Biorevitalization. Customer reviews of beauty salons

Regardless of the years lived, all women want to look attractive and young. In order to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible way, it is worth contacting a cosmetology center and doing biorevitalization. This procedure is a non-surgical skin rejuvenation. Currently, its holding is very accessible and widely in demand.

biorevitalization review
Biorevitalization, customer reviews of which testify to its striking results, is made in the form of multiple injections of a special substance - hyaluronic acid. The preparation in the form of a gel is injected into the dermis with the help of injections. Hyaluronic acid is the main component responsible for the elasticity and tone of the skin. With a decrease in its level in the dermis, signs of aging are manifested. A valuable component is included in many lotions, serums and creams that are designed to moisturize the skin. However, the greatest effect is biorevitalization.

Customer reviews about this procedure, as a rule, are as follows: skin color is smoothed, wrinkles are eliminated. The muscles of the face acquire elasticity and tone. This procedure can be carried out as a prophylaxis to prevent aging.

do biorevitalization
Thus, biorevitalization reviews receive the most positive. Women who have undergone the above procedure speak of it as an effective tool for smoothing wrinkles. The skin of the face becomes velvety. Hyaluronic acid injections are safe for health. In addition, the healing substance takes part in the regenerative processes of the skin. It allows moisture to be retained, improves the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the body for its implementation. To do this, you should refrain from the use of anticoagulants and antibiotics (the last dose, at least three to four days). A week before injections, you should not go to the sauna or bath. For fourteen days before biorevitalization should not visit the solarium. Three hours before the procedure, cosmetic products are not applied to the treated areas .

Biorevitalization, reviews of which indicate the absence of an uncomfortable state during its implementation, is possible only with local anesthesia. A package with hyaluronic acid is opened in the presence of the patient. The areas of the face into which injections will be made are treated with an antiseptic. The effect of injections occurs immediately. The procedure restores the water-lipid balance, which allows to increase the production of elastin and collagen. As a result, the skin is tightened, even the smallest wrinkles are eliminated.

biorevitalization cost
During the procedure, mild discomfort is sometimes present, which depends on the patient's pain threshold. After biorevitalization, swelling and slight swelling at the injection sites are possible. These symptoms disappear within a day on their own.
Biorevitalization, the cost of which depends on the area of ​​exposure of the drug used, as well as on the selected beauty salon, will cost from six and a half to ten thousand rubles.


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