Forms of Legal Entrepreneurship


Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity - a set of organizational and property differences, ways of creating the material base, differences in interaction and responsibility of founders, owners, participants.

What organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity exist?

These can be commercial organizations in the form of business companies and business partnerships, cooperatives, unitary municipal and state enterprises. There are also organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity in the form of non-profit organizations. These include public and all kinds of religious organizations, various non-profit partnerships, institutions, various kinds of foundations (charitable, social), autonomous non-profit organizations, associations and unions, and other forms.

Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurial activity, expressed in the form of commercial organizations, are focused on making a profit, and non-commercial ones pursue socially useful goals, they direct profit on achieving their statutory goals.

Individual entrepreneurs and farm (peasant) farms carry out entrepreneurial activity without the obligatory creation of a legal entity.

Consider the commercial legal forms of business .

- Business partnerships. There are two varieties: full and partnership in faith.

A full partnership is understood as an organization of a commercial orientation, the participants of which carry out economic activities on behalf of the enterprise and answer with all their property for their obligations.

A limited partnership is a commercial organization in which, in addition to full partners, there are depositors who do not take actions to manage the organization, are not liable for obligations, and their risk is limited by the amount of the contribution.

- Business companies. They are divided into LLC, ODO and JSC (CJSC and OJSC).

LLC - a company created by one person or several, in which the authorized capital consists, in accordance with the constituent documents, of shares whose participants are not liable for the obligations of the organization and risk within the value of deposits.

ODO - members of the organization bear additional obligations for the obligations of the enterprise with their property, for all in an equal amount that is a multiple of the value of the deposit.

AO is a legal entity in which the authorized capital is divided into shares, the shareholders themselves are not liable for the obligations that the company has and risk the value of their shares. If a shareholder can alienate his shares without the consent of others, then the company is open, otherwise, closed.

Production cooperative - an association of individuals on the basis of voluntary membership for the purpose of joint production or economic activity, bearing additional responsibility in accordance with the charter, which is based on the personal work of everyone and the union of share contributions.

Allocate organizational and economic forms of entrepreneurial activity.

1) Cartel - an agreement of entrepreneurs of one industry on the cost of production, division of sales markets, etc.

2) Syndicate - the creation by entrepreneurs of one industry of the general marketing of products to eliminate competition.

3) Consortium - an association of persons engaged in entrepreneurial business activities to conduct any major financial transaction in order to reduce risk and increase capital.

4) Concern - AO, which is diversified and exercises control of the organization through the participation system.



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