How to cook Baileys at home?

Real Baileys liquor is only available in Ireland. According to experts, more than one recipe is provided for this alcoholic drink. How to cook Baileys at home? It interests lovers of a strong drink. If you have the right ingredients, you can cope with this task at home. You will learn how to cook Baileys at home from this article.

how to cook bailiz home recipe

Introducing an Alcohol Product

The Baileys liquor formula was created in 1970 by David Dand. He suggested that the company Gilbeys of Ireland be engaged in the manufacture of a gentle and mild alcohol based on exclusively natural ingredients. Alcohol in the composition of liquor takes 17%. For 100 ml, 20 g of sugar is provided. Thanks to the creamy-caramel taste and pleasant aroma, “Baileys” was loved by many lovers of fine alcohol. Initially, cognac was added to the liquor. The drink turned out to be quite tasty, but had an unstable combination. The creation of a new formula was taken by employees of the Irish company R. A Bailey & Co. In 1974, a new liquor was presented, based on whiskey cream. Caramel, sugar, vanilla and chocolate are used as additives.


Until 2005, Baileys was presented in two versions on the food market. Cream liqueur is considered a classic. Those who wish can also get a coffee "Baileys", which is dominated by the aroma of hazelnuts. Today, the range of these products is expanded. Cream, caramel, peppermint and chocolate are added to alcohol. It is noteworthy that artificial additives, dyes and various components for "Bailey's" are not provided. According to experts, all the subtleties of the technological process of the branded drink are classified. Nevertheless, everyone can experiment or use a ready-made recipe. How to make Baileys at home? More on this later.

Classic recipe

“Bailey's” houses are made in two stages. First, the alcohol base is prepared, and then the liquor itself. The basis is made from the following ingredients:

  • Ground ginger. It will take 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Sugar (not more than 4 tablespoons).
  • Vanillin (6 g). It is important to use vanilla, and not vanilla sugar.
  • One teaspoon of oak bark.
  • 400 ml of 6% alcohol. Instead of 200 g of alcohol, you can supply the drink with the same amount of whiskey.


How to cook Baileys at home? Where to begin? First make brown caramel. To do this, sugar must be heated in a container. Vanillin, oak bark, cinnamon, ginger and honey are added there. After the above components, alcohol or cognac-alcohol mixture is poured into the container. The contents should now be infused for one week. Shake the container daily. After this period, the mixture is filtered using gauze.

Second step

At this stage of the preparation of Bailey's, the liquor itself is already making at home. To get an original or classic alcoholic drink, you need to use the following products:

  • Cream. It will take 1 liter. Fat content should be 10%.
  • Yolks from two domestic chicken eggs.
  • One can of condensed milk.
  • Instant coffee. On a teaspoon of water you need to take two tablespoons of this product.
how to cook baileys at home

To make Baileys liquor at home, place the yolks in a separate bowl. Cream is then added to this container and beat thoroughly. Then the mixture is seasoned with coffee, condensed milk and unused portion of the cream. After the contents of the bowl is mixed again. A homogeneous mass should be obtained. Now the mixture can be seasoned with alcohol and whipped for the last time. After performing this action, the drink is supplied with vanilla and put on cold for three days. This is necessary so that the fat in the drink rises from the bottom up. It must then be removed, and the liquor itself should be driven through a filter from gauze or cotton cloth. Now this alcoholic drink can be bottled. If for someone this recipe is too complicated, you can cook Baileys at home in a different way.

Express method

For those who are interested in how to make Baileys liquor at home, experts will recommend the following recipe with condensed milk and coffee. Due to the fact that the set of required products is smaller, preparing a drink, judging by numerous reviews, is much faster and easier. Before making Baileys liquor at home, you need to make a base of alcohol. Some masters use alcohol, high-quality vodka, brandy or Irish whiskey for this purpose. Some are limited to "sam." Those who don’t know how to cook Baileys at home are reminded that cream will not work well with moonshine. For the drink you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of alcohol base. The fortress should vary from 40 to 45 degrees.
  • Condensed milk. Enough of one 380 gram jar.
liquor baileys home
  • Cream (400 ml), the fat content of which is up to 15%.
  • Egg yolks (4 pcs.).
  • Vanilla sugar (no more than two tablespoons).

How to make Bailey's

At home, liquor is prepared as follows:

  • First, the condensed milk is mixed with egg yolks and sugar, after which the mixture is mixed with a mixer.
  • Next, coffee is poured into the composition and mixed again. Judging by the reviews, coffee granules may remain at this stage. However, because of this, you should not be upset, because these grains will dissolve perfectly after adding alcohol.
  • Now the composition is supplied with cream.
  • Pouring alcohol into the container with the ingredients, the contents are again mixed using a mixer. Pound until the mixture is completely homogeneous.

After performing these steps, the liquor can be bottled and corked tightly. Now he should be infused for at least three days. Judging by the reviews, instead of condensed milk, condensed cocoa or coffee with condensed milk is perfect. What to choose depends on the personal preferences of the wizard.

