative to create a cinema museum, in connection with which the townspeople are asked to share, if possible, old film, tapes, and other things related to the era when there were no disk media. You yourself can become part of the Year of cinema in Russia - it is only important to want.

At home

And if you don’t feel like reading about what events can be held during the Year of Cinema at various venues in the city, because going to them is just too lazy? So who prevents to arrange your own, if not a year, then the day of Russian cinema? A family viewing of domestic films - both Soviet classics, such as “Three Musketeers”, and modern cartoons about the heroes — will not only allow the whole family to relax together, but will also make it possible to once again make sure that with our cinema everything is not as bad as It seems to many pessimists. Moreover, viewing films based on books may well become a worthy motivation to read a literary work, today, more and more adults complain about a completely unreadable generation.

what events can be visited in Lipetsk in the year of Russian cinema


In the Year of Cinema in Russia, events can be found for every taste. Some will be able to attend library evenings, where you can get acquainted with the literary basis of your favorite domestic films, others will prefer lectures on the history of cinema, others will visit various exhibitions and expositions in museums, and others will join art at home. The only thing that will unite all these people is Russian cinema, which is not inferior in quality to Western cinema, just sometimes it lacks the support of the audience to prove it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41218/

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