We cultivate self-esteem

A person’s character is a combination of moral categories and related rules and norms of behavior. One of the main, core qualities of a person is self-esteem and self -esteem. It is they who determine how personality is self-sufficient and independent, whether it is subject to outside influences, including bad ones, whether it can resist its own negative impulses and instincts. Inner freedom, spiritual growth are also associated with this concept.

Self-esteem is a person’s awareness of his own importance and the observance of a certain ethics of behavior based on self-esteem. On the one hand, this moral category belongs to the category of universal and individual. On the other hand, in different eras and for representatives of different social groups, there were their own concepts of honor and personal dignity. And what was considered humiliating and unacceptable for one time, in another, on the contrary, was perceived as a necessary and even mandatory norm.

Self-esteem is not innate. A person has to shape it and educate in himself, often throughout life. It is associated with such a personality trait as self-confidence. We cannot be universal, equally good in absolutely all areas of activity or endowed with all possible talents at once. As a rule, nature takes an individual approach in this regard, so someone turns out to be an excellent mathematician, someone sings or writes poems perfectly, successfully treats patients or creates new ultramodern techniques. And it would be foolish for the individual and the people around him to demand that, for example, a good, competent accountant write novels at the level of Leo Tolstoy. Each person must learn to accept himself as he was created by nature, to respect in himself those abilities that he has, to which he is inclined. Such an approach will become the first link in the chain of self-education, a platform on which self-esteem will be formed.

Given that we all come from childhood and it is there that all the most important qualities of the human personality are laid, adults must be especially attentive and respectful to the child, combine reasonable, objective severity with sincere benevolence and interest in his spiritual and mental needs and needs. For example, if a girl is happy to dance, plastic and musical, she can be recorded in a dance studio or rhythmic gymnastics section, and if the boy has an obvious aptitude for technology, then a math club, developmental games are just what will obviously benefit him. Those. if any abilities that can be clearly seen in a small person find support, will be cultivated and encouraged, then in adulthood this person will be able to stay firmly and confidently, and his self-esteem will have quite real ground. Indeed, success in one sphere of life will entail faith in one's own strengths and in other matters and fields.

Encouraging a child should be reasonable. Along with moral support, it is necessary to cultivate endurance, self-discipline, and resistance to weaknesses in it. This is also one of the most important moments when a sense of dignity is formed.

Psychologists have long proved that a person with low self-esteem, self-doubt, has a low coefficient of self-esteem. There are many effective methods for raising them, but the most important thing at the beginning of the journey is for the person to realize that you can’t live like that anymore, you need to change yourself, your lifestyle and behavior. Understanding this fact as an urgent need is the first impetus on the path to correcting your defective self. And the second step is programming yourself for success. Then the increase in self-esteem and self-esteem will begin. A person who is mature in this regard will demand proper behavior from himself and others, will not allow himself unsightly actions, he will try to comply with high ideals and standards in appearance and internal state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C41252/

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