Baileys from Sam

Judging by the reviews, a pretty good liquor is obtained from moonshine. You need to do Baileys at home from the following components:

  • 40 degree moonshine. It will be enough to take half a liter. If you have whiskey on hand, then you can replace them with "Sam."
  • 400 ml cream with a fat content of 10%.
  • One tablespoon of instant coffee.
  • One can of condensed milk.
  • Egg yolks. They should be carefully separated before adding to the container with the rest of the ingredients.
baileys home recipe

Cooking process

Before you start work, you need to prepare deep dishes. It will be more convenient to work with products. First, the container is filled with cream, then vanilla sugar, and at the very end with egg yolks. The composition is mixed with a mixer or blender. After the mixture becomes completely homogeneous, it can be seasoned with homemade alcohol, namely moonshine. Products must be infused in the refrigerator for five days. Before drinking liquor, experts recommend shaking it. Finished products are stored for no more than 4 months.

About Peppermint Liquor

Judging by the reviews, this alcoholic drink will have a spicy pleasant taste, which many connoisseurs of homemade alcohol will love. As the alcohol base, bitter or whiskey is used. Alcohol will need at least 0.5 liters. In addition, the composition of the liquor is represented by the following ingredients:

  • Condensed milk (1 L).
  • Dark chocolate (150 g).
how to make baileys liquor at home
  • Liquid cream (400 ml). Their fat content should not exceed 28%.
  • Three tablespoons of sugar.
  • Vanillin. Some masters take it a little on the tip of a knife, while others take two tablespoons.
  • Peppermint liqueur (50 ml). If this alcohol is not available, you can limit yourself to fresh mint leaves. Experienced distillers are advised not to overdo it. One beam will be enough.
how to bailize at home

About cooking

First, peppermint liquor should be provided with two tablespoons of sugar. Then this alcohol is poured into a metal pan and put on fire. Alcohol must boil. If mint liquor was not at hand, then the masters advise replacing it with fresh mint. To obtain peppermint syrup, the greens are finely chopped on a cutting board and then poured into a saucepan. Top you need to pour a little water and boil. Judging by the reviews, this will take no more than one minute. After mint will cool and insist for a day. Now the syrup is poured into the bottle and put again so that the products are infused. After 24 hours, it can be filtered.

To melt chocolate, you will need a microwave or water bath. Vanilla and cream are whipped with a blender and seasoned with condensed milk. Now the mixture needs to be crushed again and left for 5 minutes. It is important that it does not get too cold. When melted, chocolate should be poured gradually. Next, the mixture is seasoned with cooked peppermint syrup or peppermint liqueur. Judging by the numerous reviews, mint whiskey is also suitable. In the end, alcohol is bottled. They are tightly corked and put in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Periodically, they should be shaken well.

With vodka and condensed milk

According to experts, the preparation of liquor will take half an hour. If you follow the recipe, a home distiller will need half a liter of bitter and a can of condensed milk. The drink will have a pleasant taste and a delicate cream color. Cream should be taken 400 ml. Their fat content is from 10 to 15%. The drink will be seasoned with one tablespoon of instant coffee. Also can not do without vanilla sugar. This product needs two tablespoons. The procedure for preparing homemade liquor is carried out in stages. First, four egg yolks with condensed milk and vanilla sugar are mixed in a deep container, whipped with a blender or mixer to make a homogeneous mass. Some masters pound the mixture with a whisk. Then the composition is seasoned with coffee and bitter, after which it is again mixed. Products must be infused in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator for six days. According to experts, this alcoholic product is considered ready for use three months after its preparation.

Egg-free drink

According to experts, eggs in the production of this liquor are not provided for in Ireland. Therefore, those who decide to make Bailey according to this recipe will receive alcohol as close as possible to the original. To work, you need to get the following products:

  • Brandy brandy (200 ml).
  • A liter of cream with a fat content of up to 20%.
how to make bailey liquor at home
  • 400 gram can with condensed milk.
  • Vanilla sugar (1 tsp).
  • Instant coffee (two tablespoons).

The manufacturing procedure is practically no different from the previous methods. A mixture of alcohol, coffee and sugar is thoroughly beaten until smooth, and then bottled. The products will be infused in a cold place for two days.

What will experts advise?

As we can see, Baileys can be cooked at home from a wide variety of products. The composition and quantity of the ingredients will be decided by the master himself. Nevertheless, there are several recommendations that should be followed during the preparation of this alcoholic beverage:

  • Regardless of which recipe has been selected, home-made Baileys must be infused for at least three hours. Some lovers of homemade alcohol this period is extended to five days.
  • If you compare homemade liquor with branded Irish, many will note that a homemade drink is obtained with a lower density. Those who do not like this can be recommended to supply the egg yolk with liquor. Half a liter will need only a couple of chicken eggs. Judging by the reviews, after that the drink will become much thicker.
  • If a precipitate has formed at the bottom of the bottle, this indicates that low-quality cream was used during the preparation. In this case, a bottle of liquor should be shaken a little before drinking.
  • As an alcohol base, it is better to use only good alcohol. It can be either high-quality bitter or whiskey. Otherwise, the liquor will be with low taste.


According to experts, the peculiarity of Irish liquor is that it is made exclusively from natural products in which there are no preservatives. Both the original and the home-made product are very sweet and strong. As an appetizer, under the Bailey's, fruit salads, marshmallows, cookies, peanuts and cream ice cream are suitable.


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