The foreman is a production manager. What are his rights and obligations?

The brigade is a form of collective and organizational work. It must fully meet the necessary requirements of progress in both the scientific and technical fields, as well as those tasks that were set to improve production.

the foreman is

Education and team building

Workers join the brigade in order to jointly and harmoniously conduct certain production tasks. Each team must have a senior employee. The foreman is the same worker, consisting of a team, but most of the time devoting to leadership and control.

Appointment Procedure

The team leader is appointed depending on how qualified he is and whether he has the organizer's abilities, which are required for full work. Also take into account the preparation of the general education plan. In the event that the team works in several shifts, 2-3 such curators or their assistants can be appointed who can fully control each shift. The foreman is primarily a leader.

brigadier instructions

Specialist Responsibilities

The immediate responsibilities of the team leader include:

  • Tracking the work, full implementation of the assigned volume by the team at a certain time and in accordance with the necessary quality requirements.
  • Participation in the development of plans for promising objects that the team is working on, ensuring the full implementation of standards depending on the installation (applies to all workers), it should also give the necessary instructions for the workers, as well as assist in the development of new labor techniques, create events, helping to improve the scientific and labor organization.
  • To initiate work competitions within the brigade together with the trade union organization, to appoint contests for certain ranks, to help ensure that the team has a calm psychological environment and professional friendliness.
  • The instructions of the team leader also suggest an increase in labor productivity among workers and all kinds of assistance to this.
  • The requirement to fully perform the work of team members in an appropriate quality, care and support for sanitary standards at the workplace, the requirement for cleanliness from workers.
  • The team leader is an example for the whole team, he must maintain discipline both within the team and personal, require the observance of certain instructions, as well as rules regarding labor protection and sanitation in the workplace.

duties of team leader

What is included in the list of foreman rights?

What the team leader is entitled to:

  • To coordinate and provide any proposals regarding production together with the foreman, to discuss the qualification level and the number of work crews, to suggest withdrawing someone from the team.
  • Provide the master with proposals based on the acquisition of categories for tariffs, depending on the established order, the issuance of bonuses to employees who have shown a high level of training and for the quality performance of tasks.
  • Together with the trade union organization, introduce incentives for those who won various professional contests, as well as give employees the appropriate ranks (for example, β€œWork Week”), make suggestions on placing portraits of individual participants on the Honor Board and award diplomas and prizes.
  • To act on violators of the labor and disciplinary order within the brigade, coordinating this with the trade union group and the master, take the necessary measures, be it penalizing the violator or reprimanding, introducing equal discipline for each discipline, and assigning a measure of responsibility.
  • Direct participation at the time of the production meeting regarding the ongoing work, the foreman is the main specialist in drawing up plans for improving the organization of labor within the group and their further development. It is also entrusted with constant monitoring of the implementation of the intended tasks.


What is a gang council?

In order to attract workers to production management, create a council of the brigade. The Council is elected by the members of the group, resorting to an open type of voting. This is especially common among large teams. Such a council deals with activities within the brigade, and also takes measures to improve the labor organization. Thanks to the advice, various competitions are developing, and the number of tasks that workers must perform without fail increases. Be sure to observe discipline and quality standards.


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